***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Naive and politically immature behavior

There are only certain candidates to vote for

Anything else is the civic equivalent of a temper tantrum
What gets me with most of those people is that they also don't participate in primaries, where you could have a more direct influence on which candidates are fielded

Just dumb
Hyper fixating and obsessing on one issue to the point that if you don't get 100% what you want you'd rather be petulant and disassociate from reality is wild. You still have to live in reality. Turning whatever that is to purpose and informed action seems better (while still seeing your community, country, the world around you).

It you are obsessed with Israel/Palestine and you're american.
I think it's dumb but at least I get it, america is the global super power.

Basing your vote on Israel/Palestine as a Canadian
is insane,

literally no one cares what we think. whatever canada says or does about israel/palestine will have zero effect on anything.
we have zero foreign policy influence. Im baffled by Canadians who do this. :lol:

Hyper fixating and obsessing on one issue to the point that if you don't get 100% what you want you'd rather be petulant and disassociate from reality is wild. You still have to live in reality. Turning whatever that is to purpose and informed action seems better (while still seeing your community, country, the world around you).

Everyone is allowed to make use of their voting rights how they see fit, but the lectures and grandstanding sure ring hollow when they're tacitly admitting that any issue/disenfranchised group outside of their tunnel vision isn't really that important
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We’re coming down the stretch. It’s very likely that someone reading this is knows someone who considers themselves a leftist.

So my liberal friends, here’s some talking points you could use, in no particular order:

1.) We get to pick our opposition, here in the heart of empire. We don’t consider Harris a staunch ally but she’d be a better enemy than Trump.

2.) Even the most marginal Federal and State administrative interpretations related to public assistance can affect 10,000s or 100,000s or 1,000,000s very poor people’s access to benefits. If you’re willing to donate money to mutual aid, why not make the State kick in to mutual aid?

3.) Same with overtime rules interpretation. The executive branch determines if millions of workers get OT or not. That’s distinctly a Labor issue.

4.) Trans Rights. Aside from Palestine, being pro trans is one of the biggest markers of being a leftist. Once again, executive discretion determines the fates of thousands of trans migrant detainees and Federal Prisoners.

5.) Marginal reforms that even slightly improve the material conditions of the working class tend to make people demand more, including and up to revolution.

There’s a bunch of other points you could make but these are five arguments that I think really speak to leftist values.

I’ll probably post another set of arguments later this month.
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Geese are mean as hell. Ain't nobody trying to steal a goose :lol:
Was a lake at my apartment complex in college. The parking spots near it were always empty. They were like a gang.
It's like Trump is trying his hardest to let everyone know he's a big POS.

Not sure what that says about America if he wins.
The same as it says now. Among other terrible things, the man is racist, a bully, incompetent and a convicted felon and still on the ballot.

Someone really needs to go after these lifelong republicans that have thrown away whatever legacy they had. Whatever the McConnells and grahams had to hang their hat on is gone now because they’ve supported him the last 10 years. It won’t end well.
Before folks jump on the "it's all hyperbole" train, let's remember how his administration stole PPE from blue states and gave excess equipment to friendly states during the Covid pandemic.

What he's saying up there is a promise.

Oh I went in full barrels knowing it was NOT hyperbole! I don't think this ************ knows what that even means let alone be able to spell it. 🤬🤬
Geese are mean as hell. Ain't nobody trying to steal a goose :lol:
Was a lake/pond at my apartment complex in college. The parking spots near it were always empty. They were like a gang.
It's like Trump is trying his hardest to let everyone know he's a big POS.

Not sure what that says about America if he wins.
The same as it says now. Among other terrible things, the man is racist, a bully, incompetent and a convicted felon and still on the ballot.

Someone really needs to go after these lifelong republicans that have thrown away whatever legacy they had. Whatever the McConnells and grahams had to hang their hat on is gone now because they’ve supported him the last nearly 10 years.
Hyper fixating and obsessing on one issue to the point that if you don't get 100% what you want you'd rather be petulant and disassociate from reality is wild. You still have to live in reality. Turning whatever that is to purpose and informed action seems better (while still seeing your community, country, the world around you).

Reality isn’t some fantasy land where we as average people are nicely catered to by largely great politicians. That’s not how the world works, so the sensible action is to try and work with what we do have.

If someone wants to hyperfixate on one singular issue, it still wouldn’t change the fact that one party and/or candidate would be closer to their ideals than the others. If anything, it would simplify the process.

To dumb down the argument even further and scale it down for someone who is deluded into thinking there is no difference, it would still be the same as turning down $1 and possibly losing a dollar instead. All because they weren’t offered $2.

Apllying the ‘both sides are the same so I’ll sit out’ logic (or lack thereof) to any other scenario makes it obvious how incredibly ignorant and against their own self-interest that position is.

It’s like minor details are irrelevant to these people, especially in these Palestine/Israel cases. Oh they’re not being offered exactly what they want? Nevermind then, time to sit this one out, ignore reality and take zero responsibility for possibly contributing to worsening the amount of casualties, humain aid, international pressure, …
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When interviewers ask or random people suggest “are you better off financially than 5 years ago”, I wonder if anybody REALLY goes back and looks at their bank statements/paychecks from 2019 :lol:

This might be largely due to my age, but I don’t know a single person who can look back at 2019 and say they had more money. Yeah, things are absolutely more expensive now, but that’s marginal compared to increase in actual income.
I really don't think Jill Stein voters recognize that the Democratic Party is not going to "learn a lesson" if they don't vote for them. In fact, they will do the exact opposite of what they are looking for. Ralph Nader literally impacted an entire election, and he was still on the outside looking in every election cycle. Instead, as they already have, the Democratic Party will just go after new voters. The same reason why Democratic Party is better on the issues for young kids, but never fully lean into is because it isn't a totally reliable voting bloc. If 18-35 voted like 60+, the country would be a starkly different place.

Been on both sides of Social Justice Organizations, and Political Organizations. Social Justice Orgs really don't understand that gaining power within a party, i.e. MAGAs in the Republican Party requires getting your people into every level, not "we'll just withhold our vote." Once you withhold your vote, you're of no use to a party, especially if you let your intentions be so known.

Also, when you become a voter on a single issue (Israel / Palestine), you have to recognize what the US position is, and the Global Position as a whole, and work backwards, taking your chunks where you can. It's as if nobody has ever studied any Social Justice Movement in the history of the US. It's fascinating really.

Or you can look at some European Countries, where left leaning subsets splinter, and what happens is the most cohesive and lock step party would get power.... Often it would be neo-nazis. To be a big tent, you have to get into the tent and start claiming space.
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When interviewers ask or random people suggest “are you better off financially than 5 years ago”, I wonder if anybody REALLY goes back and looks at their bank statements/paychecks from 2019 :lol:

This might be largely due to my age, but I don’t know a single person who can look back at 2019 and say they had more money. Yeah, things are absolutely more expensive now, but that’s marginal compared to increase in actual income.

I’ve tripled my income since then. :lol:

Mix of high demand jobs and learning some new skills.

Yeah everyone had money during Covid but that also lead to stupid prices.
The politicians represent the type of people that make up the US. Half of the country is still mad about the civil war.

Before Trump, the culture in politics was coded language because it was considered morally wrong to say the racist things that were actually on their mind. Then Trump came along and actually said those things and the racists embraced him and love him for it.


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