Originally Posted by Malloy19

Jessica, FINALLY got to peep the goods.
.. And the vampire that was in the cement was Russell Edginton. Can't believe Reverend Newlin is a Vamp now
.. But like everyone else has said in here, this season doesn't live up to the standard the last seasons set. So many loose ends now, the whole Hot Shot deal with Jason storyline, the Fairy storyline, and now Andy having sex with a random fairy. Alan Ball, the writer for this, is going to have a hell of a time with season 5.
Rev. Newlin as a vamp was the highlight of the episode IMO. i NEVER saw that coming, and he's back to get at jason for smashing his wife. i wonder who turned him? I knew Russel was coming back, it was only a matter of time. i think Nan let Russel out. how so? she 800+ years old, and i bet Russel told her to off Bill and Eric before she got got.

 @ Jess..omg, i need to find me a redhead now
The rev as a vamp
I thought that it was funny that sookies grandmom just pulled that witch out of lafyette out of nowhere....@#$? lol all that trouble and thats it?
jason better stay indoors, cuz smashing his wife im sure isn't sitting to well with the rev lol
I didn't like the fact that Russel is back....i was happy he was gone.

So i am guessing some how he forgives Bill and Eric maybe and they try to start a new authority?? or Russel will be after Bill and Eric next season which will bore me

Jason and Jessica ftw....tell hoyt to dissappear.

Tera dying??? and Sookie blowing Debbie's head off

I think the rev coming back as a vamp is the only plot twist im actually interested in for next season.
Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by breakin necks

jessica in the little red riding hood costume ftw
Seriously.  That was enough to make me forget about all the (numerous) flaws with the season.  
Same here... 
Pam's line "I'm so tired of Sookie and her precious fairy vagina, and her unbelievably stupid name... @*** Sookie" made me love Pam all the more... + Tara getting shot in the head made this a good enough finale. 

This season had a lot of problems, storylines they just ignored/forget/barely concluded... other things that got tiresome really quickly, etc. Next season should be awesome with Russell being released, hopefully they actually have a fairy storyline (otherwise stop giving Sookie powers), the Reverend returning, Bill and Eric teaming up for a rebellion perhaps? and for the love of god please let Tara be dead.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by breakin necks

jessica in the little red riding hood costume ftw
Seriously.  That was enough to make me forget about all the (numerous) flaws with the season.  
Same here... 
Pam's line "I'm so tired of Sookie and her precious fairy vagina, and her unbelievably stupid name... @*** Sookie" made me love Pam all the more... + Tara getting shot in the head made this a good enough finale. 

This season had a lot of problems, storylines they just ignored/forget/barely concluded... other things that got tiresome really quickly, etc. Next season should be awesome with Russell being released, hopefully they actually have a fairy storyline (otherwise stop giving Sookie powers), the Reverend returning, Bill and Eric teaming up for a rebellion perhaps? and for the love of god please let Tara be dead.

I died laughing at this part, Pam became one of my favorite characters this season, she was hilarious. Also I'm glad to see Tara go, good riddance
i don't remember that reverend
is he the one that was making an army and they invited Jason to join?
Russell coming back
hopefully Eric and Bill will wise up and join together to take down the authority
speaking of which, why did they kill that vamp that warned them? i didn't get that part.
Tera getting killed!
so... are zombies coming in next season or zombies? cuz zombies would be kinda cool in this show.
that was a perfect costume for her.
this season>>>over the latest book, trust me.
I wonder what's the plot for terry's army buddy coming to visit him

Andy and the fairy

Eric / bill vs russell

Tera being offed (i hope is true)

Lafayette feelsbatman.
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

i don't remember that reverend
is he the one that was making an army and they invited Jason to join?


Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

this season>>>over the latest book, trust me.

I've been saying this

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

I wonder what's the plot for terry's army buddy coming to visit him

This might get good. 

 If we have to add zombies to the already long list of creatures in this show 
Originally Posted by SonOfTony

i wanna know if the Rev's wife is still alive, she's hot



And I guess I was the only one that enjoyed the season finale last night 
 it kept me entertained, though it was kinda lame that all it took was Sookie's granny to un-possess Lafayette. 

I was like 
 when they hinted at Russell Edgington is back. 
 at the rev being a vampire. 
 at Jesus dying

 at Jessica, damn you pasties!
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

I wonder what's the plot for terry's army buddy coming to visit him

Andy and the fairy

Eric / bill vs russell

Tera being offed (i hope is true)

Lafayette feelsbatman.
I'm not sure what the deal is with Terry's army buddy, but he seemed to me to look disappointed when Terry introduced Arlene as his wife.  Don't know what that means, but I found it interesting. 

And I don't think Tera is going to die.  Somehow, Eric and/or Bill are going to swoop in and hook her up with enough vampire blood to live.  Debbie sure ain't coming back though. 

I think Eric or BIll will sense Sookies fear and help Tara.. I think one of them might turn her into a vamp in order to save her. And there was A LOT of hint towards zombies this season, I really hope they don't go that route, theres already plenty of Supes in this show.

And I think Pam might have been the one to release Russell, she is the only other one who knew where he was buried by Eric and Bill. She also had the motive too do it with Eric being so cruel to her in the past couple episodes. Let's hope it doesn't go that way, Pam is one of my favorite cast members.
And they ain't gonna kill Tara next season she prolly gonna be in the hospital and gonna bring back her girlfriend watch this is just a setup to keep her girl in a current role on the show.
I agree that they shouldn't add anymore supernaturals though
I'd like the zombies if they got rid of the witches or one of the other groups
was i the only one happy when tara got shot? man, i was smiling like the grinch when i saw sookie holding her and her head half off
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

She's one bad %%@+$, though.

But she's into chicks now... I think. The show stopped mentioning that whole story awhile back.
If they do keep her alive through vampire blood or Sookie's magic hands or whatever, I hope her skull is still missing a part. Then I wouldn't mind when she's around.
Tara ain't dead...shotgun was grazed. She will he fine. Good catch on someone mentioning that the demon is still in lafayette. The last episode did kinda suck. Can't wait for next season though. Russels storyline was way better than martys. I think that the spirit part was dumb with gran and all...they talk about heaven and Hell but how could someone like gran and Marty be going to the same place. Sookie a low key slide..I think she is about to hook up with alcides now...even though he's the hottest anway maybe terry was gay...that meeting looked real awkward especially how slim just put terry in a trance real quick. And renee warning her. Speaking of...where was the baby? Why does everyone have to be is full of weirdos.
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