Oklahoma City Thunder vs San Antonio Spurs - OKC WINS in 6, Congrats!

Remember when Westbrook sat the whole 4th Quarter in the Memphis series and everyone was praising Scott Brooks for the move? Westbrook didn't play the same after that and it almost lost them the series.

Westbrook needs to mature, not back off. He needs to attack, but he needs take higher percentage shots when he attacks.

Personally I think Durant needs to do a better job of getting open and Brooks needs to get his players to move around the floor better and stop dialing in plays with 14 seconds left on the shot clock; but I also think Westbrook needs to mature in his development and it will happen. Serge is developing phenomenally by the year. More weapons will spread the court more for Westbrook to take better shots. This team is maturing; it's a process.
The way OKC has grown in one series is pretty amazing, very uncharacteristic for them to have as many assists as they've had the past two games.

I still say this goes 7 games, Spurs losing 4 straight? Not sure.
is okc gonna give ibaka and harden Max deals like their other two stars? I don't think they got money like that..will be an interesting who they choose
A week ago I thought the Spurs would never lose again. They've looked lost the last couple of games.

I still think they have the best chance of beating the Heat so I hope they win.
Things change so fast.  The majority of people were already crowning them champions and talking about Duncan getting another ring.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Have not clicked on the video yet. More interested in this jacket here Sager is wearing
Okc can't win game 7 in SA, okc can't win 4 in a row, SA won't let okc do them like this, blah blah blah...... Why not??? The better team is putting on them right now. Close out in okc
The only reason this game isn't a blowout it's cause of the stupid plays by Westbrook down the stretch. Okc got game 6, they look hungry
This article summarizes the playing style of the Thunder to a T.  While I disagree that RW0 is more valuable than KD, Thunder ain't going anywhere without Russ's attack mentality.  Y'all see that emotion after the alley?  Might not seem like much but that kind of %%+@ energizes your team.  As has been stated, Russ has supreme confidence no matter what kind of game he's having, for better or worse


Oklahoma City Thunder: Why Westbrook Is More Valuable to Thunder Than Durant

By  Kurt Scott (Contributor) on June 5, 2012201 reads 

Use your
I have trouble seeing OKC lose game 6 at home, but I REALLY want a game 7. And who knows which way the series goes if SA takes gm 6, then heads back home with the momentum.

Either way, it's been fun and I'm glad we got a chance to see the eventual NBA champions here 
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

The Spurs played an 8th seed Jazz team that was happy to just make the playoffs and a banged up crippled Clippers team.  Their playoff run has been rather easy when compared to the Thunder's route.  OKC has knocked off the last two NBA champs and I don't see Parker or anyone slowing down Westbrook and they don't have someone that matches up well with KD.

You can toss out any regular season games these teams played as their rosters have changed slightly.  If OKC can contain the Spurs 3 pt shooters and keep their turnovers down then they have a pretty good shot.  People are understimating OKC's interior defense and their shot blocking will play a role in this one.

I'll take OKC in 6. 

I'll stick with the original statement....OKC's length and speed have given San Antonio problems. 

People need perspective and ESPN tries to get people to live in the moment too much.  Claiming the Spurs are the greatest team ever and now they are washed up.....all in the span of one week, my gosh.  

OKC will be a crazed environment on Wednesday and the Spurs won't be able to match the intensity.   That would be a fun gym to be in to watch Game 6.  NBA Finals for OKC. 
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

that game was wild ... westbrook is hilarious ... but the one thing the refs can't do anything about is big shots. Harden / Kd

OKC has earned this ... they need to win at home ... NO WAY THEY WIN A GAME 7 in san antonio ...

Clippers won Game 7 in Memphis though and Boston almost lost theirs to Philly.  OKC will close it out in Game 6, but winning a Game 7 in Texas is not out of the question.  
You sure you dont mean Dallas bro? That was game 1 when Maynor played most the 4th and we got our 1 win of the series. Westbrook murderalizes Conley. I dont know if any other pg would get 23 and 12 in a W and be so persecuted. Parker was 5-14 and had 5tos himself. People on this other msg board coming up with all kind of unrealistic trades to "improve" the Thunder by trading Westbrook, like 1 was we should package him with Ibaka and trade for Kevin Love and Ricky Rubio and the consensus is Minny says no
Originally Posted by Dcypoe

Yup, I'm using that chart to make a point Russ shoots too much & might I add, doing a good job proving it. What, your gonna tell me he doesn't? That he deserves to shoot more than Durant?

Did you even read my posts?

Because FG% tells the entire story, right? At the end of the day, you know what matters? 11-3. That's their playoff record right now. Russ has shot terribly this series, no denying that.. but poor shooting aside, he's put up 21, 5, 5, with 2 steals and 2 turnovers. And their shot attempts were pretty much equal all season, so this isn't anything shocking or new.

Durant should have more shots than Westbrook, no one is going to say otherwise. But there's more to the game than just shot attempts.

All things equal, the superior scorer and 3-time scoring champ should have more shots than anyone else on the court. But their shots have been pretty much equal all season, so Durant taking less shots by a small margin isn't that big of a deal relatively speaking. The team has been very successful with both players taking roughly the same amount of FGAs. He's taken 8 more shots over 14 games.. hardly that outrageous. The bigger deal is he's not shooting great.
Field goal attempts are not the only stat out there.. in the playoffs Russ has 5 rebounds, 5 assists, 2 steals, and only 2 turnovers, plus his 21 points.

Originally Posted by Dcypoe

Fine, imma just give in and say that Westbrook is the MJ in this combo, and Durant the Pippen.  I mean, that's what you guys want us to believe, right?  That Russ is the true leader of this team.
Why do you see shot attempts as the only indication of who the leader is? When the team needs a shot to win the game, it's probably going to Durant. What's this need to pit one against the other? Westbrook has carried the team in games when Durant might have been struggling. And Durant has carried the team when Russ struggled. And Harden picked up the slack then both might be having a bad game. 

It's not about shooting less, it's about being smarter with the ball for Westbrook. He had 6 turnovers last night, but also 12 assists and a lot came off of attacking the basket then kicking it out to shooters. If he does more of that, the team will benefit, he'll get more assists, and his shot attempts will probably go down.. that's more important than simply "taking less shots". 

The Thunder can be the favorites to win it for the foreseeable future if a few things happen. Durant and Harden being better defenders, Ibaka or KD being able to score from the post, Russ becoming a better point guard, Brooks developing more reliable offensive sets to get the ball moving and stop ball watching, etc. And hell.. they've been one of the favorites all season even without these things happening, so things are looking good. I just don't understand this constant need to pit one against the other, it stinks of the press trying to drum up controversy where there isn't one, and fans have picked it up and ran with it.. so Westbrook gets a lot of unfair criticism. It's just a common joke now to blame Russ or jump all over him the second he makes a mistake. He's got weaknesses, no doubt about it, but people always seem to ignore the positives.
OKC has been very impressive in terms of bouncing back in this series. SA was on a great run in these playoffs & they came in at home (& now on the road) & have held their own & picked up some great wins. Next game should be a good one
Like my coach would say I rather have a missed shot then a turnover any day. Russ still must keep Durant in the game and play more with the team. Great job though on minimizing the turnovers. Scary to think how young durant is.
night article jump20, really goes into the DNA of player and team and just barely doesn't sound like reaching to defend Westbrook.
Big J would be proud.
I picked the Spurs to win this series, and I still hope they win as I like the narrative of "the last great stand" by one of the best teams of the past decade. But this I had to say though, watching the Thunder last night there was this one thought runnin' through my head... "these guys are legit, they really could win the 'chip this year". 
So glad those damn floppers didn't win last night

Ska, what's the breakdown on flops this series??

Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

You honestly believe the Thunder can win four in a row? That's a lot to ask.
It's definitely not impossible. I've watched the Thunder enough to say that when they play like crap they only lose by 1-3 points. Almost stole Game 1 if not for some bad match ups from old Scottie. 10 more seconds on the clock and I think game 1 would've had a different outcome.

I think they get one on the road obviously, whether it's a game 2 or a game 5. It's hard for any team to win at OKC so I think they get those 2.

Basically I think they'll get 4 out of the next 5 games and probably wrap up at home.

Obviously Greg Pop vs Scottie Brooks is the X factor here, and Greg Pop takes the cake. The Spurs are the smarter team, and the Thunder are a more hard-nosed team that pushes the ball harder.

The Spurs can keep up with the pace of the Thunder -- and vice versa -- but it throws them off-sync a bit in the momentum of their half-court sets.

Awesome matchups this series. Could easily go either way. It will be a game-by-game series, which means I won't be surprised by any outcome of this series other than a sweep.

1-3 points???...ten more seconds???

It should have been a 8 point game. the thunder hit some 3s in the end that didnt matter at the end of the game.
Oh I have also seen this SPURS team play enough were I know they wont let down.

This isn't just any team. This is the 4 time NBA champs San Antonio SPURS.

OKC gonna get 4 out of 5?

You know what Im just gonna quote this post. Not gonna say mush until after the series.

Change the sig too. Foolish. 
Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

So glad those damn floppers didn't win last night

Ska, what's the breakdown on flops this series??

Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by buggz05

It's definitely not impossible. I've watched the Thunder enough to say that when they play like crap they only lose by 1-3 points. Almost stole Game 1 if not for some bad match ups from old Scottie. 10 more seconds on the clock and I think game 1 would've had a different outcome.

I think they get one on the road obviously, whether it's a game 2 or a game 5. It's hard for any team to win at OKC so I think they get those 2.

Basically I think they'll get 4 out of the next 5 games and probably wrap up at home.

Obviously Greg Pop vs Scottie Brooks is the X factor here, and Greg Pop takes the cake. The Spurs are the smarter team, and the Thunder are a more hard-nosed team that pushes the ball harder.

The Spurs can keep up with the pace of the Thunder -- and vice versa -- but it throws them off-sync a bit in the momentum of their half-court sets.

Awesome matchups this series. Could easily go either way. It will be a game-by-game series, which means I won't be surprised by any outcome of this series other than a sweep.

1-3 points???...ten more seconds???

It should have been a 8 point game. the thunder hit some 3s in the end that didnt matter at the end of the game.
Oh I have also seen this SPURS team play enough were I know they wont let down.

This isn't just any team. This is the 4 time NBA champs San Antonio SPURS.

OKC gonna get 4 out of 5?

You know what Im just gonna quote this post. Not gonna say mush until after the series.

Change the sig too. Foolish. 
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