PC on Retro Concord 11's XI and

Jan 15, 2003
wats up guys. Need to know how much do these Retro DS Concords with box go for and also these used DMP 11 Concords? how shouldi expect to pay and how much should someone expect to sell em for? Thanks in advance for the help.

Retro DS Concords


used DMP Concords

^^^ He didnt ask if they were legit....postwhoring at its finest, and exactly why this should be a screened forum


The retro concords are FRESH, you could get around 250+ for those, thats a low price for right now cuz it seems like the shoe market is down with buyers. Whenit picks up def around 300 for sure

As for the DMP's I usually see those going for about 400 on the bay, DS. They still look ds so I would say 350+ . Once again because the market is down Ithink thats the minimum you could get for those
hey thanks jordanhead21. those retro 11's are being sold for $495 by some dude, i knew that was a pretty high price.....Thanks
Originally Posted by bighit101

those retro 11's are being sold for $495

Wooooah! Way too high. Thats hypebeast robbery right there. 300-350 DS is about where it shoulld be no more, and this is dependant on size.

It pains me to see the DMP's sell more than the retro's. The DMP is such a waste. If you were able to get it at $300 ok fine, as a novelty. But peoplepaying $1000 for a DS pack? man, its insanity.
Yup I woldnt pay more then 320 for the retros. I don't see how ppl pay 500 or 600 for jus the dmp11s. Makes no sense to me
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