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but how do you square that logic with worshiping ovehyped, and soon to be overpriced by re-sellers pieces of leather and rubber?

i rather have a 5 million dollar contract to play professional football sitting courtside on a friday night watching lebron and KG feet away from me

then worried about "if my yeezy II's that may or may not have come from jay-z are legit

or not" because let's face it, what are you gonna say next, if they were fake...he can't afford or have access to a real pair with da snap of his fingers?
the first point is even more true for this pair.  the craftsmanship is completely different than the first two c/w's.  it'll be clear very soon. 
but how do you square that logic with worshiping ovehyped, and soon to be overpriced by re-sellers pieces of leather and rubber?

i rather have a 5 million dollar contract to play professional football sitting courtside on a friday night watching lebron and KG feet away from me

then worried about "if my yeezy II's that may or may not have come from jay-z are legit

or not" because let's face it, what are you gonna say next, if they were fake...he can't afford or have access to a real pair with da snap of his fingers? :lol:
because people put in work to get yeezys, which I can respect. I'd rather camp for two weeks, have my pair and rock it with pride than be rich and buy fake **** off eBay. It doesn't matter if he had bill gates money, him rocking fake shoes shows that he doesn't care about sneakers but just wants to show off with the latest hot commodity. That ain't cool, guys like dj Clark Kent wouldn't do that, they actually like the shoes for the shoes themswlves and not for the image that the shoes give out about u
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Not that it's of any relevance but since it was brought up a few pages back I figured I'd correct the inaccurate information. There is no animosity between Kim & Beyonce anymore. They buried that hatchet when Nori was born. In fact, when either one is gifted something that they think the other will like/appreciate/look great in, they are both considerate enough to contact us to see if we can send them one. Pretty gracious of both of them and a clear indicator of how their relationship has grown after a murky start. And while Jay & Kanye had some brief issues, they've moved past those and are definitely tight again as evidenced by their interactions in person at private events prior to Jay heading to Europe to tour.

The other question was don't stylists check the items their clients wear. These days a lot of celebrities rely on close friends and family members to be their stylists versus industry professionals so spotting fakes isn't something they know to do, or even think to do. They assume anything that is being provided to them is authentic. I know when I'm gifted items, by the time it reaches my hands, it's gone through a receptionist and several interns so the box it came in is already in the trash somewhere and I can't see who shipped it, where it shipped from, etc. 75% of the time there is a card or note with the item, so I know who to reach out to and thank, but for the 25% of the time that there is no additional information, just the item, I have to rely on what I know about the product to determine its authenticity. I'm fortunate enough to have grown up with two very fashion conscious parents so I've always been into it and know what to look for, but for those who are new to it and don't know the products well, I can see how they might just hand something off to their clients, trusting that the items are legit.

From a PR standpoint, if the shoes Geno rocked at the game tonight are indeed fakes, which it looks like they are, it's pretty embarrassing. You don't want to be the publicist fielding texts from other publicists in the game about how you let your client sit court-side on national tv rocking fakes. Especially given his affiliation with Jay and Roc Nation Sports. If word spreads to other clients or future potential clients, they're going to question your legitimacy as a publicist. It's such a cut-throat world that one snafu like this can really be a big blow.
i think a lot of the guys here are missing the point of what Geno is trying to achieve, He's not looking for repped ratings,  e-cred, or likes, dude trying to get mo *****.. he's sitting courtside with J's boys, in RO, thats all women see, their not on NT, twitter or IG  trying to figure out if his sneakers are legit, and if he's smart i hope all his jewelry's fake, and clothing replicas too.. Thats how wealthy people stay wealthy, they dont spend their money on materialistic crap...

If you're considered rich/wealthy how many people will truly question the legitamacy of your personal items, clothes,shoes jewelry etc.

like someone posted previously, its just friday night to him, and he's on the hunt, they only people that seem concerned the most about whats on his feet, are the people he truly could care less about on a friday night.. 

just my 3cents

back to changing pampers i go
because people put in work to get yeezys, which I can respect. I'd rather camp for two weeks, have my pair and rock it with pride than be rich and buy fake **** off eBay. It doesn't matter if he had bill gates money, him rocking fake shoes shows that he doesn't care about sneakers but just wants to show off with the latest hot commodity. That ain't cool, guys like dj Clark Kent wouldn't do that, they actually like the shoes for the shoes themswlves and not for the image that the shoes give out about u
camping for two weeks isn't cool either when 1. you can die, 2. most people have work, 3. the rest of the people have school... i don't support fakes in 99.99999% instances, but for people who JUST HAVEEE to have them, i respect NOT spending 2500 - 4000 on them. because i've worked for a living before, uknow house, loans, other stuff.

nobody "likes the shoes for the shoes themselves" and pay 3 grand for the shoes themselves. super duper fakes get a bad rep because (yeah duh, they're fake) but also because it would kill the industry if the hype could be killed.

when the legit checkers at flightclub start getting faked out-- count me out, im not buying from anywhere.
but how do you square that logic with worshiping ovehyped, and soon to be overpriced by re-sellers pieces of leather and rubber?

i rather have a 5 million dollar contract to play professional football sitting courtside on a friday night watching lebron and KG feet away from me

then worried about "if my yeezy II's that may or may not have come from jay-z are legit

or not" because let's face it, what are you gonna say next, if they were fake...he can't afford or have access to a real pair with da snap of his fingers?
because people put in work to get yeezys, which I can respect. I'd rather camp for two weeks, have my pair and rock it with pride than be rich and buy fake **** off eBay. It doesn't matter if he had bill gates money, him rocking fake shoes shows that he doesn't care about sneakers but just wants to show off with the latest hot commodity. That ain't cool, guys like dj Clark Kent wouldn't do that, they actually like the shoes for the shoes themswlves and not for the image that the shoes give out about u
people who "put in work" for yeezys are losers b.....camping out for 2 weeks for something that a rich football player can snap his fingers and acquire shows

just how piss poor da priories in some people reside at...

you think Clark Kent doing any kind of work for his pair?
these people are GIVEN these shoes by nike because they have relationships at Oregon.

these celebrities and athletes have million dollar homes, drive hundred thousand dollar sports cars, and smash out model groupies think a pair

of SNEAKERS that more or less are going to be stepped on at their VIP section, getting expensive champagne stains on em and discarded in a week is something

they are putting ANY THOUGHT into?
its disgusting how high of a pedestal some of ya home these sneakers on....

a GOOD number of ya cats didn't even know da man was a STARTING QUARTER BACK for da NY that point? who cares bout his sneakers? duke probably

dropped 5 times on da rims of his 5th car in his rotation then worrying about some damn stupid red octobers...
All Geno was trying to do was catch the nets game courtside, hit the club, and smash a thot before the night was out.

I doubt he knew he had feezys on and when he realizes they are fake he'll just cop a real pair or 2 or 3.

If only he knew how many males spent their night analyzing what was on his feet.
this, i mean HELLO, da man PLAYS professional football,  he's a damn QB. pro athletes are HIGHER on da totem pole then musicians (kanye married

Reggie Bush's JUMP OFF)...they get PAID to wear nikes, proto gotta be da

da biggest idiot on NT if he doesn't think for 1 second nike isn't just gonna send these to whoever is a brand endorser for FREE... :lol:

look how much time ya just dedicated to a man who doesn't even know who ya are, and probably got a gang of *****zz of every race waiting to bathe his royal penis...but according

to some kanye west acolytes, he's taking a L cuz of w/e he's got on his feet....tell you what, i bet you would trade your life right now to be where he's at that very second :lol:
call me crazy but I'd rather be sitting at the top of the upper row in the sneakers I currently own(authentic) than have that courtside seat rocking fakes. You would need to bribe me with a lot more($10 million cash minimum, although if we're being real if someone presented me with a suitcase of 500k in new 100 dollar bills I might accept) for me to lace up that trash

The **** are you talking about? He's the quarterback for the NY Jets. The dude is paid. More than $500k in 100 dollar bills mind you. You'd rather be in the nosebleeds in your real Yeezy's than on the sidelines with your homies dapping up ball players and getting yambs after the game? Really? You gon' go home and post up on NT about how you wore em to the game and take pics for IG while he's taking pics up some broads *** in his fakes? :lol:

You can have that bruh.

You'd probably take $500 cash in 1's to wear some fugazi's. Maybe even less. Stop fronting.

They're sneakers. You obviously have a horrible outlook on life if you'd take some sneakers over the lifestyle of a pro athlete.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
bringing in the late night lulz. Geno aint even worried all this press he's getting he will probably have to now buy 2 pairs of the real ones when they come out.
I wasn't ever trying to imply geno fails at life cuz of feezys... But to sneaker heads, it's taking an L trying to be the first to stunt with a new shoe so bad that you wear fakes courtside... Even the PR chick up there is saying it's taking an L, PR wise, not just for him, but his stylist, publicist, etc...

Of course NT is gonna find it funny. I'm sure Ye and his people who know he doesn't have the real thing also think it's funny. I'm sure if Hov was watching the game and saw em, he made a phone call like "how he got em and I don't yet", and then laughed after finding out they're fake... But nobody is implying he's taking a serious L in life cuz of fake shoes.

Ninja, you can chill with all the belittling of sneaker enthusiasts who spend a lot of time on it. You seem to spend a lot of time trying to drop "da knowledge" on people, and posting pix of washed up dipset rappers on NT all day and night long. From your knowledge of J's it's pretty evident you've spent a ton of time on sneakers too. Stop acting surprised that sneaker enthusiasts are clowning someone, athlete, rapper, or a nobody, for wearing fakes, like it hasn't always been the case on NT...
I'm convinced these 2 are the same accounts. Mind blowing how their not banned for being trolls. Did anybody read this garbage and change their mind about Geno? LOL.

And anyone with money who landed a pair of fakes can turn around and buy the real ones. Retail or resell...

So........ I don't see where the L has been taken?....

He's sitting court side in some fake Yeezy's, but on sunday he'll be on the field in a REAL jersey :lol:

Sounds like a W to me...

Prime, you have to be the ONLY person in the world who perceives this as a W for Geno. There is absolutely no W to be had. He looks like a moron. Either he knew they were fakes and tried to get away with it OR he dropped a stack, got ripped off, and rocked them anyway.

Don't try to spin this. Geno took an L last night.

this, i mean HELLO, da man PLAYS professional football,  he's a damn QB. pro athletes are HIGHER on da totem pole then musicians (kanye married

Reggie Bush's JUMP OFF)...they get PAID to wear nikes, proto gotta be da

da biggest idiot on NT if he doesn't think for 1 second nike isn't just gonna send these to whoever is a brand endorser for FREE... :lol:

look how much time ya just dedicated to a man who doesn't even know who ya are, and probably got a gang of *****zz of every race waiting to bathe his royal penis...but according

to some kanye west acolytes, he's taking a L cuz of w/e he's got on his feet....tell you what, i bet you would trade your life right now to be where he's at that very second :lol:
as for your alt account..... Please streamline the posts to your "PRIME" account. 1 idiotic poster is all this thread can handle at one time (JK there's a bunch of you! :lol:)

Certainly every person with any common sense would agree that there were no W's for Geno last night... :x
The **** are you talking about? He's the quarterback for the NY Jets. The dude is paid. More than $500k in 100 dollar bills mind you. You'd rather be in the nosebleeds in your real Yeezy's than on the sidelines with your homies dapping up ball players and getting yambs after the game? Really? You gon' go home and post up on NT about how you wore em to the game and take pics for IG while he's taking pics up some broads *** in his fakes? :lol:

You can have that bruh.

You'd probably take $500 cash in 1's to wear some fugazi's. Maybe even less. Stop fronting.

They're sneakers. You obviously have a horrible outlook on life if you'd take some sneakers over the lifestyle of a pro athlete.

repped sir .
I wasn't ever trying to imply geno fails at life cuz of feezys... But to sneaker heads, it's taking an L trying to be the first to stunt with a new shoe so bad that you wear fakes courtside... Even the PR chick up there is saying it's taking an L, PR wise, not just for him, but his stylist, publicist, etc...

Of course NT is gonna find it funny. I'm sure Ye and his people who know he doesn't have the real thing also think it's funny. I'm sure if Hov was watching the game and saw em, he made a phone call like "how he got em and I don't yet", and then laughed after finding out they're fake... But nobody is implying he's taking a serious L in life cuz of fake shoes.

Ninja, you can chill with all the belittling of sneaker enthusiasts who spend a lot of time on it. You seem to spend a lot of time trying to drop "da knowledge" on people, and posting pix of washed up dipset rappers on NT all day and night long. From your knowledge of J's it's pretty evident you've spent a ton of time on sneakers too. Stop acting surprised that sneaker enthusiasts are clowning someone, athlete, rapper, or a nobody, for wearing fakes, like it hasn't always been the case on NT...
not sure who the PR chick is but PR this - what if this is a genius *** move. u know what people like in superstars? when they are untouchable w/ just enough characteristics that you can relate to 'em. nyj embraces that blue collar fan base. you got geno sitting courtside - those seats are expensive like you wouldn't believe, rocking feezy's.

the guy has zero personalitiy, this is probably the most anyone has talked about him outside of football. if it appears on deadspin tmr it's a huge W.
just read a rumor the db collection was pushed pack to the 23rd. Maybe free up the 9th for something hhmmmm.... Just a rumor though
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Hmm.. Interesting. If this rumor is true, then Nike really wants to release the Reds next week, or the week after, and not get in the way of their DB Celebration.
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