PhilMUG Nike+ Challenge

Aug 3, 2003
The PhilMUG Nike+ Most KM Challenge

Attention PhilMUG members: Great news! Nike has graciously offered to sponsor a Nike+ challenge for PhilMUG.

The challenge: The Most KMs in 30 days, starting Tuesday, 01 May 2007, ending Wednesday, 30 May 2007.

Who can join: Anyone, provided he/she...
is registered with (new registrants included)
has a Nike+ account and a Nike+iPod sports kit
is a current resident of the Philippines
is a good sport

Classifications: Within this single race, challengers will be classified in two levels:
beginners - those who average 25 km or less per week, or a total of 100 km or less in 30 days
advanced - those who are beyond the 100 km a month level

Prizes: At stake are two pairs of Nike Air Zoom Moire+ running shoes, one pair for the winner of each classification.

Mystery challenge and consolation prizes:
In addition, three consolation prizes will be handed out, but those prizes and the conditions for winning them will be announced only at the end of the challenge.

Awarding: An awarding ceremony will be held when the challenge is over, with venue and schedule TBA.

Additional notes and conditions:
Please always keep in mind that this is a not at all a serious competition. We are here to have fun.

Should things get out of hand, we reserve the right to cancel the challenge and start over.

Do not take unnecessary risks or workout beyond your personal capability. We will not be held responsible for whatever injury or sickness you may inflict on yourself as a result of this challenge.

Even those who run far below 25 km per week are invited to participate (remember, we have a mystery challenge).

Workouts can be done indoors on a gym treadmill or outdoors on a road/track to be eligible, just as long as there's actual running/walking involved.

Winners will be required to share their Nike+ data during the awarding ceremony.

If your records seem too incredible, we might just ask you to match one of your recorded runs in person.

In the event of a tie, we will organize a run off.

Lastly, and most importantly, please abide by the honesty system. Cheating is a serious offense and will not be tolerated. We will surrender you to the Nike gods and banish you for life if we find you faked your records.

How to join: Simply reply to this thread with your Nike+ screen name and we will include you in the challenge immediately. Even if the challenge has commenced, you can still join at any time.

If you don't have a Nike+ sport kit yet, now is a good time to consider it. Head on over to your nearest Nike store and check it out yourself. Demo units and treadmills have been set up specially for this purpose. For more details on Nike+, please visit

I thought some of you might be interested. For those who are, just head on to and register, then you will need to reply to the thread dedicated to the event.


sapatos yan, hindi trophy
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