Please send your thoughts and prayers to MPLSdunk's little girl

hoping for the best for your little girl and family MPLS, thankful your 8yo cousin was there and brave enough to go in after her. I am more than sure she will be AoK, and will be stronger than ever.

Stay strong and Jah bless.
Really wishing for the best.

Not that it makes a difference but MPLS has always been a great dude.
Prayers for my man Ian and his daughter
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Wow. MPLSdunk always seemed like a good dude even though i don't personally know him
Good luck man i hope everything turns out for the best. Keep up updated

Let us know how everything goes, fam. I really hope she's okay. I'll keep you guys in my prayers.
damn, didn't expect the thread. thanks for all the love guys, means alot.

i don't have much for an update because she's still out. i do know her lungs are all clear of fluid, they are functioning 100% and the vent is no longer pumping in oxygen, it's just pushing the air from the room into her lungs with no additional oxygen added. her pupils are also responding to light and her heart is not bruised from the cpr.

if the mri goes well she will be temporarily eased off the drugs, still sedated somewhat, and asked to do some basic hand signals and such. she will still have the vent down her throat, so no talking and that's going to be hard to watch. i've had one myself and they suck, so as a 6 year old i feel really bad. but yeah if she responds well to our instructions then they will pull the vent later and get her up and moving then we'll get an idea of how she's doing.
I'm sorry this had to happen during the holidays dude but hopefully she's ok man.

No child deserves this and no parent should have to see their child suffer.

Hope she makes a speedy recovery.
damn, didn't expect the thread. thanks for all the love guys, means alot.
i don't have much for an update because she's still out. i do know her lungs are all clear of fluid, they are functioning 100% and the vent is no longer pumping in oxygen, it's just pushing the air from the room into her lungs with no additional oxygen added. her pupils are also responding to light and her heart is not bruised from the cpr.
if the mri goes well she will be temporarily eased off the drugs, still sedated somewhat, and asked to do some basic hand signals and such. she will still have the vent down her throat, so no talking and that's going to be hard to watch. i've had one myself and they suck, so as a 6 year old i feel really bad. but yeah if she responds well to our instructions then they will pull the vent later and get her up and moving then we'll get an idea of how she's doing.

seems like shes well on her way to recovery, im telling you, ive learned kids can endure so much more trauma than adults....glad shes pulling through.
damn, didn't expect the thread. thanks for all the love guys, means alot.
i don't have much for an update because she's still out. i do know her lungs are all clear of fluid, they are functioning 100% and the vent is no longer pumping in oxygen, it's just pushing the air from the room into her lungs with no additional oxygen added. her pupils are also responding to light and her heart is not bruised from the cpr.
if the mri goes well she will be temporarily eased off the drugs, still sedated somewhat, and asked to do some basic hand signals and such. she will still have the vent down her throat, so no talking and that's going to be hard to watch. i've had one myself and they suck, so as a 6 year old i feel really bad. but yeah if she responds well to our instructions then they will pull the vent later and get her up and moving then we'll get an idea of how she's doing.

seems like shes well on her way to recovery, im telling you, ive learned kids can endure so much more trauma than adults....glad shes pulling through.

that's what the doctors were telling me, they kept having to up her dose of propifol because she kept coming out of it. she took way more to keep her down than i needed to knock me out i guess. i've just been talking to her alot and her heart rate rises so i think she can hear me. i know i could hear people talking to me when i was on it so i'm hoping she at least has some idea we're there.

the doctors have all been telling me she'll be up and running around in no time if she pulls out of it well so that's what i'm hoping.

i'm in minneapolis though.
that's what the doctors were telling me, they kept having to up her dose of propifol because she kept coming out of it. she took way more to keep her down than i needed to knock me out i guess. i've just been talking to her alot and her heart rate rises so i think she can hear me. i know i could hear people talking to me when i was on it so i'm hoping she at least has some idea we're there.
the doctors have all been telling me she'll be up and running around in no time if she pulls out of it well so that's what i'm hoping.
i'm in minneapolis though.

yeah fam, they have to keep her sedated, she still a kid and wont understand what the hell shes doing with a tube down her throat, so for comfort they'll keep her sedated, till they are fully ready to wean her off and extubate her, from the looks of it i doubt she'll be on for more than a few days, if shes so alert.
yeah man, they are mad uncomfortable. i've had the same routine. propifol+a vent is a ****** experience.

we are all hopeful she's off it soon. she's on it now not because she can't breathe but they are cooling her body for 48 hours to stop any brain damage from when she wasn't breathing when she was found. she's at 34-35 degrees Celsius now. so you need to be out for that. but at 1pm tomorrow it will be 48 hours so they are going to slowly bring her temp to normal and maaaaaybee she'll get the mri tomorrow, if not wednesday. i'm anxious for the mri because then we'll know for sure if the damage is noticeable. i'm hoping for the best though. she fell into super cold water which is better than warm, plus people can hold their breath for as long as she wasn't breathing. really hoping the damage caused wont affect her or be noticeable.

the ct scan showed a perfectly normal brain no swelling or damage they could see, so hopefully the mri is the same even though it's more in depth.
Everything sounds positive so far, which is great. Here's hoping for a complete and speedy recovery for your daughter.
Even if we got beef and we go at it...
I really hope everything is ok. She will be in my prayers
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