Official Nike Air Griffey Max 1 Thread

I see S24 media on Twitter and via the Kid's Swingmanbrand IG account. Hopefully they use the momentum to bring back the Swingman line for real. My son is starting to play Little League, his team is diverse as hell, and I'm thinking about how so much baseball stuff isn't made for kids like them.
none of these shoes are truly comfortable nor were they ever. I had some great shoes in high school but never noticed any big difference in performance anyway. Either you were good at baseball or not, i had basic Nikes and would drop bombs on kids with expensive equipment. That being said, I want 2s to release for sure.
i think those zooms below the Nomos were worn by Kenny Lofton (only guy in the majors i remembered wearing them)
^ Correct! Kenny had some great cleats back in the day.
I grew up poor so the idea of playing in something fresh, new, or w/e was not even to be considered lol. I played in the most beat kicks I had and gave dudes work too. My good sneakers were reserved for school clothes. :lol:

I worked with kids that has parents in prison or that just gave up on them and would always wear cheap chucks when we play basketball “the ones with the padding around the heels 😂.” I was trying to show a kid that he didn’t need any of the latest and greatest shoe to be a good basketball player. I think he actually ended up playing JuCo somewhere. He ended up moving to the Southern part of Texas.
It's fine, for those of us that have been here for years, yall know we got our real pair of Jackies with the Remix. That's still one of my favorite all time shoes/models.

I’ve been here since LITERALLY day one. Had the OGs as a kid and tripled up on both OGs in 09 and I still have two of each.

Jackie Remix pair was also ultra trash. I’m a huge fan of Jackie, got four of his jerseys (non MLB). couldn’t even give him an official pair and shouldn’t even be mentioned.


**** I remember seeing Griffey play in them. I remember all the pics of these in the locker room in the Junior book I bought. I remember the dope *** black and teal pair with the white sole never released. I remember John Leguizamo wearing these in The Pest.

Nike has killed this shoe with 50 horrible colors so I don’t know what color I would do but this ain’t it.
Surprised Nike hasn't shipped him and the other Nike athletes on the Dodgers the royal AGM1s. Also, regardless of what we think about the Jackie pair I think it would be dope to see a ton of the players on 4/15 at least wear it for BP. With Swingman Brand, Players Alliance & Nike Baseball's divisions I'd be surprised if at least the Nike athletes didn't all rock it.
:lol: @ Hahahaha Hahahaha

It's funny when people try to pull out the age card as justification as to why they like something. Just say YOU like it instead of speaking for everyone. That might work in music, but not so much in kicks, because those have no sentimental value.

I had OG's, well have since they're around somewhere even though I haven't seen them for 20 years and think they're a basic sneaker. It's like when Nike had those Uptown's and put Equality on them. I mean it's cool, but it's basic.
I'm looking out for a shock drop on 4/15 at first pitch of M's and Dodgers games. 4/24 could also be a play on Jackie and Griffey's numbers (42/24) but I'm not giving Nike that much credit LOL!
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