Okay This UFO thing is starting to become a bit too real

damn dog... i may be really smacked but i'm scared...
The phone call is by far the most disturbing...extra-dimensional beings.

Having the ability to triangulate one's position at anytime and anywhere on the earth, and appear through an open gate.

Understand the concept of Delta T, abbreviated by a triangle and T, its relative to a universal and terrestrial time zone.

The triangle or diamond, has been a figure for exponential time travel for ages...

Egyptians, babylonians, mayans were aware of this, hence the formation of pyramids. It's also well known that many from their era acknowledged "gods" with powers beyond comprehension.

These beings have biblical connections. There's no reason an ET would hover above a sacred structure in jerusalem.

It's easier to call them aliens from another planet, than to identify them as cross-dimensional beings, angel and demon that have been advancing earth since creation, cast from the creator himself.
The phone call is by far the most disturbing...extra-dimensional beings.

Having the ability to triangulate one's position at anytime and anywhere on the earth, and appear through an open gate.

Understand the concept of Delta T, abbreviated by a triangle and T, its relative to a universal and terrestrial time zone.

The triangle or diamond, has been a figure for exponential time travel for ages...

Egyptians, babylonians, mayans were aware of this, hence the formation of pyramids. It's also well known that many from their era acknowledged "gods" with powers beyond comprehension.

These beings have biblical connections. There's no reason an ET would hover above a sacred structure in jerusalem.

It's easier to call them aliens from another planet, than to identify them as cross-dimensional beings, angel and demon that have been advancing earth since creation, cast from the creator himself.
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