This albums keeps growing on me. Initially didn't like not nice but now it's one of my favorites . He really should've kept the dancehall wave for himself or at least dropped his own track before Drake took the sound. Could've been his chance to get a little more mainstream love.

Welcome sir.
Only the streams after the album was released which is nothing compared to the popularity it generated when it first came out.

Yeah, I was thinking maybe it could bump his sales up a little more, but 50k is still cool though.
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Yeah, I was thinking maybe it could bump his sales up a little more, but 50k is still cool though.

He coulda did that fake 100k if he just surprised released it with the video.

**** different in these times man, imagine Kardashians/Jenner influencing sales on this level.
I wanna like this album but it jsut hasn't haplened yet.
P1 > P2 > P3 and it aint eem close to being close imo
I might not be in love with the album yet but my sub is.

Some of the lows on this got me experiencing auditory sensations I've never felt before every time I get in the whip.
I wanna like this album but it jsut hasn't haplened yet.
P1 > P2 > P3 and it aint eem close to being close imo

P1 is flawless from start to finish. P2 was a good follow up but P3 you guys can't tell me you guys don't skip more tracks than listen
P1 is flawless from start to finish. P2 was a good follow up but P3 you guys can't tell me you guys don't skip more tracks than listen

Yea we can tell you that because it's the truth, music is subjective.

I don't even like P1, it's not even close to P3 or even P2 from a musical/mixing standpoint or as interesting vocally/writing wise.

I can see why some would be into that more for nostalgia reasons or maybe you just don't appreciate the glo up but I don't even think you can compare P1 to any of his other work.
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Yea we can tell you that because it's the truth, music is subjective.

I don't even like P1, it's not even close to P3 or even P2 from a musical/mixing standpoint or as interesting vocally/writing wise.

I can see why some would be into that more for nostalgia reasons or maybe you just don't appreciate the glo up but I don't even think you can compare P1 to any of his other work.
I'm not going to say I don't like P1 but it's definitely the least progressive of his catalog. 

I think of it as like an appetizer for what he was capable of at the time. 
I'm perplexed when I see ppl saying P1 is the best one :lol: that's easily the worst one out the 3, and that's not saying it's bad but the other 2 are leaps and bounds better
As I understand it, y'all don't like PND1 because it's not mixed/produced as well as PND2/P3? I guess that's fair if you're really into that side of things. I can see not liking the simple lyrics on it but those lyrics are 100% on purpose. He said that album was him being braggadocious, I don't believe he's gotten better at writing because his earlier work showed he could write better than PND1.

Nostalgia definitely plays a part in my love for PND1 but it's also the whole vibe of the record.
As I understand it, y'all don't like PND1 because it's not mixed/produced as well as PND2/P3? I guess that's fair if you're really into that side of things. I can see not liking the simple lyrics on it but those lyrics are 100% on purpose. He said that album was him being braggadocious, I don't believe he's gotten better at writing because his earlier work showed he could write better than PND1.

Nostalgia definitely plays a part in my love for PND1 but it's also the whole vibe of the record.

I feel what you getting at and like I said I can understand that.

But for that type of braggadocious vibe, I go to other artist who I think do it better.

To me, Party is at his best when he's in full R&B mode or he finds that happy medium like on High Hopes/West District.
First off, it's a great tape. I mean for Petes sake it has break from Toronto on it, my fav party song ever. BUT it's very one dimensional compared to p2 or p3. P2 was a step up because it has hella vibes on it. The production was better the lyrics we're better and it had more of a range. You got recognize to sex on the beach to bout it. It was just more polished you know? Make a mill right now wild ******* those are all kinda similar imo. Still good songs though.

It's funny how no one is talking about you've been missed :lol: I KNOW for a fact if he gave that song to drake y'all would be in here mad. That's prolly the most "drake vibe" song on here. Straight crack :pimp:
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idk but this right here, doe..

still goes so hard.

the whole damn album.
his best too.



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Never understood why P1 gets rated so highly. 

I enjoyed when it came out and still play tracks off it. But it sounds completely amateur compared to all his other works that came afterwards. 
Yall can call it amateur, **** on its depth, point to the mixing, etc all you want.

P1 still get plays and track for track, still holds its own up against everything that's come after.

P2 > P1, w/ P3 currently getting an Incomplete. Need to continue to let it soak and not rush to judgement.
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uh yes 

wus good / curious is like the most perfect _ ever , glad someone else sees it that way 

although not as complex as p2 and p3 , p1 was a lot shorter with no "filler" so it sounds way more cohesive from start to finish . you don't skip p1 nearly as much as you'd skip p2 or p3 . its also your first introduction to and and that resonates too . 

while p2 has the most stand out tracks to me , its also when he starts to experiment so there's songs on p2  that are amazing and songs i can do without (imo) 

p3 is way more complex and production has grown a lot , but its also still very new . people could be ranking it higher simply because they've played p1 and p2 to death and its something new , or , it could be that they love p1 and p2 so much that p3 is too different from both and its not what they expected so they ranked it lower too early .

i really don't care about how its ranked , i always take the songs i like the most and make my own playlist out of them cause theres NO way can't let the summer go should live as just a freebie 
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