PC: Dada Cdubbz All Star Chrome

Dec 10, 2009
Just wanted to know what you guys think these are worth. I am looking to purchase a used pair, but I do not have pictures of them, so I would like to know whatmaybe a DS pair would be worth, then after I receive photos can make a fairer judgment.
These are the ones I am talking about.
I remember reading a few years ago that the chrome peels/flakes off due to creasing.
I had them, they crease and peel bad. If dude is offering you a pair without a pic, don't do it. If you pay like 50$ or less and they're in goodcondition though, noting like some flashy +%% hoop shoes.
Those shoes are a "collector's" piece.

Not meant to be worn, hence the chipping of the chrome.

My brother bought those, but decided to wear them once for thrills.

They chipped pretty bad. This colorway is also extra stiffer than a regular pair of the Cdubbz, which were extremely stiff to begin with.

Don't wear em.
I sold my pair on ebay about 1-2 years ago for about $200. I wouldn't buy a used pair, because of the paint chipping off easily.
lol i used to joke with my wife telling her id wear those on our wedding day... but ya def dont buy a used pair... these are meant to stay DS
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