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NDC was so slow, with Jordans and whatever, too many releases at one time I'm guessing. By the time I got to the final page, size 13 sold out.
Got my pair
.... Congrats to those that got them and good luck to those that want them in the morning...
gonna take my chances @ HOH tommorrow. ndc added tax and shippin so they came out to be 146 and change. it'll be cheaper for me to just scoop em in person
Am I Lucky or What?
Was gonna cop AJ 3 BHM originally but after NDC "dicking" around with me for 11 mins. decided to surrender and try my luck on Koobe VI BHM..

Viola! to my surprise Order went through already got Order Confirm from NDC, But then again I'm not psyched, I still believe my order will be cancelled..

Just surprised that 11 mins. after release order still went through.. 
fuuuu....went all the way to the place order button and have a damn pop up saying they all sold out already. smh. guess im saving the money for chinas.
the last two releases
i order and pay and whne it goes to the conformation page it takes me back to cart and says you have no items in your cart
does anyone know what is causing this
NDC locked up on me twice. By the time I finally got through, sz 14 was sold out. Guess I'm heading to HoH in the morning.
maaaaaaaan, i had my size in the cart but the checkout was slow as hell. thinking i had these, but that pop up came up saying they were unavailable 

congrats to those who copped, though.
Struck out once again.
NDC was so slow.
Too many releases at one time.
Guess we can expect the same thing for next week
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