Penny Hardaway gay?

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Originally Posted by AllDay AllNight

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AllDay AllNight

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Of course the G.D.U is out in drones. They fight for the acceptance of homosexuality but are quick to assassinate the character of those who disagree with them. Yes we should love our fellow man but shouldn't you respect your fellow man like you ask others to do? Lead by example.
I do not believe that I am out to "assassinate" anyone's character.

I want to understand people's root beliefs that lead them to look upon others as different, and try to correct any misinformed or otherwise incorrectly assumed facts that they may have and hope that that allows them to take a second look at the way they look at things.

But this is a simple matter of one principle colliding with another principle: I want to respect everyone, but what do I do about those who so blindly assume (incorrectly) about others?

I will confront them, yes...and I WILL have my words with them...but it doesn't mean that I don't respect them or otherwise believe them to be inferior.

But if I take your approach, then I will be label as someone who pushes his religious beliefs on others and I will be verbally lynched. See my problem is with people (not you) is if they do this for gays, its great, heroic and revolutionary. But if I do it, well you've probably seen the witch hunts before. Is that fair? Is it fair that you can judge the opinions of others as wrong and incorrect but I can't?

I'm not coming at you or anything, I like a good debate, but I hope you see what I do. Do you see what I'm talking about?
Of course I do.

I'm not trying to push my beliefs on anybody. Like I said up above, if "HueyP" (what a disgusting misuse of a great civil rights leader) really has done his research, and is content to believe the flawed arguments he's presented (and if you read up above, you will see how I pointed out that they were flawed), then I'm simply going to have to agree to disagree with him and leave it as is.

The problem is, some of this misinformation is SO deep-seated that I have to be somewhat aggressive about it. You won't see me attacking anyone's character, ever...but if I see something in someone's arguments or assumptions that are clearly and factually wrong, I will go out of my way to point it out.

That's it. I want EVERYONE to have an objective viewpoint about these types of things. I won't stand for people just saying "Oh man, being gay isn't dat piff in da hood. Imma throw out my jerseys." Discrimination, on that level, is extremely difficult to dislodge because people have been raised to believe certain untruths. And that's sad.

I will lay down my gauntlets at a certain point, in terms of arguing with people on this board. But like I said, I like to understand where someone's coming from before I go in with a full-fledged rebuttal.

Believe me, I'm far from perfect. I don't want to preach. But certain injustices irk me too much to just say NOTHING about it.
I can respect that.

Oh and its not you who does the killing of character. Its the usually daytime NT'ers who subscribe to this.

What if someone doesn't agree with homosexuality because of their spiritual background? Are those untruths?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Psychiatric disorders: In a Dutch study, gay men reported significantly higher mood and anxiety disorders than straight men, and lesbians were significantly more likely to experience depression (but not other mood or anxiety disorders) than straight women.[sup][8][/sup] This difference may be caused by the stresses gay and lesbian people face stemming from anti-gay attitudes. However, a Netherlands study (where homosexuality is much more widely accepted than that in the U.S.) shows that mental health problems in homosexuals are still much higher than in heterosexuals, despite the more tolerant society.

Sandfort, et al. (1999)
One study does not make a fact.

Those were merely correlative observations, not causational evidence.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Yeah Nako's Afrikan...but he's obsessed with white women.
He's quite a contradiction himself.

I really don't understand your deal with brothers dating outside their race.
I don't have a problem with it at all.

I love women of all ethnicities. my girlfriend is currently latina....but this man has never posted 1 black woman on this site. Not 1. I have seen him postdozens of pictures of females and not 1 black.

He calls Killer Mike, "Hate music"

Now if you have that type of aversion for females of your own race...maybe there is something going on with you.

Perhaps, he's the one with a phobia.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I can respect that.

Oh and its not you who does the killing of character. Its the usually daytime NT'ers who subscribe to this.

What if someone doesn't agree with homosexuality because of their spiritual background? Are those untruths?
Religion is a whole 'nother can of worms, brother

I don't wanna go into that.
Originally Posted by AllDay AllNight

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I can respect that.

Oh and its not you who does the killing of character. Its the usually daytime NT'ers who subscribe to this.

What if someone doesn't agree with homosexuality because of their spiritual background? Are those untruths?
Religion is a whole 'nother can of worms, brother

I don't wanna go into that.
Yeah it is late.

But you get where I'm headed though. This thread was going to go down faster than Penny down the lane in his prime.

In your opinion, lets drop the homophobic word and EVERYTHING. On the surface of personal feelings, how do you view homosexuality, I wont judge your words.Just want to see what you feel about it on the surface.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Yeah it is late.

But you get where I'm headed though. This thread was going to go down faster than Penny down the lane in his prime.

In your opinion, lets drop the homophobic word and EVERYTHING. On the surface of personal feelings, how do you view homosexuality, I wont judge your words. Just want to see what you feel about it on the surface.
If you're talking PURELY on the a really simplified manner...

I think that in scientific, social, religious, and cultural terms homosexuality (and the facets and traits that accompany it) is not completely understood.

I do not want to persecute anything that I do not fully understand.

You might say, "Well if you don't fully understand can you support it?"

Because I truly believe that the debate will not be solved during my lifetime. Knowing that, I decided at some point in my life to take a stand.

I grew up in an environment where being gay is, for the most part, looked down upon. I'm not talking widespread revulsion or outcasting like in othercommunities...but being gay was something that people used to make fun of other kids. Even in high school, when I thought people were maturing, some of thenastiest rumours that people liked to spread were based on their promiscuity or sexual preference.

I grew up in that environment, and when I was really young, maybe even thought that calling someone "gay" was funny. But as I grew older, I came tobefriend and love a lot of people who turned out to be gay, and I really had to think about whether or not it affected me. It really didn't. And I wassaddened to see how some "friends" would stop talking to someone else because of their sexual identity.

I couldn't stand for that. Facts and science be damned, I do NOT believe that homosexuality is wrong. So even though the scientific community might besplit...I'm not. Gay humans are still humans. They shouldn't be looked down upon for that.
Originally Posted by AllDay AllNight

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Yeah it is late.

But you get where I'm headed though. This thread was going to go down faster than Penny down the lane in his prime.

In your opinion, lets drop the homophobic word and EVERYTHING. On the surface of personal feelings, how do you view homosexuality, I wont judge your words. Just want to see what you feel about it on the surface.
If you're talking PURELY on the a really simplified manner...

I think that in scientific, social, religious, and cultural terms homosexuality (and the facets and traits that accompany it) is not completely understood.

I do not want to persecute anything that I do not fully understand.

You might say, "Well if you don't fully understand can you support it?"

Because I truly believe that the debate will not be solved during my lifetime. Knowing that, I decided at some point in my life to take a stand.

I grew up in an environment where being gay is, for the most part, looked down upon. I'm not talking widespread revulsion or outcasting like in other communities...but being gay was something that people used to make fun of other kids. Even in high school, when I thought people were maturing, some of the nastiest rumours that people liked to spread were based on their promiscuity or sexual preference.

I grew up in that environment, and when I was really young, maybe even thought that calling someone "gay" was funny. But as I grew older, I came to befriend and love a lot of people who turned out to be gay, and I really had to think about whether or not it affected me. It really didn't. And I was saddened to see how some "friends" would stop talking to someone else because of their sexual identity.

I couldn't stand for that. Facts and science be damned, I do NOT believe that homosexuality is wrong. So even though the scientific community might be split...I'm not. Gay humans are still humans. They shouldn't be looked down upon for that.
I can respect that. Its a lot better than you just arguing for something you could care less about just because you don't like the other side.You sound like you have purpose.

This is mad random but someone mentioned the Matrix earlier I think, "Cookies need love like everything else".
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Yeah Nako's Afrikan...but he's obsessed with white women.
He's quite a contradiction himself.

I really don't understand your deal with brothers dating outside their race.
I don't have a problem with it at all.

I love women of all ethnicities. my girlfriend is currently latina....but this man has never posted 1 black woman on this site. Not 1. I have seen him post dozens of pictures of females and not 1 black.

He calls Killer Mike, "Hate music"

Now if you have that type of aversion for females of your own race...maybe there is something going on with you.

Perhaps, he's the one with a phobia.
You forgot to say he can't handle a strong black woman and he's insecure
Dude, Penny can't be gay yo....can't be.

If so, this is equivalent to Magic coming out saying he had AIDS which is pretty ironic considering Penny was always being compared to Magic.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Yeah Nako's Afrikan...but he's obsessed with white women.
He's quite a contradiction himself.

I really don't understand your deal with brothers dating outside their race.
I don't have a problem with it at all.

I love women of all ethnicities. my girlfriend is currently latina....but this man has never posted 1 black woman on this site. Not 1. I have seen him post dozens of pictures of females and not 1 black.

He calls Killer Mike, "Hate music"

Now if you have that type of aversion for females of your own race...maybe there is something going on with you.

Perhaps, he's the one with a phobia.
You forgot to say he can't handle a strong black woman and he's insecure

I didn't judge him though, just stated what I have observed.

Sarcasm fail.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Yeah Nako's Afrikan...but he's obsessed with white women.
He's quite a contradiction himself.

I really don't understand your deal with brothers dating outside their race.
I don't have a problem with it at all.

I love women of all ethnicities. my girlfriend is currently latina....but this man has never posted 1 black woman on this site. Not 1. I have seen him post dozens of pictures of females and not 1 black.

He calls Killer Mike, "Hate music"

Now if you have that type of aversion for females of your own race...maybe there is something going on with you.

Perhaps, he's the one with a phobia.
you see what you did there right?

you have a habit of saying stupid things. really stupid things. whenever someone calls you out on it you try to back track and claim you were taken out ofcontext or misinterpreted. whenever you are then shown YOUR OWN quotes and asked to explain exactly what it is you did mean exactly, instead of simply saying"my bad that was dumb of me" or even better sticking to your guns and proclaiming "eff that, that is what i meant and that's how ifeel!" you run for cover and try to snake your way out of confrontations by making a bunch of meaningless %@*$*%*% points, swearing to have"researched this fact" yourself (because apparently you have enough time on your hands to be an expert on EVERYTHING, swear that you have empiricalevidence on a point (when anyone with half a brain can see that in fact you happened to peruse a Time magazine once, maybe stumbled upon a 9 minute youtubevideo, and have no $!%##@@ clue what you're talking about), and then when all else fails you reach into your internet time machine in the hopes of pullingup a "funny" completely unrelated happening in the hopes of garnering a few roast lulz and hopefully getting off the hook.

you're a joke.

"He said Killer Mike made hate music!!" Ok... and?

"He's Afrikan (i love the use of the k there by the way, real revolutionary of you -- you're hip and non-conformist and now we all know it) but helikes white girls!! He's never posted a picture of a Black woman on niketalk ever in his life!!!" So what?

Let's say hypothetically I WAS only attracted to Caucasian women. What's your point?

What does that have to do with the fact that you sounded like an idiot? You tried to backtrack, tripped up on your own %@*$*%*%, and now you're flailingin the dark.

For someone who waves his (because i can't use this word to describe you enough) pseudointellect around like a gun, you sure do love to sound dumb.

And AllDayAllNight, yup that's Maja, I just got their new album last week.
I wear a 8.5...if yall talking about selling cuz he might be gay...which makes no sense when some of yall wear high fashion brands and a majority of thosedesigners are proudly gay and open about it
Originally Posted by jefffort5

I wear a 8.5...if yall talking about selling cuz he might be gay...which makes no sense when some of yall wear high fashion brands and a majority of those designers are proudly gay and open about it

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