Sep 4, 2007
The New England Patriots topped 50 points for the second time this season in Sunday's 56-10 rout of theBuffalo Bills. The Patriots led 42-10 entering the fourth quarter and could have easily decided to coast in the fourth quarter, but insteadwent hard (harder than Lil Kim in her Hardcore days) and put up 14 more points on the board.

That rubbing-it-in effort sparked up more discussion about the Patriots running up the score and not having respect for the game. Well, yesterday Tom Brady responded toall critics, telling WEEI:

"We're not trying to win 42-28, we're trying to kill people, we're trying to blow them out if we can. Youwant to build momentum for each week, you don't want to be up, 42-7 or 35-7, and all of a sudden you look up and it's 35-21. We don't want to bepart of that, you don't want to go into next week realizing that for the last 18 minutes of the game your team didn't play well, or didn't play upto its capabilities. You gave other teams momentum for the next time they play you, or you gave another team a reason not to beintimidated."

NE cornerback Randall Gay echoed Brady's sentiments in a separate interview:

"It kind of makes me mad when you hear somebody from the other team's defense going, 'They shouldn't have done that; that'sdisrespect.' Do we think it's disrespect when they went and picked up their checks for letting a team score 50 points on them? That should bedisrespect; that you went to your owner and said, 'All right, pay me for that game I just played.'"
"It kind of makes me mad when you hear somebody from the other team's defense going, 'They shouldn't have done that; that'sdisrespect.' Do we think it's disrespect when they went and picked up their checks for letting a team score 50 points on them? That should bedisrespect; that you went to your owner and said, 'All right, pay me for that game I just played.'"


Cold blooded man.
Randall Gay :
"It kind of makes me mad when you hear somebody from the other team's defense going, 'They shouldn't have done that; that's disrespect.' Do we think it's disrespect when they went and picked up their checks for letting a team score 50 points on them? That should be disrespect; that you went to your owner and said, 'All right, pay me for that game I just played."


good point
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

NE cornerback Randall Gay echoed Brady's sentiments in a separate interview:

"It kind of makes me mad when you hear somebody from the other team's defense going, 'They shouldn't have done that; that's disrespect.' Do we think it's disrespect when they went and picked up their checks for letting a team score 50 points on them? That should be disrespect; that you went to your owner and said, 'All right, pay me for that game I just played.'"


i can't say that i disagree with him though..
word. they are professionals. you play til the last whistle...
if other teams are getting blown out that sounds like a problem for them.
instead of crying about it, they should step their defense up.
I'm not even a pats fan but i agree with what both of them said.!
"It kind of makes me mad when you hear somebody from the other team's defense going, 'They shouldn't have done that; that's disrespect.' Do we think it's disrespect when they went and picked up their checks for letting a team score 50 points on them? That should be disrespect; that you went to your owner and said, 'All right, pay me for that game I just played."


the Patriots are SO raw
"It kind of makes me mad when you hear somebody from the other team's defense going, 'They shouldn't have done that; that's disrespect.' Do we think it's disrespect when they went and picked up their checks for letting a team score 50 points on them? That should be disrespect; that you went to your owner and said, 'All right, pay me for that game I just played.'"
Damn patriots going hard
it really is awrap for any other team now.

Sometime this will come full circle. Eventually the Pats will suck and they'll get what's coming to them....actually probably not because most NFLcoaches have more respect for the game than Belicheat.
I dont mind the pats i just +@$@%+! hate belichek with a passion! I wish a special teams player would "accidentally" knock him the @#%* out on thesidelines one of these days!
I am neutral on Belichek. I don't hate nor do I love him. But you gotta give him props for the SBs. The guy is a brilliant coach and is just responding toSpyGate. He is a G and taking the "F the World" approach and its working by keeping fans as well as critics tuned in to see the score of the nextgame. He is bringing excitement to the game because critics are complaining that he is running up the score.
"It kind of makes me mad when you hear somebody from the other team's defense going, 'They shouldn't have done that; that's disrespect.' Do we think it's disrespect when they went and picked up their checks for letting a team score 50 points on them? That should be disrespect; that you went to your owner and said, 'All right, pay me for that game I just played.'"


I have nothing against the Pats playing their game. I have a problem with them going for TDs on 4th-downs. They'd never do it if the game was on the line.
Damn, for some reason it doesn't sound like Brady would say something like that. But if he did, it's true.

I think kicking field goals from 10 yards out is more disrespectful than going for it on 4th down. Field Goals are "cheap" points. Going for it ismore challenging.
I have no problem with what either of them said and that's how the players should play, but I do have a problem with their head coach who continues to gofor it on 4th down when his team is already up 30+ pts. All he needs is to piss off one salty player that's gonna go ahead and take a cheap shot at Bradyafter the whistle and then it's season over for the Pats.
thats a raw comment, but true (by Gay)... i dont understand how they are getting hate if they are doing what they are paid to do. score touchdowns and win.this is PRO football we are talking about here, how can running up the score even be an issue?? stop crying and prepare better for the pats...thats all. plusin all my years of watching football ive learned that ANY team can be beat ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAY it happens every year.
Anyone else think this might have to do with how the gave up that lead to indy in the playoffs last year?
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Sometime this will come full circle. Eventually the Pats will suck and they'll get what's coming to them....actually probably not because most NFL coaches have more respect for the game than Belicheat.

this is what i dont get... what else could possibly be coming to them?

they've already won 3 Super Bowl rings, and Tom Brady, R Moss, Belichick are all guaranteed HOFers... no matter what happens, you can't take that away from them. they will always have the last laugh no matter what, so just don't bother wasting energy by hating

I'm just saying that someday eventually they will suck, and then everyone will relentlessly beat the hell out of them and no one will feel sorry forthem.
I'm just saying that someday eventually they will suck, and then everyone will relentlessly beat the hell out of them and no one will feel sorry for them.
it won't matter. the people there will have noaffiliation with the team anymore so who cares.

and i dont have no problem with them "running up the score". this aint pop warner football or some powerhouse college football team playing a HBCU. if they dont want them to run the score up, they should start kneeling or put in THEIR bums when the game is out of reach.
^ we actually did suck for a while back. this is our time to shine. just like Brady and Belichick have said:

"It's the defense's job to keep us from scoring"
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