Post your Hangover Food...

Does Page 3 redirect to the niketalk homepage for anybody else?


Eggs, bacon and cheese (or fast food...grease) chocolate milk, coffee and a fountain drink...usually coke.

Will have to try pho.
I usually bring one of those cup of noodles to work with me when im hungover, it was my solution for the longest.
pizza is the best if there are leftovers. However it does make a difference, how bad of a hangover I'm handling.If it's real bad, happend about twice,then I cant eat anything on the secound day. If it's a mild one, then I'll eat anything, just like on an average day except a whole lot more.
whats going on in here is this a joke?
like really, I didnt even go toclass today because I woke up seriously hungover, some soup and very light meals will do the trick, how are youguys saying ya eat triple cheeseburgers and*%@+? the morning after Im completely nasiaus(sp), I cant even look at alot of food because I start getting a gang reflex
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

whats going on in here is this a joke?
like really, I didnt even go to class today because I woke up seriously hungover, some soup and very light meals will do the trick, how are youguys saying ya eat triple cheeseburgers and *%@+? the morning after Im completely nasiaus(sp), I cant even look at alot of food because I start getting a gang reflex
Just posted this up in the other hangover related thread. My hangover remedy from last week:


Not pictured: Large bottle of Cold Sake that got me drunk again.
Something from a Pizzeria.. Cheestake, Chicken parm sub, Pizza itself.. man that stuff is so damn good
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

whats going on in here is this a joke?
like really, I didnt even go to class today because I woke up seriously hungover, some soup and very light meals will do the trick, how are youguys saying ya eat triple cheeseburgers and *%@+? the morning after Im completely nasiaus(sp), I cant even look at alot of food because I start getting a gang reflex
I'm sayin tho....I can't eat all that garbage with a hangover..anyways..

Bananas usually do the trick to make me feel better.
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