Post some things from your childhood VOL....MEMORIES

we used to make our own out of surgical tubing(have no idea how we knew) and pen caps. But these were the ish...
I remember mcdonalds would sell stuff when the Olympics would go on. I have a watch from '98 Olympics in Nagano at my moms crib somewhere. Pops STILL has this cap from '94 Lillehammer Olympics that he rocks to this day lol. I wanna say he paid a couple of bucks for it or it came with a meal, some kinda promotion like that.


I still have a basketball from McDonald's promoting the Dream Team 2 at the '96 Olympics. This Olympic talk also reminded me this...


Michael Johnson was getting a ton of hype and lived up to it. Plus the gold kicks were dope too.


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I still have a basketball from McDonald's promoting the Dream Team 2 at the '96 Olympics. This Olympic talk also reminded me this...


Michael Johnson was getting a ton of hype and lived up to it. Plus the gold kicks were dope too.

Donovan Bailey >>

Had mans tryna be just like him during recess. What was mad impressive to me and i didnt know til years later was he didnt really take sprinting serious til a couple yrs before the 96 olympics
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