Police Officer soccer kicks suspect after chase Vol. SoCal

Jul 25, 2007
Reaction score
�Gotta feel bad for the guy
�He�didn't even resist for second, what gives
In Japan, soccer kicks are allowed, just no elbows to the head. Wait... thats MMA rules, not scumbag criminal rules.
Originally Posted by B1acMan365

�Gotta feel bad for the guy
�He�didn't even resist for second, what gives

Did you see the way he was driving? He could have killed someone, he deserved a beating.
Originally Posted by B1acMan365

�Gotta feel bad for the guy
�He�didn't even resist for second, what gives
The whole running away part counts as resisting arrest.
So are we going to feel bad for criminals now...

The only mistake the officer made was getting caught on camera, now this piece of scum will probably get off the hook.
Originally Posted by B1acMan365

�Gotta feel bad for the guy
�He�didn't even resist for second, what gives
The whole running away part counts as resisting arrest.
, I was going to say the same thing.

They should have let the person who had their car wrecked, a free kick.
the cop did the right thing.

im normally against police brutality but that guy was scum and a common criminal, he got what he deserved.
He's lucky they didnt let the dog loose onhim...also
at the high five at the end
Originally Posted by georgehimself

Originally Posted by B1acMan365

�Gotta feel bad for the guy
�He�didn't even resist for second, what gives
The whole running away part counts as resisting arrest.
werd.....plus he was driving like a maniac, thank god hedidnt kill or seriously injure anyone with his crazy driving....
I saw the pursuit some cops are completely disgusting! A more harsh punishment should be dished out to stop them from abusing their power.

Dont forget the dude that hit the perp over the head numerous times with the flashlight.
Originally Posted by AirThompson

I saw the pursuit some cops are completely disgusting! A more harsh punishment should be dished out to stop them from abusing their power.

Dont forget the dude that hit the perp over the head numerous times with the flashlight.

Good thats what he gets for putting peoples lives in danger, It isn't like dude was a choirboy, he had a huge rapsheet and regardless of what sentence hegets for this police chase hes most likely going screw up again when he gets out.
yall are wild'n .. a soccer kick to the head and you guys said he deserves that? Things like this really upset me .. Do you guys really think that copgave a +*%% about what homeboy was doing? .. Hell nah they just wanted an excuse to beat on him
Originally Posted by dropKicks

yall are wild'n .. a soccer kick to the head and you guys said he deserves that? Things like this really upset me .. Do you guys really think that cop gave a +*%% about what homeboy was doing? .. Hell nah they just wanted an excuse to beat on him

well if he wasn't a moron and didn't do stuff he shouldn't do he wouldn't have put himself in that position. someone driving that recklesslyneeds to be tar and feathered, he could have hit little kids while evading the police.

stuff like innocent people like sean bell, abner loumia (the guy that got a broomstick shoved up his butt), the 16 year old kid in inglewood that got beat upby the cops a few years back are wrong. this common criminal put lifes in danger and the person whos car he damaged in the chase should have got to kick himin the head and stomp him out as well.
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