Piers Morgan confronts GOP Candidate Rick Santorum on "bigotry"


Aug 31, 2011
What will it take for these guys to stop using religion as a means of limiting the rights of others? He is a crock and while I know some may not like piers, but between this and the ODonnell interview, he is finally exposing these candidates for their ridiculous ideologies.

Here he is being challenged over gay marriage by a student attendee at one of his meetings recently  

its 2011 people, lets act like it.
domc03 wrote:
he'll be found blowing some guy in a wendy's bathroom is 5yrs.

This is what I actually said when I saw this.

these conservatives and their infatuation with gay lifestyles is an archetype that never ceases to fail.

They hate themselves so much that they cling to a religion that tells them they can pray the gay away and change who they are. 

Couple that to an education in religion that tells you that you are less of a human being and something is wrong with you and you'll go to hell for being yourself...you start to hate any and all forms of it... 

The numbers of outed politicians and preachers is only going to increase...and its no surprise most of them tend to be uber conservative religious folks.

We all know they cry themselves to sleep at night "praying" that they can wake up and just be as straight as everyone else. They hope that by forcing people to be straight that they can eliminate all temptation.

I personally think its only a matter of time...

I've always said that most people who are REALLY straight HONESTLY don't give a damn...its always the outspoken homophobes that "over-compensate" by acting anti-gay and macho that have the most to hide. 
Originally Posted by domc03

he'll be found blowing some guy in a wendy's bathroom is 5yrs.

It's sad to me though that these dudes can be gay and continuously vote against equal rights laws. Good old GOP.

Not saying he is gay, but I wouldn't be shocked.
Piers Morgan just ended his presidential campaign. Piers is an Arsenal fan, good peeps in my books. He's exposing these backward politicians left and right.
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Piers Morgan just ended his presidential campaign. Piers is an Arsenal fan, good peeps in my books. He's exposing these backward politicians left and right.

I mean Piers has his own problems...hes not well respected in the UK and he somewhat sucks at interviewing as showin in the Penn Jillette interview, but nevertheless, his work from time to time with certain people does expose the hell out of them on TV. 
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by domc03

he'll be found blowing some guy in a wendy's bathroom is 5yrs.

It's sad to me though that these dudes can be gay and continuously vote against equal rights laws. Good old GOP.

Not saying he is gay, but I wouldn't be shocked.

No different than middle class white people voting for republicans because they think they're "on the level" of entire corporations and the super wealthy.
..they just get baited with ideas like gay marriage, civil rights, immigration, muslim xenophobia, and various forms of almost religious-like propaganda. 

I'm not saying Democrats are that great either but really, you have to marvel at how effective the GOP has been at mobilizing people and forcing them to essentially inhibit their own freedoms and blame it on the other side. Its genius. Thank Roger Ailes and the Koch Brothers. 
Privilege and the sense of entitlement is a hell of a thing. 

The GOP has had people voting against their best interests for years. 
Divide and conquer... the easiest and most obvious strategy, but people are so dumb. Poor Christians voting Republican, not realizing they're @+%# ing themselves over.
It makes sense to me in certain instances. There was that one....senator I think it was? Even though he's gay his constituents were anti gay so he would vote in their favor.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

It makes sense to me in certain instances. There was that one....senator I think it was? Even though he's gay his constituents were anti gay so he would vote in their favor.

As it SHOULD be. 
But all too often people get caught up over BS topics...look at Bush in 04. 

Was gay marriage seriously the only major concern of the country? 
Dude is ridiculous. I went to an event in which he debated Howard Dean and the disparity in logic was mind-boggling. It's one thing for me to see this stuff on TV; it was otherworldly to hear these type of opinions in person.

Eric Cantor and him... male versions of Michelle Bachmann. Them pols cray.
separation of church and state, ey..

i'm roman catholic.. but there is no way that i can use my own theological beliefs to deny any group rights.. especially with the benefits that is bestowed on married couples by the state

what 2 consenting adults decide to do, is none of my business (male or female)
This HAS to be political suicide for him.

I don't see how any marginally reasonable person could support him following this
Around 6:25.. the problem with religion and it's subscribers.. "I don't think the truth changes" yes my friend the truth changes in every facet of human discovery and innovation except religion which refuses to change because there's a certain point in the evolution of human knowledge where if religious leaders allow their followers to become too open minded the necessity for their teachings is no longer needed... Unfortunately IMO the way people treat each other and the earth based off of these silly beliefs, we may never reach that point in human history... Let's hope (not pray) that we get there.. just my thoughts..
Ron Paul schooled this clown in the last debate.

SanScrotum is a %@%$@!+ fool.
They focus on gay rights so they dont have to talk about fixing the economy. The republicans really have no solutions for fixing the economy. They want to help the rich but since that wont get the poor to vote for them they spew gay hate to get the poor "family values" vote. The republican strategy is lower taxes for rich (Get rich to vote), hate gays (get poor to vote), increase military spending (get military familes and patriots to vote).

I am a Christian, liberal,democrat and believe marriage is between a man and a woman but i am not trying to make this a Christian Nation. Jesus said in John 18:36: My kingdom is not of this world so I am more focused on the economy.
Originally Posted by AJIIIpLATINum

They focus on gay rights so they dont have to talk about fixing the economy. The republicans really have no solutions for fixing the economy. They want to help the rich but since that wont get the poor to vote for them they spew gay hate to get the poor "family values" vote. The republican strategy is lower taxes for rich (Get rich to vote), hate gays (get poor to vote), increase military spending (get military familes and patriots to vote).

I am a Christian, liberal,democrat and believe marriage is between a man and a woman but i am not trying to make this a Christian Nation. Jesus said in John 18:36: My kingdom is not of this world
so I am more focused on the economy.

domc03 wrote:
he'll be found blowing some guy in a wendy's bathroom is 5yrs.

I would not be surprised if that did happen. Hypocrisy seems to the most common when homosexuality is involved. The more strident and hateful the rhetoric, the more likely the person is to be gay themselves and that person just so happens to be from a social and political group that would shun that person for simply "coming out."
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