***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Negrete is a member of one of the fastest growing groups now facing homelessness: baby boomers. Like her, many worked low-paying jobs and had no savings to fall back on when times got tough.

The number of homeless people over 55 is expected to spike to 225,000 nationwide in the next four years — a 32% jump from 170,000 in 2017 — according to a University of Pennsylvania study.

"We hear the same story over and over again. 'I've lived in this place 10, 15 years. And now I have to move because they've increased the rent above what I even earn for a given month,'" said Teresa Smith.

Study on how 401k plans are failing the middle class (most recent, as there are much older articles covering this point):

Article countering the study:

I can already tell at least one point is disingenuous: the idea that people change jobs too fast to benefit from a pension is the consequence of eliminating pensions, which is the main incentive for staying in a job for a long time.
Of course we knew that trump had inside Info on those investigating him, with his republicans in congress…

But the fact that a sitting member of Congress, on the house judiciary committee literally shared info about the investigation is CRAAAZY. And it was caught on tape.

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