Official San Diego Chargers Offseason Thread Vol. AJ Smith >>> Yuku Search

Sep 2, 2007
So where do we go from here?

Goodbye D-Flo, Goodbye Michael "The Burner" Turner. Good luck to yall, you served us well.

I take it Malcom Floyd will either get cut or traded.

Needs: DT, FB, RB, S, CB, QB.


Edit: I'll be back later to post some of the articles and stuff on the front page.
Get LT some heart....

I lost a few respect points for LT today...

Anyway, there isn't much the Chargers need to do, their team is already deep. They need to keep Michael Turner (I believe he is a FA, I'm not sure). Other than that, keep the team intact and make another run.

Oh yeah, get Norv some cojones from Tijuana. I think dude was just happy keeping it close.
SD needs a lot of help in the secondary. if they got their secondary up to par, they would be a shutdown D. they already have a great pass rush and stop therun well.
I WISH we could keep MT. But he's too good to be a back up in the NFL. Maybe with the way LT played this season, AJ will try to keep him.

We definately need to up our secondary. McCree doesn't cut it for me. Weddle will prolly take his spot by next year though so we could be alright withthat.

Cro will be #1 and Jammer is a more than capable #2. But we need that #3 with d-flo on FA.

We gotta do somethin about our O-line. I'm not sure who the weak link is though.

ohh yea Goodbye Volek Thank you for last week. We need a good back up now. I'm not feelin comfortable with Charlie whitehurst.

I like Paul Thompson as a pick up project. He doesn't have alot of experience at QB, but he is capable. But what I like about him is he is also a capableWR.
What were you doin' today man??? I don't care if Turner issitting you...get in the game somehow...and if you're not gonna play do you really have to sit on the bench all game huddled up??? Support your $@#@%*#teammates the game isn't all about you
As I said in the game thread a few minutes ago, congrats to this San Deigo team for going as far as they did. Its just that the Pats are the team of theyear this year, which is unfortunate.

IMO, the Chargers have everything in place to make a superbowl run for the next few years. Rivers is getting better, Gates has years left, and LT is alwaysa good producer (except today).
It is a compliment to the Chargers that they stuck with the pats until the fourth quarter. the first half they created turnovers from a team that never makesmistakes. This San Diego defense is very VERY good.

Congrats to the Chargers for a great season this year. You guys have pieces in place to be contenders for many years to come. Congrats
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

As I said in the game thread a few minutes ago, congrats to this San Deigo team for going as far as they did. Its just that the Pats are the team of the year this year, which is unfortunate.

IMO, the Chargers have everything in place to make a superbowl run for the next few years. Rivers is getting better, Gates has years left, and LT is always a good producer (except today).
It is a compliment to the Chargers that they stuck with the pats until the fourth quarter. the first half they created turnovers from a team that never makes mistakes. This San Diego defense is very VERY good.

Congrats to the Chargers for a great season this year. You guys have pieces in place to be contenders for many years to come. Congrats

Thank you sir. Respect.
wow that was quick. Season has been over for near 1/2 hour and dudes already know what they need to do next year.
I think if we can pick up another solid guy in the secondary we will have a pretty good D. And yea I agree with the Oline thing... whats the missing link.

And to those fans that say they're "getting used to losing" get the F off the bandwagon, I know you fairweather Charger fans werent there for the1-15 year. Oh well, next year eh?
I dont mean to be the outside basher coming in here and raining on you guys, but LT needed to be out there today. I know Turner and Sproles are great, but LTis obviously a field leader. Unless his injury was worse than they told us, he should have sucked it up and gone out.

Rivers on the other hand gained a lot of points with me today. I've always been on the fence about him but he played like a warrior today.

And props to the whole team for making it this far after being written off. Norv is the guy for this team. Keep the faith.
thinking about the game man besides LT everyone played their%+!!@+ off major props to Philip and Jammer as much as i hate on the guy he had the game of hislife today...the offseason will be interesting one more solid player in the secondary and i think a super bowl trip next year isn't too delusional...
My thoughts on LT today:

If dude is injured, thats fine. We don't want to lose our franchise player. BUT just the fact that you, LT, and co. showed that much amount of weakness(although theres nothing about being weak with a torn MCL) makes me disappointed. The least you could have done was been a decoy. That's all we needed inthis game.

But then everybody would've been saying, WHY ISNT NORV USING LT?????

Weddle looks good for next year don't you think? I like McCree, but he reminds me of Flo, hits hard but makes too many mistakes.
Forgot about this one, props to Jammer for silencing his critics too. He shut Moss DOWN.
Weddle looks good for next year don't you think? I like McCree, but he reminds me of Flo, hits hard but makes too many mistakes.
I really like for McCree, I can't stand Florence and i think that speaks for McCree as well although McCree does show up to playsometimes, but he never is a force you want your safety to be...he is just there...

And frontrunner
get out of here man you're a joke
Seriously I don't wanna see anymore heat on Rivers. Rivers carried this team 75% of the season and 100% of the post season. LT and Gates were almost nonexistant in games against good teams.

Next season, PR will be in full stride with a very nice WR corp for once

Wsup with the TEAM P RIVERS sig?
Originally Posted by frontrunner4life

get a real QB

that bum really thought he was the reason they were winning


let me speak for the rest of NT, by saying the shut the %#%+ up

anyways...congrats to the Chargers on a great year and despite of P. Rivers shortcomings, he toughed it out today and he won a lot of respect back frompeople whom he pissed off (not that he cares, anyways).

The Chargers D is great. Young group of guys who are only going to get better and Cromartie is going to be a star for years to come.

GG chargers fans.
I'll try at it later. I'm pretty sure theres someone out there better at it than me though...

So, does norv stay? or does Norv go? In your opinion. We all know he's staying, but would you keep him or bounce him?

I say keep him for now. Give it time.
how do you charger fans know if LT was able to play. maybe his injury is worse than advertised....obviously they won;t disclose the severity during the weekand up to the game.
Norv impressed me the second half of the season he finally utilized the talent available and now he'll have a whole offseason to work with this team...Isaid this last year but next year's team should be real nice...Rivers has a year under him I doubt we keep MT but if we do that would be great i'd liketo see Weddle be the guy at safety and maybe pick up someone else for the D...
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