Open Condom Star Vol. I Don't Know What He's Saying P.S. Vol. Too Much Swag

My Korean friend showed me this. Me, him, and my chinese girls do the dance on the regular. No dambs given.
Edit: he told me gangnam is korean for swag. it's not a direct translation but it's what is meant in colloquial speech.
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Is this what I'm missing by not listening to Eastern music?!?!?!?!?

I'm on my K-POP ****! :smokin
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SON! These kids is on some Michael Jackson ****! Their music is WAY ahead of ours, if you ask me... This is dope as hell. Futuristic ****.
Son, and their girls are actual DIMES. None of this Nicki Minaj, Katey Perry, Adele nonesense. :lol: :smokin

I'm going to try to get stationed in Korea when I get in the Air Force, and if I do, I'm definitely checking this scene out. Looks like it would be all dimes.
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The chorus of the song is, "O-bban Gang Nam style."

"O-bba" means "older brother" in Korean (girls have to call older males "o-bba" and guys have to call older males "hyung").

Gang Nam is the southern district of Seoul, the capital of South Korea, where all the rich people live. It's basically Beverly Hills of South Korea.

"Gang" also means strong and "Nam" means man in Korean.

So the chorus means, "I am older male, wealthy/strong man style."

And no, he's not trolling. Psy has been in the Korean Music Industry for more than 10 years. He sings, raps, dances, and writes his own music and for other celebrities. He has talent and personality but he's not good looking, so he's known for his comics more than his talent.

He also comes from a wealthy family so failure or hiatus from his career doesn't affect him. He can afford to take risks like this, but because he actually has talent he's usually successful. That's why many Koreans in all age group like him and respect him.

But Open Condom Star is better.
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