post your unpopular pop culture opinions VOL..JIMMIES WILL BE RUSTLED

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Richard Sherman was right......

Arizona is a Mediocre state.................................. Mediocre
His name is Blackagar Boltagon.

How can you front on that?

I'm on my phone so I might need Master Zik to back me up regarding BB's awesomeness.
Not really pop culture related, but since I've been seeing so many commercials lately:

If you go to Devry, Everest, University of Phoenix, etc. you aren't going to a real school. Plain and simple.

Any school that has a 100% acceptance rate doesn't get respect in my book.

I'm all for education and furthering your career, but there are better ways to do it. Especially since most standard 4 year Universities have more flexible options including online and night classes.
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Black Bolt is better than your favorite superhero.
He sucks
Basically has the power of a woman
Yelling really loud
The awesome thing about black bolt is that he often doesn't even need to yell. He speaks softly and kicks ***. It's so wonderfully disrespectful
When written to power level Black Bolt is near unstoppable unless you're bringing in some GOD level character.

Also Hulk aint better than Sentry. Sentry tamed the Hulk like his *****, he literally made the Hulk his sidekick.
Static shock was lame.

Only black super hero's with some clout was the green lantern and martian manhunter
Static Shock was hella lame.

Was Martian Manhunter even Black though ? I thought he was a Green superhero

Blade and Black Panther are some great black super heroes with lots of clout. War Machine was dope, but over time they had him play second fiddle to Iron Man.... funny thing about War Machine was he was introduced to take Iron Mans place because Tony had a recurring alcohol problem in the comic. Storm of Xmen probably had one of the coolest powers ever.

And dont forget about Spawn... Best super hero ever; black, white, green, purple or crispy.
MM was voiced by a black dude, so its close 

completely forgot spawn was black. he's antihero though. 
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