Official (UPDATE) PANGU 1.2.1 JAILBREAK iOS 8.x Jailbreak for IPhone iPad iPod (Windows and MAC)

I'm confused as to what all if this means. What does Apple no longer signing mean in layman's terms?

if you need to do a restore and plan to want to jb your not connect to itunes and turn off updates on your phone and itunes account... you will NOT be able to jb anymore if you connect your phone and update/restore without doing this........

get a program called iREB..

place the phone in pwndfu...(not semiboot and not dfu mode)

go to and d/l ios 6.1.0 for your phone type and carrier

get a program called snowbreeze to make a custom ipsw of ios 6.1.0

get a program called tinyumbrella

and go to the option to save shsh/blobs to cydia server and wait until its complete

then select start tss service on the log tab and wait

go to system32/drivers/ find the files that are used by apple

open the apple hosts files using notepad

add this: on the very last line...(this tells itunes to redirect to cydia to sign your phone instead of apple)

save the changes to the host file and close all programs

restart pc..

go to itunes and press and hold shift on the itunes page where it says restore.

it will allow you to browse your pc, in which direct it to the custom ipsw (the ios 6.1.0 you downloaded earlier)

press enter and the phone will do its usually restore process and return you to 6.1.0 with everything in tact minus the jb...instead of restoring your phone to 6.1.2 ios in which you no longer will be able to jb your phone (again this is if you are on newer devices)
Major props.:pimp:
boost 3g/wifi/4g speeds.....

Go to cydia and d/l GuizmoDNS

Then go to setting and the to the tweaks settings

activate the app

change your dns settings in the alloted option to....

"DNS Settings" :
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:

turn dnscrypt to on...makes for a more secure browsing...

reboot phone and youll notice about a 15-30% increase in speed in your internet on your phone.
its been stuck on the spinning icon for about 30 minutes. i reset and deleted all media from the phones main menu thinking it would restore the phone. its moving but it has not come back to the home screen. it had been giving me error messages through cydia regarding the sources i had added... i keep you guys posted.
its been stuck on the spinning icon for about 30 minutes. i reset and deleted all media from the phones main menu thinking it would restore the phone. its moving but it has not come back to the home screen. it had been giving me error messages through cydia regarding the sources i had added... i keep you guys posted.

You never erase settings from from phone when it's jail broken. Always do it from iTunes

Restore your phone then re jail break
boost 3g/wifi/4g speeds.....

Go to cydia and d/l GuizmoDNS

Then go to setting and the to the tweaks settings

activate the app

change your dns settings in the alloted option to....

"DNS Settings" :


Primary DNS:

Secondary DNS:

turn dnscrypt to on...makes for a more secure browsing...

reboot phone and youll notice about a 15-30% increase in speed in your internet on your phone.

is this safe to use? AT&T won't give a stink? battery drains faster?
View media item 278333
8 hours in this state. itunes wont recognize it...

first time for everything i guess...i dont know what to do. drain battery? smash with hammer?

Try putting it in dfu mode

Hold power button for 10 seconds

While still holding it hold the power button for 15 seconds

Let go of the power button but continue to hold the home button

Do this while connected to iTunes and tell me if that worked. If it did you can restore it from there
I have 2 questions
-everytime i try to browse through cydia it almost always kicks me out and send me to app store to buy some bs bubble game
-album artwork is screwed up. Artwork is different than what is being played.

Both errors occured after jb. Anyone else have or had these problems before?
is this safe to use? AT&T won't give a stink? battery drains faster?
no because basically its almost like having a private browser ala like using a vpn at home. it routes the signal thru the google servers which are constant and usually faster seeing as google always have to have constant up and running servers ie google maps etc... plus it is a more secure connection....

i would recommend this especially with ppl using itransmission (the torrent d/l and u/l app) you not that i ever heard of them doing it... but your service provider tracing your address to your phone if you were d/l games etc... music and whatnot unauthorize. i mean they already do it for home internet who knows if they will start doing it on cellular. plus i dont like the whole idea of a phone company tracing and tracking all my internet and mms/sms etc activity
its been stuck on the spinning icon for about 30 minutes. i reset and deleted all media from the phones main menu thinking it would restore the phone. its moving but it has not come back to the home screen. it had been giving me error messages through cydia regarding the sources i had added... i keep you guys posted.
get iREB or latest version of redsn0w or irecovery.....(irecovery mght restore it back to normal depends on what is wrong) and place the phone in tethered mode... or dfu mode...if you put in tethered mode youll have to figure what the problem is...... if you put in pwndfu mode the phone will be in the mode where the itunes logo is on the screen and you can restore...(but will lose jailbreak)

if you get reds0w go to extras then boot loop recovery mode and follow the instructions. and then go back and rejailbreak

all other programs will put you in a tethered state (which means you cant turn off the phone and then turn it back on without jailbreaking everytime)

if you go that route get to tethered mode go to itunes restore...not as a new device, and simple rejailbreak
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