Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

i don’t feel anymore encouraged with obi after summer league than i did before

include him in a deal for turner and get it done

his value ain’t gonna be any higher than it is now since he can still be seen as “raw”
Crazy that McBride, Grimes, and IQ all played tonight and IQ was easily the worst performance of the 3. Aside from 2 games, I'd even go as far to say he might've had the 3rd best overall Summer league out of the 3 guards
Yeah people are always going to ***** ... but it is expected.

Just like peopl rocking for a scrub and **** on others that are way superior ... makes you question their judgment. But *****es gonna *****.

I like all pur players and Im rooting for all of then to succeed!!!
Not to be a Knicks Homer but does any team have more depth at guard if the two rookies can contribute? Obviously teams like the warriors, Suns, clippers, etc have an elite guard or two, but from from a depth perspective idk if anyone has more depth if IQ steps up, RJ improves more, Fournier plays like he did before the Celtics, Rose plays like last year, Burks puts up solid 6th man scoring, and the rookies continue to get better.
If Deuce can be a Marcus Smart type player on D and can consistently get bucket like he did in SL, he’d be an upgrade over Sexton. Grimes is immediately an upgrade over Bullock. Dude has the stroke…pause. That’s Sims dunk was wild. I think if he learned how to use his size more and not bring the ball down so much, he’d be a beast.
I would give our offseason a B- before the Kemba signing and seeing Grimes and McBride play. Always liked the picks, but their play solidified that they belong.

B+/A- offseason imo.


Urge some of y’all to watch that J Sims video. As Knicks Legend Channing Frye just said, if you have a 5 that can switch on multiple positions, you’re in a good place. I saw him switch 1-5, iirc. He’s not doing that in the league, so I’ll spot him 1-3. The slower guards could get dealt with too.

This draft feels like Thibbs is Master Splinter & these kids are TMNT.
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