***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Good morning everyone last night was fun but


We have two run off senate races in Georgia that will determine who has control of the senate going forward.

these where the margins in these races (Loeffler probably gonna pick up a decent chunk of those Collins voters)

this is the gap we gotta bridge. If you got fam, friends anyone you care about in Georgia reach out to em let em know what we gotta do
My boy of 20 years just sent me this.

“Trump shouldve won bro

he has a tight grip on China and North Korea

as well as the rest of the world

China wants Trump to lose this was all part of their plan

they knew covid would bring down his popularity so they used that in their favor

China is the enemy

not Trump

people nowadays are so brainwashed by liberal media

gotta look at the bigger picture

Trump puts country first trust me”

SMH. You stupid mother****er. Did you forget that I’m Chinese? Lmao at puts country first, how is 238,000 deaths putting the ****ing country first? I want to say something but don't want to give this clown any more of my time.
You sure he was ur homie ???? Mans straight up disrespected your ethnicity. Maybe he thought you were " one of the good ones". You gotta dead that friendship off of gp
How do y'all deal with family members who are Trump supporters/die hard Republicans?..Both my parents and my brother are Trumpers and I'm an very much NOT..I've made a big effort the past 12 yrs (since my son was born) to wake up to social issues and have tried to spread the word about peace, inclusiveness, diversity, and that all people need to be treated with respect..But there's no way I can change their mind..How have any of you dealt with this type of situation?..We just got invited to Thanksgiving dinner at my bro's house and every single person that'll be there are not anywhere close to being Democrats..lol..
For others reasons, I keep mine at an arms distance and chose the venues carefully. I don't do overnights, unless I have a hotel room I can fall back on and I keep my visits short. We all live within close distance amyways, so I know, I can leave early. Someone's always have to be the first to break up for the evening and I've just changed my habits, so it's usually me.

I keep it short and cordial and if people starts getting snide and fall into old habits, I'm no longer so invested, I get caught up in it. I just go: "It's been nice and now I'm tired. Gotstogobyebye." They seem to have gotten the message, if they want my attendance, they have to be cordial too.
I hereby issue a challenge to any small business owner that voted for Trump and believes that he won: do you own accounting for one quarter.
I still can't believe this landscaping story is real, their level of incompetence seems to be intentional. No stupid person could actually be this stupid.

I just can't...

I am not surprised that level of incompetence has been on display for the last 4 years.....He literally stranded his supporters at his political rallies last week.

It’s always been pathetic. Like Rudy Giuliani’s shoe game. I peeped how he kept his feet behind the podium like we wouldn’t know his shoes was trash.
Rudy held a press conference in what should have been the Four Seasons hotel instead of some random landscaping company. And on top of that, he has the convicted felon, Bernard Kerik, standing behind him, talking about fraud and illegal activities. You can’t make this ******** up.
Yep, if Russia and China REALLY want to hurt the US, I would imagine they tap into all the disgruntled Trump voters that are upset right now. It’s sad that we’re so politically villainized against each other that it has come to this. I don’t see this changing either.

It sucks because all that we would need is for bipartisanship to become more prevalent but left/right wing media (and social media) has made voters and, to a lesser extent, donors want nothing less than warm blood from the other side. It honestly kind of scares me how this is all going to continue in the next few years.
Look no further than there for a recent example of how media (specifically radio) was used to demonize one side and eventually aid in the killing of scores of people.

As it stands, you find a lot more reactionaries prone to violence on the right side of politics than on the left, and that's why some in the thread are pushing back against drawing equivalencies between FOX and MSNBC.
So what do all the black Trump supporters do now? A lot of them just randomly started ****ting on black folks long ago and using maga speak to identify with those MAGAts. So what’s next? They can’t just assimilate back in to regular black society. Their trail of bull**** is far too long

Only speaking for myself, acknowledge the mistake in supporting Trump twice and then work to help the Dems flip the senate seats in GA.

Very interested to see Joe get some of the initiatives in his lift every voice plan passed.
How do y'all deal with family members who are Trump supporters/die hard Republicans?..Both my parents and my brother are Trumpers and I'm an very much NOT..I've made a big effort the past 12 yrs (since my son was born) to wake up to social issues and have tried to spread the word about peace, inclusiveness, diversity, and that all people need to be treated with respect..But there's no way I can change their mind..How have any of you dealt with this type of situation?..We just got invited to Thanksgiving dinner at my bro's house and every single person that'll be there are not anywhere close to being Democrats..lol..

I think in one of President Elect Biden’s recent speeches he mentioned that we may have been opponents but we are not enemies.

I think you approach your family with the same energy.
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