Please,... Legit check on this 2012 bred 11,,... Tnx a lot!

Do you have closer picture of the jumpman and tag behind the tongue?
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legit footlocker tag is good and if the price tag flaps out check that when you meet him box cover good back good 100% real
Would be safer to get more info on the shoe. Have seen fake shoes with real boxes.
Make sure UPC code on box matches inside of shoe. Same with color code. I'm no XI expert but these look legit. If they're fake, damn good looking fakes. Ask for original receipt if available. They sometimes list UPC code instead of color code.

How much seller charging? Usually fakes are copped lower than average resale price.
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A matching UPC code is not a valid way to LC.

100% legit
No, but it helps if the UPC code on the shoes match an in store receipt. Difficult to fake legit looking in store receipts. If it's just show and box, then I agree.
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No, but it helps if the UPC code on the shoes match an in store receipt. Difficult to fake legit looking in store receipts. If it's just show and box, then I agree.
Actually it isn't at all. There have been plenty of fake receipts made. It's unfortunate but that's why they say receipts mean nothing now today.
Actually it isn't at all. There have been plenty of fake receipts made. It's unfortunate but that's why they say receipts mean nothing now today.

Really? I've never seen fake receipts that look legitimate with the backside watermark and receipt paper. All fake receipts I've seen looked like terrible knockoffs printed on standard printer paper.
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Actually it isn't at all. There have been plenty of fake receipts made. It's unfortunate but that's why they say receipts mean nothing now today.

Really? I've never seen fake receipts that look legitimate with the backside watermark and receipt paper. All fake receipts I've seen looked like terrible knockoffs printed on standard printer paper.
wrong again
wrong again
Do you have examples? Any pictures or scam listings? I'm curious to see the quality produced. Selling fakes is one thing but faking in store receipts to the point where they look legitimate is pretty through. I assume there are probably fake Jordans out there too then that would fool even the most experienced sneakerheads with their quality and lack of any "fake" identifying factors? Essentially, they match the quality of legit authorized versions while still being unauthorized? 
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