Pics of the XV/VIII CDP

As much as ppl hate the 15s, i like em...but i kno the quality is gonna suck...

And the 8s is
This pack isnt as bad as people say it is. I dont know if i will cop it right away. But this is a must cop for me. Nov, Dec. Is hurting my wallet big time butoh well
I usually am the 1st one to hate on 15s ,,
but these actually got some heat ,
and the 8's are for sure copped ..........
15s arent THAT bad but with so many bred colorways for other shoes in other packs, I dont know why JB expects people to buy these up at retail.
If anyone wants to split the pack in a size 9, let me know.

I agree with the crowd... have never and will never like the XV's.
this is fail.
don't 15s run big?
one runs good, another big. that is why the package is not practical
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