***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Says a lot that these senators pretty much unanimously supported a new sanctions bill that also limits Trump from easing sanctions against Russia 

Only 2 senators objected, both republicans obviously.
The deal, which adds new sanctions against Russia's defense and military-intelligence sectors while codifying existing sanctions into law, drew opposition only from GOP Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Rand Paul of Kentucky
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I know I'm replying to myself, but....

Wow, this tweet really didn't age well.

It says so much.

It needs to be publicized and forced down everyone's throats until they really understand what this all means.

Rand Paul and the other "second amendment" folk (well, the folk who bought the NRA's bastardization of the second amendment) should ultimately respect the shooter today for carrying out his patriotic duty, no?

Says a lot that these senators pretty much unanimously supported a new sanctions bill that also limits Trump from easing sanctions against Russia :lol:
Only 2 senators objected, both republicans obviously.
The deal, which adds new sanctions against Russia's defense and military-intelligence sectors while codifying existing sanctions into law, drew opposition only from GOP Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Rand Paul of Kentucky
Why do we have a second amendment? It's not to shoot deer. It's to shoot at the government when it becomes tyrannical and chooses a foreign power over its own people!
Da Don and Mueller are playing 456D Scrabble and Da LIBBIES DON'T HAVE A Clue about passing power B.:smokin
Regardless of whether it's true or not, da Teflon Don is gonna have a mental breakdown 

I imagine we'll get a furious incoherent tweetstorm soon
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I'm telling yall, his health is not gonna make it. All that stress is going to catch up with him.
I may despise this man, but I hope he or his family will at some point realize he needs professional mental help. He's self-destructive. Much of what has been happening is entirely due to his own doing. He's an extremely self-obsessed egomaniac, a compulsive liar, doesn't seem to grasp the gravity or consequences of his actions and doesn't seem to listen to any of his advisers.

He also seems entirely incapable of admitting wrongs or properly handling criticism. It's only going to get worse from this point and I would hope his family tries to step in if it gets to the point of a severe mental breakdown.
Wouldn't be shocked if Trump over reacted to the news and started snitching to try to save his own skin
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