***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Dope. If I ever get caught up with the law Imma cop an old calendar and say i was busy volunteering and going to church
Yeah, don’t need a witness anymore I guess or actual proof. Actually don’t even need to fill in the calendar. Make a key that says “blank days are days that are too busy to commit crimes” and you’re set for life
Welp, looks like the dominos are falling now. I am confident that Muller has a dead mans switch in place though.
Trump opened the door for any and everyone to be a presidential candidate ...

This circus with Kav has ended any semblance of proper decorum in politics ...

The future of politics will be petty bickering ... Endless accusations ... A bunch of nonsense ...
You know, president's don't get their names picked out of a hat. This ain't Hogwarts. People actually vote for them, and people voted for someone who doesn't wait (well, can't wait) for consent before sticking his tongue down some random girl's throat. YOU chose him, he didn't just appear in the Oval office.
The New York Times ......... didnt run the train story because the corroboration was .......... someone heard about it .............

This is ya'lls party? Lol ...
WH says Trump and Rosenstein will have a meeting on Thursday, presumably during Kavanaugh’s hearing
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