Official Warriors Offseason Thread --> PLEASE LOCK.

There's too many here in San Diego. I was gettin some food at Burger King on campus today and when I was waiting, this fat broad started popping off to her friend about how she hated Rondo and how he looked like a monkey.
Originally Posted by acidicality

There's too many here in San Diego. I was gettin some food at Burger King on campus today and when I was waiting, this fat broad started popping off to her friend about how she hated Rondo and how he looked like a monkey.
I swear, this one dude at SFState looks like Rondo
Originally Posted by daprescription

I try to not even pay attention to Lakers fans. I'm probably one of the few Warriors fans that has no problem with the Lakers.

im there with you
I just can't wait til Kobe career is done so there fans know how it feels to be mediocre. But then again $term get them another bug name player for scrub
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

I just can't wait til Kobe career is done so there fans know how it feels to be mediocre. But then again $term get them another bug name player for scrub

same way they got gasol for a bag of peanuts.

i really don't hate any laker players, except for derek flopper (i actually don't mind Kobe). and most of the fans are aite (most of my friends here are), but the annoying obnoxious ones with that holier-than-thou attitude ticks me off. i would get into a fight with a laker fan way before i got into a fight with 715.
I won't lump them all into one category. On NT, kb8, tupac, cp, and a few others are cool with me. It's those fans who think they're better than you because they root for the Lakers that irritate me.
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Originally Posted by dland24

Easy guys. WCF is probably lurkin.

That guy is such a loser on and off the keyboard

Nah man chill with that.  Dude is folks.  Aside from his hate for certain Warrior fans, dude is cool with me.
can anyone recommend me a good video card ? something under $200 and good for gaming.

running on a geforce gt 220 right now that came with my desktop when i bought it.

other specs that i'm not sure if needed:
- running on vista 64 bit
-core 2 quad q8300 2.5 GHz

thanks for the help. thought about posting this in general but might get a slew of answers so thought i'd ask over here first.
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Originally Posted by dland24

Easy guys. WCF is probably lurkin.

That guy is such a loser on and off the keyboard

JumpmanFromDaBay wrote:
I just can't wait til Kobe career is done so there fans know how it feels to be mediocre. But then again $term get them another bug name player for scrub

 learn how to spell before you call someone a loser my friend

He's a square.

I'd fight him before I fight Acid.

Originally Posted by dont be a menace

can anyone recommend me a good video card ? something under $200 and good for gaming.

running on a geforce gt 220 right now that came with my desktop when i bought it.

other specs that i'm not sure if needed:
- running on vista 64 bit
-core 2 quad q8300 2.5 GHz

thanks for the help. thought about posting this in general but might get a slew of answers so thought i'd ask over here first.
Randolph is back at practice
Saw him yesterday - he does look stronger and def hasnt gained 25 lbs as his agent said... but he looks better and was in good spirits it seemed.

irrelevant but, he also grew a fro and it kinda looks gangster
JumpmanFromDaBay wrote:
Wcf- don't u have anything better to do other than trolling the warriors off season thread?
dont you have anything better to do other than calling me a loser in the warriors off season thread?

plus i was simply helping you with your spelling

as i stated in the Laker hater thread:

if you guys think us Laker fans are annoying...what you guys think of the Laker haters? theyre probably as bad as the kobe stans/Laker bandwagoners...some of the haters dont even have a team but yet they tend to hate on us cause its "the thing to be" and hate on kobe just cause "hes kobe, he's a rapist or a ballhog"
granted there are plenty of Laker bandwagons/kobe stans that are annoying and will probably disappear when we go back to becoming an average team again and they get mixed up with us the real true Laker fans which subquently leads to the stereotyping and the same can go for the haters

anyways best regards warrior fans!
Originally Posted by offbad

Originally Posted by dont be a menace

can anyone recommend me a good video card ? something under $200 and good for gaming.

running on a geforce gt 220 right now that came with my desktop when i bought it.

other specs that i'm not sure if needed:
- running on vista 64 bit
-core 2 quad q8300 2.5 GHz

thanks for the help. thought about posting this in general but might get a slew of answers so thought i'd ask over here first.
yeah saw that. should i just buy something that's in my price range or is there something that you recommend?
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