OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

You def gotta pause the game to let Curry enjoy that moment. Not like dude was celebrating some goofy accomplishment. Making the most 3s ever especially in the amount of games he did is crazy.

Also, the emotion overwhelmed Curry which should've worked in our favor because he barely did anything the rest of the night and we still lost.
Im not saying that Duece is our answer ... he had more than a few blown assigments, he was late on pick and rolls and he had a few miscues.

Not to mentioned some shots were forced but overall he seemed comfortable with the rock and max effort on both sides.

Just like Knox and Grimes ..... not playing is an issue, not only does it not develop the players but they get trigger happy and the movement might suffer at times.

With the small sample size we had, i think the rookies deserve playing time period, especially if they are the future. If Thibs is unwilling, a new coach is in order. I think of a lot of the stars drafted beyond 5 would be bust in NYC .... they just dont get develop and are traded when the value is down and dont get a fair chance.
I’m ok with what they did for curry he just broke a record I can’t see anybody else breaking for a long time. I’d be embarrassed if that was just a regular game. We gave respect to Jordan, Kobe, wade and others for special occasions too. At least we didn’t give him mvp chants all game long while one of our players is a mvp candidate himself like they did in Brooklyn. Season ticket holders got $ yesterday. My plug sold his lower bowl seats for over 1k each
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I'm saying Deuce is the answer even though it's clear he needs seasoning. Obi & RJ compliment his game well & he's been balling out with that Euro wing 👀.

A true lead guard who presses the issue on both ends, always getting deflections and in passing lanes using that wingspan. & is already a 3 level scorer. He's plays off guard as well.

That guard rotation is tough to crack with Rose, Burks, IQ, Fournier and even RJ who is a true 2 guard.

I think Rose played the first 10 minutes to start the game. Idk his minutes tho. Smfh.
y'all really mad they celebrated an all time great player breaking a record?

Listen I was about to answer this in the NBA thread but I’ll keep this in house. Behind closed doors.

Celebrate it by calling a timeout. Don’t give him a ceremony for 5 minutes with some god damn background music while he laps around the Garden.

You really can’t tell the difference? You’re proud that Spike Lee was on his knees last night looking like a sucker?
I'm saying Deuce is the answer even though it's clear he needs seasoning. Obi & RJ compliment his game well & he's been balling out with that Euro wing 👀.

A true lead guard who presses the issue on both ends, always getting deflections and in passing lanes using that wingspan. & is already a 3 level scorer. He's plays off guard as well.

That guard rotation is tough to crack with Rose, Burks, IQ, Fournier and even RJ who is a true 2 guard.

I think Rose played the first 10 minutes to start the game. Idk his minutes tho. Smfh.
Everything you said about Duece was evident in the games we all saw.

And if we give Green props (he was drafted so high) for lighting up the G League, what that says about Duece that has been sent down twice and has abused the competition?

We definitely have piece to build a better tomorrow.

SImms (just cause)
Even Knox looking nice.

But yet we want to bring in Vets to "mentor" but in reality they are there to take over all the minutes, not mentor and stiffle the progress.

Only vets there that mentor I believe are Rose/Taj ... everyone else is out there to get theirs.

A lot of these top teams have been built within with one top outside star at most.


I dont mind the rookies coming off the bench, Indo mind the limited amount of minutes and DNPs.

We have a plethora of draft picks and at this point they look useless and most likely get traded for a superstar on its last legs all while blowing upnthe positives things we have.
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