Official NT Dog Owners Health thread (not a PYP)

May 14, 2002
This isn’t a PYP for your dog. You are more than welcome to, but I made this as a health awareness thread for our pups.

What do you feed your dog? What heartworm meds do you give them? What flea and tick meds?

You always hear stories... I give my dog nexgard and heartgard. I’ve seen stories of dogs having neorlogical issues, but my vet assures me it’s rare and my dog would have already shown signs.

For those NTers who care about the health of our dogs, discuss !
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first off get insurance if you care about them truly. we learned our lesson with a huge $500 plus bills(2 dogs) for a routine checkup and small procedures done during that time.

only after a few years of having one of my dogs, one we adopted from my aunt, that the weird movements he did at random were seizures.

the dog that has seizures of mine just sort of locks up in place and shivers as if he's looking at a ghost (1:35 mark) but nothing more than that. I don't know the severity of my dog's seizures because later in the above video his pit starts foaming. that has never happened to my dog. also my dog is 16-18lbs max i don't know if that plays a part in it.

this is at random and mine doesn't have any harmful conditions that brings it coming upon him.
Since we are more than welcome to pyd...
My bro bought a dog. His name is Teddy and he is 1 y/o. My sister and I are allergic to fur but it turns out that poodles don't have fur.

He got washed by that turtle in the second pic. :stoneface:
My Shiba lived 18yrs & Doxie 16.5 yrs.
First half of their lives they ate Innova & Evo (Only 2 "fancy" choices back then). Then we made homemade dog food.
Heartguard, Frontline monthly flea/tick. IMHO Rimadyl killed my Shiba. He was on it for arthritis in his senior yrs.
1 month prior to Rimadyl, the vet had bloodwork done for liver/kidney...clean bill of health. 2 months later, we had to put him down due to kidney failure.

CBD OIL really helped my dogs in their senior years. My Doxie had bad seizures and CBD reduced them dramatically.
I have a friend who’s dog seized all the time, tried everything, finally tried CBD oil and it worked wonders.
Monthly flea/tick treatment for both our dogs (chihuahua, Yorkie Terrior). Just bought some cbd chews for the Yorkie, he likes them so far. Calms his hyper *** down a little
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