***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Big dude walked right up to him with his arms by his side and perfectly squared up.

About the worse thing you can do if you're expecting a fight.

Been looking at this Russia gate Youtube/grifter thing. Some of these people may actually be going down.
Most of this is nonsense and out of her control, because the press is sadly unable to do its job at the moment. So putting the bar there might as well be just doing what we're all complaining about, and grading Trump on a curve.
this is learned helplessness, it's withing your control, be better at politics.

If I recall correctly, you were running around up there in Canada prior to this whole thing talking about how they'd better not just transition from Biden to Kamala without having an open convention or something. And look how wrong you turned out to be there.

you don't recall correctly. I said Biden should drop out they shouldn't just give it to her instantly. Biden will endorse her as long as she preforms semi decently shell easily sow up the nominations.

The party leaders Obama, Pelosi called for an open process they didn't hand her the nominations. they didn't all instantly endorse her.
Kamala herself said she would "earn" the endorsement.




And like I said as long as she didn't do anything insane she was going to get it easily. And she performed really well and showed great skill behind the scenes winning the nomination.

There's no way to win in a debate with Trump with the media as it is now, because her opponent can say and do anything, while anything she says and does will be spun to bring her down because she's trending up, because today's media up and down the line makes money off of it being a close race. Kamala having great answers and being the undisputed winner is not possible because them printing that would lose them money.

Even when she dismissed Trump's ridiculous racism, Politico ran a headline talmbout "Kamala evades question on race". Any time you go to talk about how Kamala has to do something to get [positive outcome from media], just stop right there and don't bother typing it out :lol:

yeah this is all learned helplessness. You have agency, political performance matters. if you really believe "booohoooo wah wah the media is out to get us theres nothing we can do"

just unsubscribe from this thread. what is even the point following the campaign?
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Hmm, Idk. I think all her rallies since the DNC emphasized on the point of the Dems having a lot of work to do and encouraging people to vote. I think her team knows it isn't a landslide.

i agree she said that at the dnc, hence why i was pretty excited but since then if feels like they are in prevent mode again.

imo she needs to do more media appearances. she needs to reach casual audiences who aren't paying attention and don't know who she is.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this point. Her and Wally have essentially setup shop in PA and GA hitting rural areas on their bus tours and going to the large cities in those states. She’s campaigning in swing states practically everyday and her debate prep is in Pittsburgh to allow her to do campaigning in that state. I’ve been around a lot of campaigns and she is really going all in and I believe that she will start making appearances on more Black and Latino centric media and podcasts soon. She is maximizing the most of their time and she is running her campaign like she’s 5 points down which I like. One piece of news that hasn’t gotten much play today is that she hired a rural outreach director which is great. I’ve never heard of our side doing this before and this is a positive piece of news.

imo there's a bunch of swing voters, who don't pay attention to politics, and the only way to reach them is through ads and earned media. earned media is more effective than ads.

political rally's are nice for GOTV stuff, but imo she's gotta do more media appearances, especially non traditional ones.

Trump is going on Theo Von, Lex, Adin Ross, big audiences with lots of non political people. she's done 1 CNN interview.

obviously theres still time, but like imo its should happen asap.

Agency officials said since the program's launch, almost 80% of the 1,600 millionaires targeted by the IRS for failing to pay a delinquent tax debt have now made a payment, leading to over $1.1 billion recovered. And in the first six months of a new February 2024 initiative, the IRS collected $172 million from 21,000 wealthy taxpayers who have not filed tax returns since 2017.

Republicans have called for funding for the IRS to be cut.
imo there's a bunch of swing voters, who don't pay attention to politics, and the only way to reach them is through ads and earned media. earned media is more effective than ads.

political rally's are nice for GOTV stuff, but imo she's gotta do more media appearances, especially non traditional ones.

Trump is going on Theo Von, Lex, Adin Ross, big audiences with lots of non political people. she's done 1 CNN interview.

obviously theres still time, but like imo its should happen asap.
I believe it will happen. Given the timing I think her current strategy is tried and true but I also know that she seems willing and dynamic enough to make sure she is reaching out in every corner for votes. She also surrounds herself with a very smart team so I’m sure they are assessing the issue.
this is learned helplessness, it's withing your control, be better at politics.

you don't recall correctly. I said Biden should drop out they shouldn't just give it to her instantly. Biden will endorse her as long as she preforms semi decently shell easily sow up the nominations.

The party leaders Obama, Pelosi called for an open process they didn't hand her the nominations. they didn't all instantly endorse her.
Kamala herself said she would "earn" the endorsement.




And like I said as long as she didn't do anything insane she was going to get it easily. And she performed really well and showed great skill behind the scenes winning the nomination.

yeah this is all learned helplessness. You have agency, political performance matters. if you really believe "booohoooo wah wah the media is out to get us theres nothing we can do"

just unsubscribe from this thread. what is even the point following the campaign?
Sadly for you, I'm not Trump. Silly insults and "you yella?!" isn't going to work. We've all seen how you love to make these threads about you. I said what I said. You don't live here. If anybody should leave a thread about US politics, it's you, unless you wanna talk about Canadian politics. :emoji_v:

Back to the actual content, I love Cheney saying he's voting for Kamala. That's wild. Can't wait to run this by anybody who's doing the whole "wellllllllllll" bit :lol:
Sadly for you, I'm not Trump. Silly insults and "you yella?!" isn't going to work. We've all seen how you love to make these threads about you. I said what I said. You don't live here. If anybody should leave a thread about US politics, it's you. :emoji_v:

Back to the actual content, I love Cheney saying he's voting for Kamala. That's wild. Can't wait to run this by anybody who's doing the whole "wellllllllllll" bit :lol:

i gave a substantive with evidence of my claims. if any was dismissing things with petty insults.
its you.
i gave a substantive with evidence of my claims. if any was dismissing things with petty insults.
its you.

I know, I know, it's all about you. I'm not interested in prolonged back and forths where you try to parse every word and weasel out of having ever been wrong about literally anything on this board. Peace. Have a good weekend.
Meh. Couldn’t care less if she does more interviews, press conferences, etc. She's been pretty effective in getting her message out. The fact that it’s mostly pubs pushing for more spontaneous appearances is evidence she has more to lose than gain from them

From a democracy perspective, sure it would be great for Harris to do interviews. But as long as everyone holds her to a different standard than Trump there is no reason for her to sit down for an interview for electoral reasons
Joy Reid is going off on this right now, calling out her profession for being obsessed with the horse race coverage and for sane-washing trump. Better late than never :emoji_fire:
i know this isnt a meme thread but i had to :lol:

Screenshot 16.png
The Russians paid him (Tim Pool) and others €100k per episode just to discuss a certain topic with a particular ideological sway...
For videos that didn't perform well, had no legal sponsors, weren't a call to action, ...
Surely when you get an offer like that, you know damn well anyone with a brain is gonna question the source and purpose.

Those 2 Russians are indicted now, and judging by the indictment the next ones will be the intermediaries between the Russians and the media personalities. The document contains texts of both her and her husband explicitly calling their handlers "the Russians" etc. so they're cooked. The content creators will probably escape any legal consequences unless they're dumb enough to talk, and thereby lie, to the feds and get a false statement and/or obstruction charge.

aepps20 aepps20 For whatever reason I get a lot of random Telegram messages from shady Russian dudes. I could try using asking around my Russian contacts if they have a job offer for a dedicated online soldier who's been fighting and carrying the torch on the frontlines for the Dapper Don and Handsome Putin for the last 8 years or so. Strong track record of convincing black American voters.
As for your salary, I could try asking for "porsche money b."

God I wish I hadn't sold the IG username "vladimirputin", that thing could've been a goldmine post-2016. At least the current owner also turned it into a paraody page but imagine the kind of gold you get in DMs
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Do you really think the way to correct the disparity in coverage is to just "be better at politics"?

yes, generating positive media is part of the job being a politician.
obviously there are various headwinds, and other factors that make it hard to do this, but that's the case for every politician,

to throw your hands up and retreat to media criticism is just again learned helplessness

you can complain about it if you want, there are valid criticisms of the media.
but acting like a politician is powerless in the face of this is IMO loser talk.
aepps20 aepps20 For whatever reason I get a lot of random Telegram messages from shady Russian dudes. I could try using asking around my Russian contacts if they have a job offer for a dedicated online soldier who's been fighting and carrying the torch on the frontlines for the Dapper Don and Handsome Putin for the last 8 years or so. Strong track record of convincing black American voters.
As for your salary, I could try asking for "porsche money b."
Yo throw my name in the ring. I need a side hustle. Would settle for Benz money comrade.
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