Official Xbox 360 Post: For those who CARE, COD4 patch is now available

in 2k8 does anyone else have a problem where when you try to take a charge the person vanishes and ends up behind you after running into you?
Damn, took me a while to get the time for that F.N.G thing under 20 seconds. got it in 19.5 :pimp:
fastest on the leaderboard was 11.4 :wow:
.:: GAMERTAG: SaNTi iTNaS ::.​
So is it better to get a wireless or router?

I'm thinking of getting a Linksy's router (I'm lagging). The previous thread had some good info, but it got locked.
for those who want to claim a certain verson is better:

Call of Duty 4 offers 16 maps and thirteen multiplayer variants out of the box. PS3 and 360 support 18 players online (a number that could increase at a later date) with PC offering 32-player matches. Other than the number count, multiplayer is identical for all three systems. This is in terms of modes, map layouts, visual fidelity, and performance. Top to bottom, COD4 runs fantastically. On consoles you may see a few random moments of lag hit, but in my experience, these were so rare that I hardly noticed them
FS Brand new sealed The Orange Box and Stranglehold pm or email at
Originally Posted by HAZE323

my hit % on cod4 is 42% my kill death ratio is 1.60 COD$ is

any 1 up for COD4 ADD me GT HAZE323
Damn, thats freakin hit% is 12.06%... I think it has to do with me running around with a SMG trying to shoot through walls killdeath ratio is 0.68... Well, at least I have the most wins in my friends list at 35 hehe...
whos playin right now, id like to get a party goin with some people who can actually win games.. this random garbage annoys me
yup, hes right. I copped Saint's row for 4 dollars shipped a few days ago. It said estimated shipping time = 6 weeks but apparently that was bs because itarrived at my home 1.5 days after purchase. I put in a 2nd order for the Messenger kit. It shipped today.

If you need a coupon.. search eBay and buy one (they're going for like 2 dollars now)

I purchased Saint's Row when they were offering free shipping but now shipping is 4.99. The Messenger kit cost me like 12 dollars total. I may go back fora third order but I dont think I need anything else in that price range.
Originally Posted by CrazyTrainJs

get laid prickdick
says the guy in the wrestling thread going "OH NOEZ! JEFFIE BABY IS NOT GONNA MAKE IT!"

as for the goldeneye petition, it has been acknowledged by Major Nelson so atleast we are getting somewhere... something tells me goldeneye being canned wasjust a plan so that the focus could be taken off of how crappy live is right now...
New Madden roster update! Ricky is there

I didn't check to see if they took off S.Taylor though
^I had that problem too, and I had to send it in. No charge. That was the only time I had to send mine in.
Since this thread is pretty active, hopefully I'll get a response to my question.

"Datels Xbox 360 Transfer Kit"


Product Features

  • Save the entire contents of your XB360 memory card to your computer's hard drive as an image file
  • Automatically logs the time and date of backup, for accurate images
  • Add your own descriptions and file names, so you always know what's where
  • Archive and restore deleted images, at any time
  • Transfer saves, downloads, user data and more

Now here is my question. Does anyone know if I would need to buy a Memory Card in order for the Transfer Kit to work? I havea 20GB 360 waiting to be opened on Christmas morning, if that matters.

Thanks to anyone who can help me out.
SMH at me waiting so long on Mass Effect

What are the perks of being renegade or paragon?

In KOTOR i was always dark side because they had hella dope powers.
Ahh dirty bums....after waiting nearly 2 months for my 5 free HD DVDs with the purchase of the drive. I received a card in the mail today telling me they are short on stock and the supplier will be sending them more shortly...and they are going to do everything they can to get the order out by the 25th of this month. Horrible.
.: nnarum :.
New Rock Band DLC
Number of the beast - Iron Maiden
(I hope the note-chart for the guitar is better than GH3s\
Interstate Love Song - Stone Temple Pilots

Die, Alright - The Hives

# of the beast and interstate Love Song will be copped.
I am convinced Rock Band has the best DLC of any game ever
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Damn the Walmart deal is great. I'm just waiting for my box to get back, thas all I care about at the moment.

Do you think they'll send me a HDMI ready box?


Nope. You'll get one similar to the one you sent in. I wish they would just replace them with the new version, Falcon board and HDMI, but it would betoo easy.
Dang, I keep feeling this rush to play COD:4, I didn't go to school today, and played from 11AM-11:30PM

I just got off 20 mins ago, and I feel like I need to go back on?
lol, I need to just go to sleep, then in the am get to lvl 40
I want those 7 lvls sooooo bad
P90 is going to be SICK
Here you go, sonny-boy! Make daddy proud! Deliver the punch line.​
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Its not that. I like COD 4. Its just that it is not as great as people say it is. Its flaws and glitches hamper the game alot. and this is coming from somebody who will own anybody on niketalk, 360 or ps3, in cod 4 in team death match...

I think alot of people disliked cod 3 because you couldnt get away with crap. you had to be skilled. people cried about how the vehicles were too powerful but thats because they dont know how to easily dispose of them..

you cnat honestly tell me you arent dissapointed at how GTA iv or SF iv looks?

But if you had the beta, Infinity Ward did NOTHING to improve the game... IW are a bunch of douche bags for that...

I didn't like COD3 because it was unbalanced, and honestly you can't just say COD4 is weak because of small flaws. I mean there is a update on theway, that will fix a couple of problems. And yeah they did change alot from the beta, believe me they did. You cant serious expect perfection when the game hasonly been out about a month and a half now.

I have not seen the GTA trailer yet, but as for SF4 I am happy with the way it looks I don't want another fancy looking 2d fighter there are moooorrreeethan enough. As long as the fight system is balanced it will become a staple in the competitive gaming scene. I think SF looks good and you really can'ttell how the game is going to look from that screen, that looks more like a intro screen.
i gave in and got COD4 tonight...ill prolly never touch AC6 again least on the bright side, theres not much comingout in 08 so ill have time to go back and play everything..

but damn COD is amazing...that level with the tv station was intense haha..

the game is great but it would be A LOT better with online co-op...
So I'm playing NCAA 08 (Campus Legend mode) and I notice my 360 is making some weird noises coupled with some slight freezing during the game. Then out ofnowhere I get a "disc unreadable message". Its not happening with any of my other games, so I'm wondering if it could be the game although thereare no scratches or anything on the game itself. Has anyone else experienced this? I hope its not a precursor to 3ROD...
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