People Who Dont Wash Their Hands After Using The Bathroom Unappreciation

Jul 26, 2006
like seriously who does that. When the bathrooms on campus be packed there isalways those dudes who dont wash their hands. Is it that hard to make a small detour to the 5 empty sinks right behind you.

I be looking like this when i see these dudes just walk in and walk out

i don't touch my piece on a number one but i still sometimes wash my hands

number 2, mandetory
not tryingto be racist but I only see white ppl do this. Freshmen yearmy mans from down the hall didn't wash his hands and tried to dap me, I was likeelbows yo.

ppl taking dumps and not rinsing is the worse I be like
Tell me about it

I went to Norms the other day and an employee went to the restroom and I followed him OUT and he served a table and I was disgusted
One guy on my floor does this all the time. We'll be brushin our teeth, he'll take a piss after and then just walk out. Like "#%!, I'm stillin here, I gotta touch that nasty #$* door-handle too"
You guys know that your hands aren't really clean after you wash your hands. There are germs everywhere, so I usually don't think about where a personhas been when I shake their hands. Chances are their hands are filthy anyway.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

You guys know that your hands aren't really clean after you wash your hands. There are germs everywhere, so I usually don't think about where a person has been when I shake their hands. Chances are their hands are filthy anyway.

I like the way you think. From now on when I wipe my %!* Im not washing my hands because hey, there are germs everywhere!
Call me OCD but I carry a small bottle of hand disinfectant in my backpack

I don't touch anything in the bathroom
1. push door open with my foot
2. Hit the flusher with my elbow or kick it again with my foot
3. take a paper towel in the hand to pull the door open with, then shoot a a fadeaway J into the garbage can when I leave
yeah that's nasty, especially when it happens at restaruants. makes me not want to eat, just thinking about all the different germs and bacteria. it'ssome sick people out there, that just dont care.
For real, and when they come out from dropping a duece and look at you, look at the sink and keep it moving....smh
My roommate be doing this nasty #!$$, and he takes showers 1ce every three days.... I know because he doesnt change clothes and you can see sweat and oil onhis face...
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