Official White Privilege Thread

Regardless of race, 99% of your problems are your own doing.

Post x avy combo

boy if you dont
College Student Who Smeared Bodily Fluids on Black Roommate’s Belongings Receives Special Probation to Avoid Criminal Record


Brianna Brochu will not be facing any real punishment for smearing her bodily fluids all over, and tampering with, her black roommate’s belongings.

Brochu, who was expelled from the University of Hartford in Connecticut following the incident, was granted a special type of probation on Monday that would allow her to avoid a criminal record. Brochu will have to perform a 200 hours of community service, with 50 of those hours at a literacy organization in Greater Hartford and another 50 at a social services group.
Australia Considers Fast-Track Visas for White South African Farmers
Home affairs minister Peter Dutton says the group deserves ‘special attention’ due to the ‘horrific circumstances’ they face at home


White South African farmers “deserve special attention” from Australia due to the “horrific circumstances” of land seizures and violence, Peter Dutton has said.

The home affairs minister told the Daily Telegraph on Wednesday his department was examining a range of methods to fast-track their path to Australia on humanitarian or other visa programs.

South Africa’s new president, Cyril Ramaphosa, is pursuing legal changes to allow appropriation of farm lands without compensation for redistribution to black South Africans.

The policy has led to reports, including in the Australian media, that white farmers are being murdered at a rate of more than one per week.

“If you look at the footage and read the stories, you hear the accounts, it’s a horrific circumstance they face,” Dutton said.

The home affairs minister noted Australia has refugee, humanitarian and other visa programs which have the “potential to help some of these people”. He said he had asked his department to look at the options “because from what I have seen they do do need help from a civilised country like ours”.

“The people we’re talking about want to work hard, they want to contribute to a country like Australia,” Dutton said.

“We want people who want to come here, abide by our laws, integrate into our society, work hard, not lead a life on welfare. And I think these people deserve special attention and we’re certainly applying that special attention now.”

Dutton suggested options included the in-country persecution visa category, and to bring them to Australia on humanitarian visas via referrals from others in Australia.

He said the home affairs department was looking at ways to help “some of these horrific cases” and suggested an announcement could be made shortly.

Asked if this could be achieved with the South African government’s cooperation, Dutton replied Australia “can work with governments all around the world”.
Kristen Windmuller-Luna And Drew Sawyer Join Brooklyn Museum’s Curatorial Team
in Charge of African Art

Lena Windmuller-Luna will rethink the Brooklyn Museum’s extensive African art collection and organize new temporary installations; Drew Sawyer will oversee the photography collection and reimagine its role within the museum.

Kristen Luna-Windmuller (l), Drew Sawyer (r). Photo credit: Brooklyn Museum

The Brooklyn Museum just announced the appointment of two new curators: Kristen Windmuller-Luna, a curator and historian of African arts and architecture, has been appointed the Sills Family Consulting Curator, African Art; and Drew Sawyer has been appointed the Phillip Leonian and Edith Rosenbaum Leonian Curator of Photography.

“We are thrilled to welcome Drew and Kristen to our fantastic curatorial team during this period of great momentum as we expand exhibitions, public programs and educational reach,” said Anne Pasternak, Shelby White and Leon Levy Director.

Windmuller-Luna will rethink the Brooklyn Museum’s extensive collection of African art, which is comprised of more than 6,000 objects, and organize a freshly conceived temporary installation showcasing the depth of the collection. Her focus will be to create a dialogue between the African art collection and other works within the museum’s holdings while also helping to develop educational programming.

As a curator and historian of African arts and architecture, with a specialization in the early modern period and Christian Ethiopia, her work counters myths about African civilizations and artistic production by focusing on cultural specificity, artistic diversity and global historical context. Windmuller-Luna received her Ph.D. and M.A. in Art and Archaeology from Princeton University and her B.A. in the History of Art from Yale University.

Drew Sawyer will reimagine the role of photography collection within the museum and explore ways to integrate it with other collection galleries and exhibitions.

Sawyer is currently Head of Exhibitions and the William J. and Sarah Ross Soter Associate Curator of Photography at the Columbus Museum of Art in Ohio. He is also a co-organizer of the upcoming historical survey Art after Stonewall, 1969 to 1989 which will tour during the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in 2019. Sawyer holds a Ph.D. in Art History and Archaeology from Columbia University, specializing in North American art and visual culture of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

“Kristen’s vision for a new permanent collection installation that transforms how viewers relate to the arts of Africa is tremendously exciting for us as we near the 100th anniversary of the Brooklyn Museum’s pioneering exhibition of African art in 1923, ”said Deputy Director and Chief Curator Jennifer Chi. “Drew’s deep expertise in social and experimental documentary practices during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries will significantly augment our strong collection and will contribute to our history of championing contemporary artists who continue in this vein.”
Nurse Fired for Saying Stephon Clark ‘Deserved’ to be Shot Begs for Donations to Cover Rent — And Raises Thousands

Faith Linthicum said she’s unable to make rent or buy food for herself and her dogs since being fired for her offensive comments. (Image courtesy of GoFundMe)

A Sacramento nurse fired from her job over offensive comments she made about slain man Stephon Clark is now begging for donations to help her cover her day-to-day expenses.

Faith Linthicum, who was booted from her job as a labor and delivery nurse at Kaiser’s Roseville Medical Center last week, launched a GoFundMe page on Saturday looking to raise $25,000 from sympathetic supporters, according to the Sacramento Bee.

“I am a United States Military veteran who served as a medic, and then fulfilled my dream taking care of people by becoming a nurse,” Linthicum wrote. “… I was recently fired from my job as a nurse at Kaiser Permanente for exercising my First Amendment right to free speech.”

“I am now unemployed and unable to pay rent, buy food for myself and my two dogs (French Bulldog & Great Dane), or make my car payments/insurance,” she continued. “I’m asking for support during this trying time as I try to find employment and heal.”

Linthicum lost her job after commenting that Clark, an unarmed Black man shot 8 times by policeon March 18, “deserved” to be killed because he was “acting stupid.”

“Yeah but he was running from the police jumping over fences and breaking in people’s houses … why run??!!,” she wrote in a Facebook post commenting on the deadly police shooting. “He deserved it for being stupid.”

The now unemployed nurse claimed she’s the victim of an attack by a local activist who brought her damning comments to light. On her GoFundMe Page, Linthicum insisted she’s by no means a hateful or discriminatory person, and described herself as a woman of faith who loves all people and treats everyone equally.

Two additional posts from Linthicum dug up by Sacramento activist Christina Arechiga suggest otherwise, however.

“Can we protest the deaths of all the people shot by black people too?” one post read.

“Hell (sic) yeah!!! Build that wall Mr. President!! #prototypeshopping,” read the other.

Arechiga said she was so concerned by the posts that she took her complaints to Kaiser after learning Linthicum was a nurse there. Hospital officials promised to investigate the “serious matter” and by Friday, Linthicum was relieved of her duties, the Sac Bee reported.

“How can we trust our lives, the lives of our Black and brown babies to these people?” Arechiga wrote on Facebook. “Nurses are supposed to help people not be happy when people die.”

So far, Lithicum’s GoFundMe page has raised nearly $20,500 in donations.
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She already got up to $20,000 last time I heard.

Edit: So it's up to 27k on her page.
I read an article the other day about Black infant and maternal mortality and basically our rates are double that of whites and higher than poverty stricken Mexico. Apparently the accepted cause amongst scholars is physiological stress due to racism. Black women are more likely to have complications during pregnacy due to things like health care providers dismissing legitimate concerns that our women have regarding maternal health. When you think about the story up the a damn labor and delivery nurse with that kind of attitude towards Blacks, it’s a prime example of what the article highlighted. Think about how many Black babies this woman has helped deliver. The craziest thing to me is that they are literally killing us off at birth.
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