Official Nt hall of shame

WeekendGirl HoF or HoS?

Hall of shame to whoever the dude was who would respond to every post with "WOWZERS" if anyone remembers their SN let me know.

HoS? Not even close. One of the women who actually contributed when she was here. Legitimately cool since the "other site".
I know DirkNowitzki aka whiteEboy did something grimey but I can't remember what it was. I think he was interning at Nike and did something. Whatever it was he got banned.

If we're naming the #1 scum bag for the Hall of Shame though, it has to go to JRose. I remember he once PM'd me saying something along the lines of "you better watch it, I know you care about your precious post count". Dude was legit falling into a state of insanity.
Can't remember dude's SN, but he created the thread about that long mysterious road out in the middle of no where with the sign that said "don't go beyond this point" or something to that affect. Kept dragging it out about how he was going to go, anticipation kept building up, and excuses kept coming as to why he couldnt make it out there, and he ultimately took heat for not coming through after all that hype. That thread was lulz

RSkiver89 came through with pics and asked everyone to vote for a Mountain Dew can design
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the nomad
and the guy that always made up stories i forgot his username he was short black and was in some dunk contest
What was that thread a NTer made about his car, and all the posts were dudes going in on how fat his wife was (she was in the front seat)?
What was that thread a NTer made about his car, and all the posts were dudes going in on how fat his wife was (she was in the front seat)?

Oh man this one had me :rofl:,that thread got fully derailed and became about his wife's physique with people going in on her left and right. Don't think that the OP posted again after that, I remember more than a few bans/suspensions were handed out though :lol:

That Hall of Shame pic is gold lobotomy :rofl:
What about dude who's dog killed his neighbor's cat...

I think dude left the carcass with an anonymous letter on his neighbor's doorstep :lol:
Some great mentions in here for sure.

The Nomad
Daviditz or whatever his name was. Probably my all time favorite thread due to the way it unraveled.

JRose5 clearly takes the cake.
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