***Official Political Discussion Thread***

For example, during the DNC the bet that beyoncé would perform at the DNC was bet up to 96 cents (based complete made up at TMZ)...only to crash when it never materialized.
That was the bet that osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh showed when I was scrolling to catch up with the thread a few weeks back but I couldn’t remember which one it was
How do you feel about the eating dogs?

I made a meme about it during the debate.

Of course it does you're saying I shouldn't trust a financial product because Peter Thiel is an investor. Peter Thiel invests in tons of business, including PayPal. Just because he's an investor doesn't by default make it untrustworthy.

I'll listen to the podcast, but if there is argument being made from it that butreses your point. You should just post it, instead gesturing vaguely to a podcast.
That’s not what I’m saying at all. You’re trying to corner me into saying something that you can paint as a left wing conspiracy. Peter Thiel investing in an unregulated betting market that has a right wing lean is my concern. Concerns about big money whales influencing the odds for profit aren’t crazy. Concerns about this being used as a tool to shift public sentiments aren’t crazy. You just personally are in favor of it.
You don't have an explanation of how, or what would be the motive or mechanism that this would "influence election".
See above. You’re trying to make it a conspiracy when obviously regulators and other legitimate sources have concerns.

But I digress.
What's the demographic makeup of the people betting here?
the overwhelming majority of people betting on polymarket are crypto dudes. if you spend any time in crypto, you know exactly what you’re dealing with. i’m in a bunch of crypto discord channels and tg chats as well as checking twitter and the amount of casual racism and misogyny was pretty shocking to me initially.
That’s not what I’m saying at all. You’re trying to corner me into saying something that you can paint as a left wing conspiracy. Peter Thiel investing in an unregulated betting market that has a right wing lean is my concern. Concerns about big money whales influencing the odds for profit aren’t crazy. Concerns about this being used as a tool to shift public sentiments aren’t crazy. You just personally are in favor of it.

See above. You’re trying to make it a conspiracy when obviously regulators and other legitimate sources have concerns.

But I digress.

Because you're hand waving the details to make it seem less conspiratorial.

Again, for Peter Thiel to have done this it would require...

Defrauding all the other investors to operate a financial market that would bankrupted via arbitrage

All to make it so that Trump gets slightly better numbers on a website that has a tiny audience.

It doesn't make any sense. That's why you only talk about it in generalities.
the overwhelming majority of people betting on polymarket are crypto dudes. if you spend any time in crypto, you know exactly what you’re dealing with. i’m in a bunch of crypto discord channels and tg chats as well as checking twitter and the amount of casual racism and misogyny was pretty shocking to me initially.

This is what I was getting at
I’m glad the pre-debate anxiety is gone and we can focus our attention back to doing what this thread does best: giving Osh a platform to argue about trivial issues to the point of absolute exhaustion.

I had no idea polymarket would trigger people this much.

I'll only post manifold market from now on. No Peter Thiel investment. :emoji_pray:
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