Anyone hear this track before?

Domo with the DBZ references = 

For those who give a damn :lol:

Hodgy beats has a tape with dj don cannon it dropped early February (the dena tape)

Can't stunt I gave it a listen and I had to stop playing it after about 4 songs

Of those 4 I only ****** with 1 so far

He's rapping in a higher pitched voice and these beats are too trap like for my taste

Domo's last tape was kinda ***

Beats were decent but he didn't have that hunget he had when he worked with alc

Kinda disappointed cuz these were the only two dudes I really ticked with in the group
i really just skimmed that mixtape and only DL'd "Coulda Been". I actually liked Domo's last tape, but like you said, it just wasn't the same feeling as his stuff with ALC. That was easily a tape 5 tape back when it dropped in 11/12
I actually got into Earl and Tyler after my friends invited me to the Carnival in 2013. It took me a year to listen to Doris, but I love these guys now. Idk the movement but i dig the music
Not really "died" persay, they pretty much just branched into other areas and each individually grew. They still collab/keep in touch. Tyler's 5th otw bless up.
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