***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This tells you everything you need to know. It wasn’t the media, it wasn’t the party leaders, it wasn’t Republicans meddling… the democratic base wanted a different candidate. You don’t raise that much grass roots money in one day like this unless the previous candidate was fundamentally at odds with the electorate.

Good sign of things to come. The big donor money will be there and I think money will be a non-issue in October, but the more important thing is this is generating enthusiasm at the voter level when you remove all those other factors that dead enders were complaining about from the equation.

I think some of you treat identity in politics in a far too simplistic way.

it's way more multivariate and intersectional.
Like to say a black woman can't win or a women can't win just way too simplistic. race intersects, with class, sexuality, gender in a dynamic constantly evolving way.

because of racism, there are SOME black women who can't win
because of homophobia there are SOME gay men who probably can't win.

Like you probably can't be a stereotypically feminine gay man and win.
as a black woman you probably can't be gaf machine like a Joe Biden and win.

But Mayor Pete could win, Kamala could win, because of the way their identity intersects with other aspects of their character.

Pete is a veteran, reads as mid western, typically masculine. ect
Kamala is highly accomplished, good speaker, very telegenic. ect
I don't know about Pete.

Black folks are the main voting bloc of the Democratic party.

They are also more religious and more openly uncomfortable with homosexuality than other sections of the party base. Save for really dire circumstances, many of them simply won't vote for a gay candidate. I just don't see how he can win when religion turns voters away from him, regardless of their political convictions.
I think some of you treat identity in politics in a far too simplistic way.

it's way more multivariate and intersectional.
Like to say a black woman can't win or a women can't win just way too simplistic. race intersects, with class, sexuality, gender in a dynamic constantly evolving way.

because of racism, there are SOME black women who can't win
because of homophobia there are SOME gay men who probably can't win.

Like you probably can't be a stereotypically feminine gay man and win.
as a black woman you probably can't be gaf machine like a Joe Biden and win.

But Mayor Pete could win, Kamala could win, because of the way their identity intersects with other aspects of their character.

Pete is a veteran, reads as mid western, typically masculine. ect
Kamala is highly accomplished, good speaker, very telegenic. ect
I really want to believe this

I really do

But I'ma need those demographics to show me first in November at the ballot

There's nothing up until this point that doesnt gives ppl reasonable pause about being worried how others will vote. Not themselves
Beshear seems like he’d be a good choice. Dorky white dude who has been capable of winning as a democrat in Kentucky.
He beat that deplorable Daniel Cameron so he gets big props but Tamika Mallory set the stage for him to get that reelection.
I disagree. The DEI / affirmative action arguments stuff works when you can make legitimate arguments the person is unqualified.

No one other than the most online conservative weirdos sincerely thinks that Kamala Harris. Senator, former prosecutor, former ag of the largest state in the nation, and current vice president is unqualified.

If Kamala performers well at the debate, give good speeches. And GOP starts screeching about DEI. It's just going to sound overtly racist. And most Americans don't like overt racism.

Most every white in the US is shaped by white supremacy to some extent, even many non white people.

But virtually no one wants to be called racist and almost as many don’t want to to think of themselves as racist.

“Affirmative Action” comes off as racist

“DEI,” to your point is not even understood by most people.

I think most non online conservatives will say similar things that they said about Obama:

“She’s an Oakland style Democrat”

“She associates with Marxists”

“She’s a diva”

“She’s hysterical”


I’ve also seen takes that conservatives calling her a harlot who slept her way to the top will be alienating to women who are on the fence. And I agree with those takes.

Obviously we do live in a still fairly racist and sexist society but I agree that every minute that GOP messaging attacks her for being a Black woman is a lost opportunity to tie her to inflation. Hopefully we see something similar to the dynamic in 2022.
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