***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Ummmm, ummm, ummmm, good point. For 2 mins and 17 seconds

Then he snaps me back to my senses with the final 2 seconds. :lol:
Everytime our President Elect drops these wonderful gems, Libs can't stand it

Because while they were delaying life to attend libbie brainwashing camps called “University” we were manning the mines marrying our high school sweetheart so she can serve her purpose of bearing children and tending to our alpha male desires. It’s classic libbie resentment. They can’t stand that we didn’t need to waste years of our lives to understand beautiful President language. And then they try making up for all their lost life in lib chambers by eating salads and drinking juice to live longer, while we continue seasoning our steaks with coal.
I mean, there's the great scholars, AND the great legal. Many men have studied one or the other, but both in one lifetime - amazing.
I'm not saying anything, I'm just this saying you legal read the great, counsel special time. Great, white, not saying this, but I'm saying that.

Get it? Got it? Great.
Coalpatriots, we have a crisis on our hands:

President Donald Trump reportedly joked that White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was "having a nervous breakdown" as she stared at him when he refused to answer whether former Sen. John McCain would have been a better president than former President Barack Obama.

McCain, who died on Saturday, was the Republican presidential nominee in 2008. He lost the election to Obama.

"I don't want to comment on it," Trump said in response to the question, according to a Bloomberg News report published on Thursday, adding: "I have a very strong opinion."

Now obviously Trump meant that you can't compare negative infinity to negative infinity because it's a paradox, but this comes across as a tacit endorsement of Obummer, and this is destroying the Coal Gang.


The cost of those golf trips would probably cover most of the cost of a payrise - it's into the hundreds of millions by now I think.
So he thinks this is the best strategy to get reelected? Messing with govt employees' paychecks? :lol: Aight.
he already has no chance in DC, Virginia, and Maryland. but this will appeal to flyover country folks who think of the federal government as too big and assume a federal employee is some elite.

still, I get some small enjoyment from knowing that some Trump supporters have parents who work for the government and will be hurt by this. smh wow at voting against your interests.
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