oh 4chan... you guys crack me up!

goes to show how many people will jump the gun on any hype wagon without doing any sort of research on the subject

Yep, we've seen it countless times on Twitter this year. Stop KONY, Mitt Romney's campaign slogan deriving from the KKK, and a whole other heap of BS that could've been easily debunked by checking Snopes.
#BaldForBieber Hoax Teaches Kids to Fact Check Before Shaving Their Heads
Emily Price October 26, 2012 by Emily Price 17
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A Twitter hoax suggesting Justin Bieber has cancer taught teenage girls everywhere a valuable lesson this week: You should fact check before you shave your head. Or, maybe it’s all just an elaborate story crafted by 4Chan.

Originally posted on Oct. 22, the hoax started with a screenshot of what appears to be a tweet from Entertainment Tonight‘s official Twitter account announcing that Bieber was diagnosed with cancer that morning and suggesting fans go #BaldforBieber in support of the pop icon. The photo also shows what looks to be a tweet from Bieber’s official account, thanking ET for the support

Shortly after the tweets, a website, BaldforBieber.com, launched showing Photoshopped tweets from the pop star thanking fans for support, as well as a number of fake news stories that seem to confirm the rumor.

A YouTube video on the site’s homepage shows a video of fans supposedly shaving their heads in support of the Biebs, and a gallery of photos on another page shows those who have supposedly shaved their head in support of the pop star.

If you head to YouTube, there are several videos of fan’s showing their support, as well as one that supposedly includes leaked emails from Bieber’s doctors regarding the cancer, mentioning his chemotherapy.

It all seems real until you look at Bieber’s official Twitter and Facebook account, which has no mention of the cancer.

Look for any of the news reports mention at their actual source and you’ll be out of luck as well.

Bieber’s bodyguard Kenny Hamilton denounced the cancer rumors, however, that doesn’t looks to have slowed the rumor mill.

Keith Schwartz @KeithSchwartz48 26 Oct 12

@KennyHamilton Is it true about justin having cancer?

Kenny Hamilton



@KeithSchwartz48 no
26 Oct 12


According to Blame It On the Voices, the whole thing was created by pranksters on 4Chan, who created and posted the fake tweets that then went viral.

As news spread Friday that #BaldForBieber is a hoax, the hashtag filled with commenters such as these calling both the best and worst prank of all time:

nachomaans @nachomaans

Hashtag of the day #baldforbeiber Well done, internet
26 Oct 12


KATIE SIVITICUS @katiesivits

i'd say that #baldforbeiber was an awful prank but then again people are very stupid
26 Oct 12


Michelle @MichelllexDxR

If you guys shave your heads for #baldforbeiber, why don't you do it for all the other little children and people who are fighting cancer?
26 Oct 12


skinnylattes @skinnylattes

That Justin Bieber hoax was rude, you guys. Just, rude. #baldforbeiber
26 Oct 12


Despite all our searching, we were unable to confirm anyone falling for #BaldForBieber and shaving their head, so maybe all those Bieliebers out there were fact checking the story after all.

What do you think of #BaldForBieber? Do you know anyone who fell for the hoax? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Image courtesy of Flickr, iloveJB123
Shaving your head because justin beiber has cancer though...c'mon son!

if people are stupid enough to go to twitter and entertainment tonight for breaking news / responsible journalism, then let them shave their heads . . . in fact, I'd like to round up these people and sterilize them so they can't further infect the human race with their ignorance.

maybe the only way to eradicate ignorance is to breed it out?
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