Official (UPDATE) PANGU 1.2.1 JAILBREAK iOS 8.x Jailbreak for IPhone iPad iPod (Windows and MAC)

I dont understand the problem exactly. Does this happen when you apply the theme? If so, have you tried the app in cydia called "themeiconmaker". It basically is an autofix for most icon problems.

I figured out the custom icon problem I was having, once I went back to the standard springboard and reapply the theme it is there, weird, but works.
I don't have a theme. Whether I use FolderEnhancer, Infinifolders, etc. I get random large icons. If I close that folder and open it back up, everything could be normal, or different icons other than the one in the screencap may be enlarged. When I delete the tweak, everything is normal. Now, there might be a glitch with iOS 6 and having more than the original 12 in a folder... But I can't test if its that or another tweak I have installed. Because when I uninstall a folder tweak I obviously can't throw more than 12 in a normal folder to see if its another tweak interacting incorrectly. Hopefully this response makes sense lol.
I don't have a theme. Whether I use FolderEnhancer, Infinifolders, etc. I get random large icons. If I close that folder and open it back up, everything could be normal, or different icons other than the one in the screencap may be enlarged. When I delete the tweak, everything is normal. Now, there might be a glitch with iOS 6 and having more than the original 12 in a folder... But I can't test if its that or another tweak I have installed. Because when I uninstall a folder tweak I obviously can't throw more than 12 in a normal folder to see if its another tweak interacting incorrectly. Hopefully this response makes sense lol.

Try foldericons
Try foldericons
I did previously. It could be iOS 6 not playing nice with non-updated versions of "supported" tweaks (many devs haven't even updated their code yet but say they support iOS 6 fully) or it could be another tweak interfering. There's no way for me to find out it seems because again, I can't try to put more than 12 icons in a folder to see if I experience the glitch without a folder tweak installed. :/
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I've been trying to do this. I just can't find the directory for the keyboards
Are you looking for the colorkeyboard directory or the actual keyboards apple uses? The one that apple uses cant be accessed they are not .png images its a totally different format. A guy did develop a program to extract them but you gotta be a coding wiz the actual use it. 
which weather app the stock or a 3rd party? if its the stock, app-sync was the main problem for why many people had their stock weather app crash after JBing and then installing app-sync.
Yeah the stock one. I uninstalled app sync a long time ago but once I installed Zepplin the weather app starting crashing again. Long story short, I uninstalled Zepplin and then reinstalled it and now weather works perfectly like before. Don't know why I had to do that, but as long as it works.... I don't really care lol
Are you looking for the colorkeyboard directory or the actual keyboards apple uses? The one that apple uses cant be accessed they are not .png images its a totally different format. A guy did develop a program to extract them but you gotta be a coding wiz the actual use it. 

Ahh damn
Did you update the jailbreak in Cydia? This should have fixed most hitting problems. And even if you get stuck at the Apple logo all you have to do is a hard restart by holding down the power and home button and it will start up fine. Or was your initial jailbreak problematic?

The initial jalbreak was bad, I can't install winterboard because it says I need pincrush and some other stuff. I updated in cydia but still no luck
The initial jalbreak was bad, I can't install winterboard because it says I need pincrush and some other stuff. I updated in cydia but still no luck
That's odd. I'm def not experienced much in jailbreaking but usually whatever the tweak/app needs will download it automatically. Just a fluked try I guess. My initial was flawless and speedy. I was very surprised. Jailbreaking has come quite a ways.
i THINK I am finally content on my look.

But, hell. I know that will change.

I've been jailbreaking over a year and honestly I've just been happy wit what I have now

I was always changing things but now I think I'm good
Anyone replace their text tones? Know any cool ones? Matter fact, how do you do this lol

New to the iPhone with iOS 5 is the ability to set and use custom text tones. Having long been able to switch between Apple provided text tones, since this new feature means any ringtone file can be set as a custom SMS sound, and you can also set custom text alert sounds on a per contact basis so you’ll know who is texting you based on the alert sound alone.

Change the SMS Sound on the iPhone
If you’re tired of the default “Tri-tone” text tone, here is how to change that sound:

Tap on “Settings” and then tap on “Sounds”
Tap on “Text Tone” and select from the list, custom text tones with appear under “Ringtones” whereas defaults will appear under “Original”
Select a text tone to use and close out of Settings
Tapping a text tone will play a preview of the sound, the checkbox alongside the tone indicates it’s the current setting.

Set Custom Text Tones Per Contact
SMS alert sounds can also be customized on a per person basis:

Tap on “Phone” and then the “Contacts” tab on the bottom
Locate the contact to set a custom SMS tone for and tap on their name
Tap on “Edit” and tap on “Text Tone”
Just as above, tap on a new text tone to set it as the default for the selected contact

so basically, just change it like if you were changing the ringtone.
Here is the simple guide using iTunes for converting sounds and iFile for changing names.

For SSH you may use Cyberduck (mac) or WinSCP (windows).

1. Find a MP3 or any sound/music you want for your message tone.
2. Load it to your iTunes library and convert the sound to .AIFF. To convert the file in .AIFF make sure you have “AIFF Encoder” in your iTunes import settings and for it to work the tone length must be 30 sec or less. Right click on the file and choose “Create AIFF Version”.
3. Move the tone to your desktop, change the name.extension to sms-received*.CAF (where * is a number from 1-6, after copying to your desktop you can now delete the file from you iTunes Library if desired.)
  1. [color= rgb(153, 153, 153)]sms-received1.CAF = Tri-tone
    sms-received2.CAF = Chime
    sms-received3.CAF = Glass
    sms-received4.CAF = Horn
    sms-received5.CAF = Bell
    sms-received6.CAF = Electronic[/color]
4. Using SSH navigate and upload new tone to “[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]/System/Library/Audio/UISounds[/color]”, replacing a original tone your hearth desire.

Thats all for changing the message tone, now for the fun part, changing the message tone name.

5. Using iFile or SSH navigate to “[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]/var/stash/Applications/[/color]” if you are using English as a default language continue to “[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]/English.lproj/[/color]” otherwise choose your default language. Using iFile app ‘[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Sounds.stings[/color]‘ can be directly edited by selecting then tapping the edit button. Look for the [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]“ALTERNATE_6″ = “Electronic” [/color](you may have selected different tone to replace here, choose accordingly), change the word [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]“Electronic”[/color]  to the name of your tone, mine is [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]“Held Me Up”[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  by Eric Clapton.[/color][/color]
6. Tap done, save it. or if you use SSH to download and other editor to edit the file, now is the time to save it and import it back to the iPhone replacing the original Sounds.strings.
7. Respring/reboot your iDevice. Whoooa! you have successfully changed you message tone.
Here is the simple guide using iTunes for converting sounds and iFile for changing names.

For SSH you may use Cyberduck (mac) or WinSCP (windows).

1. Find a MP3 or any sound/music you want for your message tone.
2. Load it to your iTunes library and convert the sound to .AIFF. To convert the file in .AIFF make sure you have “AIFF Encoder” in your iTunes import settings and for it to work the tone length must be 30 sec or less. Right click on the file and choose “Create AIFF Version”.
3. Move the tone to your desktop, change the name.extension to sms-received*.CAF (where * is a number from 1-6, after copying to your desktop you can now delete the file from you iTunes Library if desired.)
  1. [color= rgb(153, 153, 153)]sms-received1.CAF = Tri-tone
    sms-received2.CAF = Chime
    sms-received3.CAF = Glass
    sms-received4.CAF = Horn
    sms-received5.CAF = Bell
    sms-received6.CAF = Electronic[/color]
4. Using SSH navigate and upload new tone to “[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]/System/Library/Audio/UISounds[/color]”, replacing a original tone your hearth desire.

Thats all for changing the message tone, now for the fun part, changing the message tone name.

5. Using iFile or SSH navigate to “[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]/var/stash/Applications/[/color]” if you are using English as a default language continue to “[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]/English.lproj/[/color]” otherwise choose your default language. Using iFile app ‘[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Sounds.stings[/color]‘ can be directly edited by selecting then tapping the edit button. Look for the [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]“ALTERNATE_6″ = “Electronic” [/color](you may have selected different tone to replace here, choose accordingly), change the word [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]“Electronic”[/color]  to the name of your tone, mine is [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]“Held Me Up”[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]  by Eric Clapton.[/color][/color]
6. Tap done, save it. or if you use SSH to download and other editor to edit the file, now is the time to save it and import it back to the iPhone replacing the original Sounds.strings.
7. Respring/reboot your iDevice. Whoooa! you have successfully changed you message tone.
Or you can skip most of that if you aready have the file you want on your phone and just place it in the right spot via ifile.
You don't even have to be jailbroken for this.

Find the song you want to use in iTunes.
Edit the start and stop times to what you want the tone to be.
Right click and convert AAC version (this creates a new file)
Delete the new version from the library after you locate it on disc.
Change the extension to .m4r from .m4a or whatever it is.
Then open the file and it automatically goes into a tones tab in iTunes.

Don't forget to uncheck start and stop times on the original file so it doesn't play just that part on your iPod.

Seems like a lot of steps but takes two seconds after you've done it two or three times.
App Sync is the only thing needed when connecting a JBed phone to itunes right? No other app is required for a successful sync?
Anyone else's phone just restarts by it self?..I get the apple screen then it comes back happens to me atleast 2-3 times a day since I jb'ed
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