Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by JimiLebowski

Originally Posted by scshift

-The government is working with private universities and examination administrators like college board to push kids into the endless cycle of "education". They reap millions in dollars while kids go through the same motions under the pretense that they are "learning" and will have a better life.
I agree, what better way to put someone in debt. The whole  idea of paying  45k for education at a university that has endowment funds for well over 1 billion dollars  
. Really makes me laugh
wait, sorry I didn't get this one. Can you explain a bit more about the 1 billion dollars.
He's saying that students have to pay so much to the school when they have so much money already. With so much in endowment, tuition could be lower.
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by JimiLebowski

Originally Posted by scshift

-The government is working with private universities and examination administrators like college board to push kids into the endless cycle of "education". They reap millions in dollars while kids go through the same motions under the pretense that they are "learning" and will have a better life.
I agree, what better way to put someone in debt. The whole  idea of paying  45k for education at a university that has endowment funds for well over 1 billion dollars  
. Really makes me laugh
wait, sorry I didn't get this one. Can you explain a bit more about the 1 billion dollars.
He's saying that students have to pay so much to the school when they have so much money already. With so much in endowment, tuition could be lower.
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by bns1201

i forgot to put that the others are mixed and have evolved in their respective climates and cultures to become what they are today.

I dont see any one race superior to others, I just don't think white/asian people originated from here.

Spoiler [+]
Hear me out. Whenever you hear of alien reports, its always near the same description given. Big head, wide eyes, white humanoids. How hard is it to believe that we are just a science project placed on this earth for no apparent reason?

I fully believe in evolution, so from a little cell in water 6 billion years ago, to Neanderthals, to humanoids, i believe we end up with what we are today, and what we are to become in the future. Bone structure and other features similar to other beings make me feel like all black people are descendents of previous iterations of life on this earth.

I can go deeper, I just don't want to be crowned NTs david duke

Do you really walk around, living life thinking this??


assuming you're religious, you mean to tell me that a man died, rose 3 days later, and ascended to a cloud in the sky....and this sounds odd to you?
assuming you're not religious, you mean to tell me that what we are today came from a cell in a droplet of water that might've fallen from an asteroid in outer space that to this day is probably still floating in space due to its infinite boundaries...and this sounds odd to you?

there is no denying that there are differences in people of lighter and people of darker skin. a theory is just a theory.

LOL you do know there's a VERY simple scientific explanation for differences in skin color that has nothing to do with aliens.
This is almost as bad as people who say black people became the way the are because they are the accursed sons of Ham

[h1]Curse of Ham[/h1]
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Noah damning Ham, 19th century painting by Ivan Stepanovitch Ksenofontov

The Curse of Ham (also called the curse of Canaan) refers to a story in the Book of Genesis 9:20-27 in which Ham's father Noah places a curse upon Ham's son Canaan, after Ham "saw the nakedness of his father," because of Noah's drunkenness in the tent, "and told his two brethren without".

Some Biblical scholars see the story as an early Hebrew rationalization for Israel's conquest and enslavement of the Canaanites, who were presumed to descend from Canaan.[sup][1][/sup]

The "curse of Ham" had been used by some members of Abrahamic religions to justify racism and the enslavement of people of Black African ancestry, who were believed to be descendants of Ham.[sup][2][/sup][sup][3][/sup] They were often called Hamites and were believed to have descended through Canaan or his older brothers. Proponents of slavery in the United States increasingly invoked the "curse of Ham" in the US during the 19th century, as a response to the growing abolitionist movement.[sup][4][/sup]
I would love to see this very simple explanation between people of darker and lighter skin. I want bone structural differences...because black/white/asian people do not look anything alike.

antonlavey you seem like a religious african-american man, would I be wrong in assuming so? might explain why you seem so salty at my individual theory
I would love to see this very simple explanation between people of darker and lighter skin. I want bone structural differences...because black/white/asian people do not look anything alike.

antonlavey you seem like a religious african-american man, would I be wrong in assuming so? might explain why you seem so salty at my individual theory
Originally Posted by BTK

-aliens once ruled the earth and used monkeys as slaves to build the pyramids. Humans are the result of an alien specie mating with monkey (we're just hybrids of a monkey and alien). We humans and the monkeys were sick of being enslaved and overran the aliens at which point they bounced. They said they'll be back in 2012 to take back what's theirs. Hence hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide ya husband too cuz they rapin' everyone out here.
Originally Posted by BTK

-aliens once ruled the earth and used monkeys as slaves to build the pyramids. Humans are the result of an alien specie mating with monkey (we're just hybrids of a monkey and alien). We humans and the monkeys were sick of being enslaved and overran the aliens at which point they bounced. They said they'll be back in 2012 to take back what's theirs. Hence hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide ya husband too cuz they rapin' everyone out here.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Who did u want the "idiots" to vote for?

Anyone but Obama. Perhaps the other option John McCain. I dont like politics, both sides are lies. But Obama is by far the most shady dude who has ever been in office. 

You're entitled to your opinion but I wanted NO PARTS of McCain and Palin....NO PARTS

Hopefully my suspicions are wrong. Hopefully everything jerryjones posted was wrong. But if there is something going on with him you're gonna want every part of McCain.
There is no reason to be more sketched out about a 70 year old American war vet over a muslim man who's been mysteriously all over the middle east named Barack Hussein Obama who cant show his birth certificate when elected but for whatever reason gets 3 years to do so. His past is a huge question mark. Why is that okay?

This man isnt black, this man isnt American, this man is bad news. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Who did u want the "idiots" to vote for?

Anyone but Obama. Perhaps the other option John McCain. I dont like politics, both sides are lies. But Obama is by far the most shady dude who has ever been in office. 

You're entitled to your opinion but I wanted NO PARTS of McCain and Palin....NO PARTS

Hopefully my suspicions are wrong. Hopefully everything jerryjones posted was wrong. But if there is something going on with him you're gonna want every part of McCain.
There is no reason to be more sketched out about a 70 year old American war vet over a muslim man who's been mysteriously all over the middle east named Barack Hussein Obama who cant show his birth certificate when elected but for whatever reason gets 3 years to do so. His past is a huge question mark. Why is that okay?

This man isnt black, this man isnt American, this man is bad news. 
Originally Posted by bns1201

I would love to see this very simple explanation between people of darker and lighter skin. I want bone structural differences...because black/white/asian people do not look anything alike.

antonlavey you seem like a religious african-american man,
would I be wrong in assuming so? might explain why you seem so salty at my individual theory


How the hell can you say you believe in evolution yet dismiss one of the more clear-cut examples of evolution/adaptation at work? That's like saying because different species of birds are so different (extreme example cause "races" of men are not that different) an alien must have put them there. Human beings of all races are born with the same number of melanocytes (the cells that produce skin pigmentation), more melanin is produced in darker skinned people as an ADAPTATION that protects from the damage of U.V. rays in the sun.

NOTICE how the skin color gets lighter as you get further from the equator


The same concept applies to other superficial features that have been selected for based on environmental stressors. Even within the "black race" certain features are selected for based on culture and environment. If the women in a certain tribe are taught to value eg. a long face, that is what will be selected for across generations.

Another example of adaptation at work can be seen with disease susceptibility. Certain inherited hemoglobinopathies (eg. sickle cell anemia, Beta thalassemia) are more prevalent amongst races that live in environments where mosquitos flourish. Blood traits were selected for confering resistance to malaria, consequentially creating disease in homozygotes.

Human diversity is a lot more complicated than "AN ALIEN LEFT ASIANS AND WHITE PEOPLE HERE". Your theory doesn't even account for the diversity within the classically defined "Races" of men. What about "Indians" from South Asia? Were they also one of the original people simply because they were dark-skinned. Although they are dark skinned like Africans, their physical features are very different....did Aliens do this as well?

Yea I know, I'm making you think.....sorry.
Originally Posted by bns1201

I would love to see this very simple explanation between people of darker and lighter skin. I want bone structural differences...because black/white/asian people do not look anything alike.

antonlavey you seem like a religious african-american man,
would I be wrong in assuming so? might explain why you seem so salty at my individual theory


How the hell can you say you believe in evolution yet dismiss one of the more clear-cut examples of evolution/adaptation at work? That's like saying because different species of birds are so different (extreme example cause "races" of men are not that different) an alien must have put them there. Human beings of all races are born with the same number of melanocytes (the cells that produce skin pigmentation), more melanin is produced in darker skinned people as an ADAPTATION that protects from the damage of U.V. rays in the sun.

NOTICE how the skin color gets lighter as you get further from the equator


The same concept applies to other superficial features that have been selected for based on environmental stressors. Even within the "black race" certain features are selected for based on culture and environment. If the women in a certain tribe are taught to value eg. a long face, that is what will be selected for across generations.

Another example of adaptation at work can be seen with disease susceptibility. Certain inherited hemoglobinopathies (eg. sickle cell anemia, Beta thalassemia) are more prevalent amongst races that live in environments where mosquitos flourish. Blood traits were selected for confering resistance to malaria, consequentially creating disease in homozygotes.

Human diversity is a lot more complicated than "AN ALIEN LEFT ASIANS AND WHITE PEOPLE HERE". Your theory doesn't even account for the diversity within the classically defined "Races" of men. What about "Indians" from South Asia? Were they also one of the original people simply because they were dark-skinned. Although they are dark skinned like Africans, their physical features are very different....did Aliens do this as well?

Yea I know, I'm making you think.....sorry.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by JimiLebowski

I agree, what better way to put someone in debt. The whole  idea of paying  45k for education at a university that has endowment funds for well over 1 billion dollars  
. Really makes me laugh
wait, sorry I didn't get this one. Can you explain a bit more about the 1 billion dollars.
He's saying that students have to pay so much to the school when they have so much money already. With so much in endowment, tuition could be lower.
ahhh. I see. Ok thanks for clearing that up.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by JimiLebowski

I agree, what better way to put someone in debt. The whole  idea of paying  45k for education at a university that has endowment funds for well over 1 billion dollars  
. Really makes me laugh
wait, sorry I didn't get this one. Can you explain a bit more about the 1 billion dollars.
He's saying that students have to pay so much to the school when they have so much money already. With so much in endowment, tuition could be lower.
ahhh. I see. Ok thanks for clearing that up.
Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by BTK

-aliens once ruled the earth and used monkeys as slaves to build the pyramids. Humans are the result of an alien specie mating with monkey (we're just hybrids of a monkey and alien). We humans and the monkeys were sick of being enslaved and overran the aliens at which point they bounced. They said they'll be back in 2012 to take back what's theirs. Hence hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide ya husband too cuz they rapin' everyone out here.

lol word.  that actually's believable.  That'd be a good *#* movie too  
Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by BTK

-aliens once ruled the earth and used monkeys as slaves to build the pyramids. Humans are the result of an alien specie mating with monkey (we're just hybrids of a monkey and alien). We humans and the monkeys were sick of being enslaved and overran the aliens at which point they bounced. They said they'll be back in 2012 to take back what's theirs. Hence hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide ya husband too cuz they rapin' everyone out here.

lol word.  that actually's believable.  That'd be a good *#* movie too  
-Carbon dating is a faulty process because not all things are considered.
-Science is a growing body of knowledge; not the final authority on anything and we hurt ourselves by using science as 3rd party system rather than placing ourselves in our relation to all things as the focal point of our study.

-The widespread constant use of technology may cause atrophy in some areas of our bodies, and development in others...

-Some aliens are cloned genetic human experiments hence why people argue over the resemblance to certain races. Some aliens probably have humanoid form but may be different colors from the other end of the spectrum like blue,green, purple and I think there are planes of existence that are beyond color and are clear. Like an expansive reflection of a reflection of mirrors or smooth water and things are operating at such a high frequency there that things don't appear to have the time to even materialize and become visible.

-Religion is like having a substitute teacher while your homeroom teacher is gone on pregnancy leave. With homework that's really busywork.

-Spirituality ≠ Religion

-Chivalry is dead

-I can't believe a 2012 movie was made. Nobody thought it was tasteless either. 

- I don't agree with the military on a lot of things, but it behooves me as to why veterans can't get decent care when they come home. I mean come on, these guys would and have taken bullets for the country and they come back home and haggle around just to be treated. these guys and ladies should be treated to free everything when they get back home for what they go through and do.

-The world is too busy changing while people are trying their best to stay the same.
-Carbon dating is a faulty process because not all things are considered.
-Science is a growing body of knowledge; not the final authority on anything and we hurt ourselves by using science as 3rd party system rather than placing ourselves in our relation to all things as the focal point of our study.

-The widespread constant use of technology may cause atrophy in some areas of our bodies, and development in others...

-Some aliens are cloned genetic human experiments hence why people argue over the resemblance to certain races. Some aliens probably have humanoid form but may be different colors from the other end of the spectrum like blue,green, purple and I think there are planes of existence that are beyond color and are clear. Like an expansive reflection of a reflection of mirrors or smooth water and things are operating at such a high frequency there that things don't appear to have the time to even materialize and become visible.

-Religion is like having a substitute teacher while your homeroom teacher is gone on pregnancy leave. With homework that's really busywork.

-Spirituality ≠ Religion

-Chivalry is dead

-I can't believe a 2012 movie was made. Nobody thought it was tasteless either. 

- I don't agree with the military on a lot of things, but it behooves me as to why veterans can't get decent care when they come home. I mean come on, these guys would and have taken bullets for the country and they come back home and haggle around just to be treated. these guys and ladies should be treated to free everything when they get back home for what they go through and do.

-The world is too busy changing while people are trying their best to stay the same.
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Yea I know, I'm making you think.....sorry

no need to get rude homeboy

Sry, I mean don't get me wrong I have some pretty weird theories on aliens as well....I guess I shouldn't be one to talk. Shrugs.
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Yea I know, I'm making you think.....sorry

no need to get rude homeboy

Sry, I mean don't get me wrong I have some pretty weird theories on aliens as well....I guess I shouldn't be one to talk. Shrugs.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Yea I know, I'm making you think.....sorry

no need to get rude homeboy

Sry, I mean don't get me wrong I have some pretty weird theories on aliens as well....I guess I shouldn't be one to talk. Shrugs.

would love to hear them. I've seen them a handful of times no G14

Originally Posted by Wr

The widespread constant use of technology may cause atrophy in some areas of our bodies, and development in others...

Humans will go blind from the widespread use of screens. The growth of their usage far outpaces our evolutionary ability to get used to them, I myself make a conscious effort to keep my exposure to them low
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Yea I know, I'm making you think.....sorry

no need to get rude homeboy

Sry, I mean don't get me wrong I have some pretty weird theories on aliens as well....I guess I shouldn't be one to talk. Shrugs.

would love to hear them. I've seen them a handful of times no G14

Originally Posted by Wr

The widespread constant use of technology may cause atrophy in some areas of our bodies, and development in others...

Humans will go blind from the widespread use of screens. The growth of their usage far outpaces our evolutionary ability to get used to them, I myself make a conscious effort to keep my exposure to them low

Originally Posted by Wr

The widespread constant use of technology may cause atrophy in some areas of our bodies, and development in others...

Humans will go blind from the widespread use of screens. The growth of their usage far outpaces our evolutionary ability to get used to them, I myself make a conscious effort to keep my exposure to them low

I think that's an interesting  point about technology atrophying some muscles and strengthening others.  About becoming blind from too many screens, if something like that happens I'm thinking we'll already see that trend coming so we'll probably develop high tech eye surgery/contact lenses/glasses to stop it.  And about the atrophy of muscles we'll probably develop something to counter that as well. something similiar of what i was talkin about thats already out

Originally Posted by Wr

The widespread constant use of technology may cause atrophy in some areas of our bodies, and development in others...

Humans will go blind from the widespread use of screens. The growth of their usage far outpaces our evolutionary ability to get used to them, I myself make a conscious effort to keep my exposure to them low

I think that's an interesting  point about technology atrophying some muscles and strengthening others.  About becoming blind from too many screens, if something like that happens I'm thinking we'll already see that trend coming so we'll probably develop high tech eye surgery/contact lenses/glasses to stop it.  And about the atrophy of muscles we'll probably develop something to counter that as well. something similiar of what i was talkin about thats already out
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