Podcast episode is cool. vol. On Ebonics

Feb 6, 2011
Lexicon Valley is a great podcast but this episode was particularly fascinating and I thought Niketalk's crowd could appreciate and learn a lot from it. So here I am. The relevant parts are ~32 minutes long. I don't think I can embed the player. 


Kathryn Stockett’s dialogue-heavy The Help, the novel that was adapted into an Oscar-winning movie, caused a stir over whether a white writer should try to depict African-American English. But wait, what is African-American English exactly and isn’t it called Ebonics? Bob Garfield and I sift through the history, misconceptions, and reality of a vernacular wrapped in a dialect inside a language.

Nice line from the show:

A language is a dialect with an army. 

Also check out the episode on the etymology of f*****. (LINK)
I was always under the assumption that ebonics was something white people created to put another negative label on black people.
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