Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

My boy just made a month today. I dont even remember what life was like before this, I just know Ive never loved someone this much.

Hell yeah, congrats homie!
We give our kids options throughout the day to eat. They simply refuse to eat what is presented.

We dont tie them down at a table. We leave the food out and let them come and go as they please to eat.

I handle dinner alone cuz the wife works nights. They obviously refuse to eat the dinner but then after I give them their bath, brush their teeth and put them to bed, they cry hungry.

The situation has me truly exasperated. Never felt this helpless with the kids before. No ****ing clue what to do.

I cant keep letting them run the situation by allowing them to eat after bed time though.

Wanna put my foot through a wall.
how were they eating as babies.?
right now my kid only really gets and eats chicken breast, carrots peas corn and u can give her any fruit. She's just now starting to like Rice and eggs (15 months)
My wife and I have a lot of dietary restriction for health reasons so we don't foresee her getting use to sweets like cakes and cookies. she had a piece of cake once and didn't really like it. She did like sweet corn bread tho.
Just hoping we can keep that trend up...
never thought i'd be that parent. but im trying to build an Amazon
We give our kids options throughout the day to eat. They simply refuse to eat what is presented.

We dont tie them down at a table. We leave the food out and let them come and go as they please to eat.

I handle dinner alone cuz the wife works nights. They obviously refuse to eat the dinner but then after I give them their bath, brush their teeth and put them to bed, they cry hungry.

The situation has me truly exasperated. Never felt this helpless with the kids before. No ****ing clue what to do.

I cant keep letting them run the situation by allowing them to eat after bed time though.

Wanna put my foot through a wall.

how old are they?
It will be hard but definitely worth it. You should try to get your kids on a routine and give them structure. Until they are older you shouldn’t give them a choice. My son used to be a picky eater when I would kinda let him do his own thing but I had to stop it quick. No snacks after 330.

he eats what I cooked between 545-615. Everyome sits down to eat as a family (I know this may be early but with a two year old it can be drawn out).

After dinner...bath, book, songs, pray and bed. No deviating and in that order. Almost every night he’s asleep by 8 at the latest. That way, me and my husband have time together or to do our own thing before we go to bed. Once you get them on a schedule they will do those things with ease and willingly.
Last night we went to Chuck E. Cheese (which I despise) but we didn’t go until about 7. At about 5:50 my son asks “mommy what you cooking?” On some where’s my dinner fam steez. That’s when I had to tell him his surprise. His response was “ok but I’m hungry now” so I whipped him up a quick quesadilla. The point was to express how he be knowing what time it is and what’s supposed to be happening at that time...

I had to learn from my best friend and dad that kids need and want for you to tell them what to do.

You can do it though man. Save yourself the continuous anxiety especially if you are dolo at night.

Try to put them on a schedule. Be diligent for at least a week and a half and see if it helps. Best of luck.

Quick mommy and me pic :smile:

My kids don’t eat after school. Wife be doing it but I’m like nope. Save that appetite for dinner. I be making croissant cheese dogs & potatoes. All high and ****. Eat cinnamon rolls with the cheese frosting. Go sleep after all full. U can spend 15 $ at the grocery and make a decent meal for 7 which I do. Eat together laugh and bs watching food channel.
how were they eating as babies.?
right now my kid only really gets and eats chicken breast, carrots peas corn and u can give her any fruit. She's just now starting to like Rice and eggs (15 months)
My wife and I have a lot of dietary restriction for health reasons so we don't foresee her getting use to sweets like cakes and cookies. she had a piece of cake once and didn't really like it. She did like sweet corn bread tho.
Just hoping we can keep that trend up...
never thought i'd be that parent. but im trying to build an Amazon
how old are they?
It will be hard but definitely worth it. You should try to get your kids on a routine and give them structure. Until they are older you shouldn’t give them a choice. My son used to be a picky eater when I would kinda let him do his own thing but I had to stop it quick. No snacks after 330.

he eats what I cooked between 545-615. Everyome sits down to eat as a family (I know this may be early but with a two year old it can be drawn out).

After dinner...bath, book, songs, pray and bed. No deviating and in that order. Almost every night he’s asleep by 8 at the latest. That way, me and my husband have time together or to do our own thing before we go to bed. Once you get them on a schedule they will do those things with ease and willingly.
Last night we went to Chuck E. Cheese (which I despise) but we didn’t go until about 7. At about 5:50 my son asks “mommy what you cooking?” On some where’s my dinner fam steez. That’s when I had to tell him his surprise. His response was “ok but I’m hungry now” so I whipped him up a quick quesadilla. The point was to express how he be knowing what time it is and what’s supposed to be happening at that time...

I had to learn from my best friend and dad that kids need and want for you to tell them what to do.

You can do it though man. Save yourself the continuous anxiety especially if you are dolo at night.

Try to put them on a schedule. Be diligent for at least a week and a half and see if it helps. Best of luck.

Quick mommy and me pic :smile:

Thank you all for the replies. Yesterday was just by far the worst night for my frustration.

They are 2 and 4 years old. The 4 year old has never really ate much to begin with. We have tried everything and shes just not a big eater. Hates meat. Despises veggies. Wants rice...or mac n cheese...or snacks. Sometimes will eat her eggs for breakfast. Kinda have given up hope on her growing out of it, but we still provide her all options to eat. Some days shes surprises us, most days its status quo.

It's the 2 year old that really has me stressing. Thst boy ate like a machine up until the start of this year. Ate any and everything given to him, though we were starting to see he didn't like some meats. But since the year has rolled over, he just doesnt want to eat. He'a been doing this thing where he takes 1 bite of something and holds it in his mouth for the rest of the night. He then hangs the food outside of his mouth...its just weird and I dont understand what's going on.

I do have a fairly decent routine set up for them at night time. When I say we dont tie them down to a table, i just meant we dont force them to sit there until their food is done. We sit at a table for about 30-45 minutes. Then we get up, but leave the food out for them to return to it if they desire. This is done for breakfast lunch and dinner, though with dinner is harder cuz its time to start cleaning up everything.

Play time, work time, bath time, book time and bed. Usually all handled by 8 - 8:30. The 4 year old definitely knows when it gets dark that bed time is near. She asks is it bed time yet almost every day when she sees its dark. But she could give a **** less about eating lol.
Yall just give it time with the appetites
They'll be eating a lot more as they figure out the taste of the different foods and how their digestive system works with the different foods and drinks

My youngest is 11 and is just really starting to ask for seconds 😆
My oldest is 15, was born 6wks early, weighed less than 5lbs, had to stay in NICU 5wks because he couldn't eat on his own and the nurses basically forged the paperwork so we could get take him home a little earlier than they initially scheduled
Now he's 5"9', 155lbs and eats like a grizzly bear 💪🏽
My daughter is 14 she just discovered tacos 2 months ago.

She was such a picky eater - I never forced her to eat outside her norm. Now I’m playing catch up. When we travel, I encourage her to try it atleast once or twice. 75% she ends up liking it.

Parents make sure you have your kids explore different cuisines.
My daughter is 14 she just discovered tacos 2 months ago.

She was such a picky eater - I never forced her to eat outside her norm. Now I’m playing catch up. When we travel, I encourage her to try it atleast once or twice. 75% she ends up liking it.

Parents make sure you have your kids explore different cuisines.
Yeah my kids love sushi
All types of stuff
I Always try to get them out their comfort zone
My daughter even like “chocolate meat” :lol:
my son is a strange eater. 6 years old and the only school lunch he eats is cheese pizza. when he makes his own at pieology, his toppings are olives and artichokes. my wife and i don’t eat any shellfish and i don’t eat any seafood but my son loves crab, shrimp, and certain kinds of fish. he likes blue cheese dressing. he hates hamburger. today’s breakfast was bacon (has to be crispy), avocado, scrambled eggs with cheese - with a ketchup that doesn’t have processed sugar, and rice topped with shiso (a japanese thing that kinda tastes kinda like basil and mint). he also ate a handful of raspberries with this.
Thank you all for the replies. Yesterday was just by far the worst night for my frustration.

They are 2 and 4 years old. The 4 year old has never really ate much to begin with. We have tried everything and shes just not a big eater. Hates meat. Despises veggies. Wants rice...or mac n cheese...or snacks. Sometimes will eat her eggs for breakfast. Kinda have given up hope on her growing out of it, but we still provide her all options to eat. Some days shes surprises us, most days its status quo.

It's the 2 year old that really has me stressing. Thst boy ate like a machine up until the start of this year. Ate any and everything given to him, though we were starting to see he didn't like some meats. But since the year has rolled over, he just doesnt want to eat. He'a been doing this thing where he takes 1 bite of something and holds it in his mouth for the rest of the night. He then hangs the food outside of his mouth...its just weird and I dont understand what's going on.

I do have a fairly decent routine set up for them at night time. When I say we dont tie them down to a table, i just meant we dont force them to sit there until their food is done. We sit at a table for about 30-45 minutes. Then we get up, but leave the food out for them to return to it if they desire. This is done for breakfast lunch and dinner, though with dinner is harder cuz its time to start cleaning up everything.

Play time, work time, bath time, book time and bed. Usually all handled by 8 - 8:30. The 4 year old definitely knows when it gets dark that bed time is near. She asks is it bed time yet almost every day when she sees its dark. But she could give a **** less about eating lol.

Have you tried bribery? Or hiding veggies? Hide veggies like spinach in eggs or in Mac and cheese?

or offer them to eat dinner for a little dessert after?
Also do you hold off on sweets and drinks until after dinner?

other than that I’d just cut out leaving food out. As long as they’re drinking they will eat when they’re hungry enough.
there's always fruit in my house. Mango, watermelon, pineapple, oranges ..etc..
kids nowadays put hot stuff On that ****.
No bueno
my son is a strange eater. 6 years old and the only school lunch he eats is cheese pizza. when he makes his own at pieology, his toppings are olives and artichokes. my wife and i don’t eat any shellfish and i don’t eat any seafood but my son loves crab, shrimp, and certain kinds of fish. he likes blue cheese dressing. he hates hamburger. today’s breakfast was bacon (has to be crispy), avocado, scrambled eggs with cheese - with a ketchup that doesn’t have processed sugar, and rice topped with shiso (a japanese thing that kinda tastes kinda like basil and mint). he also ate a handful of raspberries with this.
My second sons a weird eater. He’s not weird when they dream of hunger for sleep. Be catching his big ol 8yr old self at 2am eating leftovers
my son is a strange eater. 6 years old and the only school lunch he eats is cheese pizza. when he makes his own at pieology, his toppings are olives and artichokes. my wife and i don’t eat any shellfish and i don’t eat any seafood but my son loves crab, shrimp, and certain kinds of fish. he likes blue cheese dressing. he hates hamburger. today’s breakfast was bacon (has to be crispy), avocado, scrambled eggs with cheese - with a ketchup that doesn’t have processed sugar, and rice topped with shiso (a japanese thing that kinda tastes kinda like basil and mint). he also ate a handful of raspberries with this.
Thats a grown man breakfast :lol:
We give our kids options throughout the day to eat. They simply refuse to eat what is presented.

We dont tie them down at a table. We leave the food out and let them come and go as they please to eat.

I handle dinner alone cuz the wife works nights. They obviously refuse to eat the dinner but then after I give them their bath, brush their teeth and put them to bed, they cry hungry.

The situation has me truly exasperated. Never felt this helpless with the kids before. No ****ing clue what to do.

I cant keep letting them run the situation by allowing them to eat after bed time though.

Wanna put my foot through a wall.
I feel you

I have a 6 year old, 4 year old, and 2 year old

The two older ones are very picky

Usually have to cook a separate meal for them...sometimes their dinner is cereal

The oldest does ok with the meals at school

The 4 year old, her teacher tells me she doesn’t hardly eat...I’ll ask her every day what she had for lunch and I get responses like peaches or green beans
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