I've played about 12 pickup games at the y with my high school teammate and so far I am really liking this sneaker. Don't ever have to wipe the bottoms, flexible soft upper, cushioned ride for my joints without the sinking feeling which I don't like. The weird thing about the shoe is that the heel toe transition isn't smooth to me, the whole outsole touches the ground and you don't get pushed onto your toes like a kyrie shoe. A bit clunky in that motion, so you probably have to actively be on the balls of your feet like lebron to avoid this
Saw the Multi's with the grey. Hate how the back piece doesn't go all the way down like the other pairs. Not a good look. Easy pass, even on sale.
the black red are everywhere here in cali

might be how like kobes old shoes were everywhere in cali but barely anywhere else
Wore these to a rec league game after getting zazaed a month ago. I should be wearing a brace but don't with these and didn't have any issues. They very stable and with double socking I feel secure in the heel
From my buddy at foot locker sounds like the I promise colorway is 11/24 and will be kids sizes only
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