President Obama insults Special Olympics on Leno. Apology Issued to Special Olympics P7

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by rickybadman

1. lol.... you don't even know who I voted for. know what they say when you assume...

2. how do you get that I'm "taking it hard?" b/c I'm commenting on it?
good lord.. get real kid.
1. I know you are a conservative and talked badly about Obama at eh beginning of the election so I doubt you voted for him buddy. Maybe you voted for McCain or wasted it on Paul

2. I read your post, you sound like you ate taking it hard little man
1. just goes to show how little you know about me
2. when does writing about something equate to "taking it hard?"

I guess to you anyone who comments against this is "taking it hard" as well?
what idiotic logic....boiling down to "you mad!!"
Whatever man I am a grown man, I just think you and your high and mighty act is just old. SMH

Just because you're an adult doesn't make you aman.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

this is what we have become as a society... dwelling on faux outrage. It was a bad joke that is delicate to certain segment of our society but if anything it shows his human side, we all have indulged in a juvenile joke that we end up cringing over.

its becoming apparent that people will never get over the fact Obama won on Nov 4th, just pure saltiness on some people's part.
exactly what I wanted to say but not as well with words.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by rickybadman

1. lol.... you don't even know who I voted for. know what they say when you assume...

2. how do you get that I'm "taking it hard?" b/c I'm commenting on it?
good lord.. get real kid.
1. I know you are a conservative and talked badly about Obama at eh beginning of the election so I doubt you voted for him buddy. Maybe you voted for McCain or wasted it on Paul

2. I read your post, you sound like you ate taking it hard little man
1. just goes to show how little you know about me
2. when does writing about something equate to "taking it hard?"

I guess to you anyone who comments against this is "taking it hard" as well?
what idiotic logic....boiling down to "you mad!!"
Whatever man I am a grown man, I just think you and your high and mighty act is just old. SMH

You are so lame. If I remember correctly Dirty voted for Obama cause he saidneither of them are financially conservative so he might as well vote for a president who will carelessly spend his money on better things.*verbatim*
What is this guy doing on leno anyway? Seems to me hes more concerned with "playing" president than actually being president. How about you focus onthe economy instead of filling out brackets and appearing on late night television
Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

What is this guy doing on leno anyway? Seems to me hes more concerned with "playing" president than actually being president. How about you focus on the economy instead of filling out brackets and appearing on late night television
The President is just a figure head like the Queen of England. DUH
Originally Posted by dr funk 13

Originally Posted by jerseymizzle

it's a joke. christ.

so if people made offending jokes about somebody's race...
it's just a joke. right?

justt because it's a "joke" doesn't make it right


pretty distasteful. and yes, Bush would never have heard the end of it, just like all of his other misquotes and sayings.
instead, "aside from being president, obama seems pretty cool"
this guy right here never seen def comedy jam
It was joke WOW NOW THE WHOLE WORLD IS GOING TO END!!!!!!. Some yall need a slice of pie, or a glass of lemonade to bring yall back down to reality. Ftr I gota cousin who will be partcipating in the next special olympics, his mother is not mad about the situation at all.
Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

What is this guy doing on leno anyway? Seems to me hes more concerned with "playing" president than actually being president. How about you focus on the economy instead of filling out brackets and appearing on late night television

Yeah because I'm sure the initiatives he's taken so far (which Bush has done nothing to address in his 8 years) sure equates to sitting on his *@%.Republicans jumped on him once he wanted to regulate what these major corp's did with the bailout money they recieved, claiming its unethical and we'reheading into a socialist economy, then when the AIG news breaks out everyone is UP IN ARMS about how they can be so finaincially irresponisble.

Tonight Show reaches a different audience, those who don't watch CNN/NBC and other news outlets regularly as some of us do, what exactly is the big deal?

People expect perfection from this man, fixing the economy doesn't take 1 month, this will take longer than his 1-2 terms in office and beyond. Problem isthe people that dislike him or lean right (not referring to you) is that they will jump on him at every opportunity rather than understand that this is goingto be a slow process that will require our patience.
Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

What is this guy doing on leno anyway? Seems to me hes more concerned with "playing" president than actually being president. How about you focus on the economy instead of filling out brackets and appearing on late night television
at using a Republican Talking Point...Let dude have some damn leisure time like everyone else including every president (Bush was an avid biker, etc.).. They need to do something else. If theyspend 24 hours, everyday, no break, no time to do things that make them happy. They will go insane and we don't need that... And if you watched Leno hetalked about policy also along with jokes which is no different than a Senator going on MSNBC, CNN or Fox News.
Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

What is this guy doing on leno anyway? Seems to me hes more concerned with "playing" president than actually being president. How about you focus on the economy instead of filling out brackets and appearing on late night television

Hes president %%$!@..we run +$%% now..
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

What is this guy doing on leno anyway? Seems to me hes more concerned with "playing" president than actually being president. How about you focus on the economy instead of filling out brackets and appearing on late night television
at using a Republican Talking Point... Let dude have some damn leisure time like everyone else including every president (Bush was an avid biker, etc.).. They need to do something else. If they spend 24 hours, everyday, no break, no time to do things that make them happy. They will go insane and we don't need that... And if you watched Leno he talked about policy also along with jokes which is no different than a Senator going on MSNBC, CNN or Fox News.

This is funny how roles are reversed now. When bush went on vacation to crawford ranch. People would %+%@@ and complain about him taking vacations under thecircumstances (war, economy) now that its obama, nobody seems to mind.
Even if he meant it to be funny, he still needs to watch what he says because he is the president and he knows better that people are going to take what hesays and it can blow up into something big.
- I've been thinking about this on-and-off, all day; and, a 127 or 129 or whatever he said IS indeed a solid"Special Olympics" bowling score

- I mean seriously, though, a "Special Olympian" probably does not bowl better than say 150 on the best dayof their life.

- I mean, from a literal sense, his score probably DOES in fact fall in the window of an above average "SpecialOlympic" bowling contestant. I mean a good "normal" human bowling score is like 170+. Good "SpecialOlympic" score is like 80-140.

- Obama said it, I would have said it without reducing the volume of my voice
Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

What is this guy doing on leno anyway? Seems to me hes more concerned with "playing" president than actually being president. How about you focus on the economy instead of filling out brackets and appearing on late night television
at using a Republican Talking Point... Let dude have some damn leisure time like everyone else including every president (Bush was an avid biker, etc.).. They need to do something else. If they spend 24 hours, everyday, no break, no time to do things that make them happy. They will go insane and we don't need that... And if you watched Leno he talked about policy also along with jokes which is no different than a Senator going on MSNBC, CNN or Fox News.

This is funny how roles are reversed now. When bush went on vacation to crawford ranch. People would %+%@@ and complain about him taking vacations under the circumstances (war, economy) now that its obama, nobody seems to mind.
An idiot comparing 1 hour in a week to 879 days (that's all at the Crawford Ranch so the exact number may be double)
.... To let you know the NCAA picks were done before meetings.Leno was done after a town hall..
If I remember correctly Dirty voted for Obama cause he said neither of them are financially conservative so he might as well vote for a president who will carelessly spend his money on better things.*verbatim*

Funny how the news today are talking about Obama/Special Olympics and less focus on the report by theCongressional Budget Office stating that the DEFICIT under the Obama budgets would reach 9 TRILLION dollars.

I wonder if Obama said that last night just to Wag the dog?
[h1]Obama budget could bring $9.3 trillion in deficits[/h1]

President Barack Obama's budget would produce $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade, more than four times the deficits of Republican George W. Bush's presidency, congressional auditors said Friday.

The new Congressional Budget Office figures offered a far more dire outlook for Obama's budget than the new administration predicted just last month - a deficit $2.3 trillion worse. It's a prospect even the president's own budget director called unsustainable.


Guess no Universal Health plan but hey at least we got our $400 Working Credit refund.
Thanks Obama!!
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

If I remember correctly Dirty voted for Obama cause he said neither of them are financially conservative so he might as well vote for a president who will carelessly spend his money on better things.*verbatim*

Funny how the news today are talking about Obama/Special Olympics and less focus on the report by the Congressional Budget Office stating that the DEFICIT under the Obama budgets would reach 9 TRILLION dollars.

I wonder if Obama said that last night just to Wag the dog?
[h1]Obama budget could bring $9.3 trillion in deficits[/h1]

President Barack Obama's budget would produce $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade, more than four times the deficits of Republican George W. Bush's presidency, congressional auditors said Friday.

The new Congressional Budget Office figures offered a far more dire outlook for Obama's budget than the new administration predicted just last month - a deficit $2.3 trillion worse. It's a prospect even the president's own budget director called unsustainable.


Guess no Universal Health plan but hey at least we got our $400 Working Credit refund.
Thanks Obama!!


9.3 trillion? FTL.
Originally Posted by Hodog16

Anybody who is trying to spin this thing into something positive is just kidding themselves. How Obama becomes a better person by insulting a large portion of the country is beyond me. And those who think "you're being too sensitive" need to stop thinking concretely and see the world from others' eyes.
acknowledging your mistake and showing contrition makes you a better person. I believe he's capable of doing that.

I don't agree with the "you're being too sensitive" mindset. it's the insensitivity of the comment which is at the heart of the matter.
His controversial joke hadn't even aired yet when President Obama got on the phone from Air Force One Thursday night to apologize for comparing his notoriously bad bowling skills to the Special Olympics.

The president's late-night gaffe comes as he faces criticism over AIG.

"He expressed his disappointment and he apologized, I think, in a way that was very moving," Tim Shriver, the chairman of the Special Olympics board, told "Good Morning America" today.

"He expressed that he did not intend to humiliate this population, certainly didn't want to embarrass or give anybody any more reason for pain or just suffering, I would say," said Shriver, who received the call from Obama as the president was flying back to Washington.

"He was very sincere, expressed an interest and an openness in being more engaged in the movement, and said he was a fan of the movement and I think, importantly, he said he was ready to have some of our athletes over to the White House to bowl or play basketball or help him improve his score."

see. there you go. there's no defending him on what he said. and, as expected, from what I believe is a good man - an immediate sincereapology.

Contrition - it's an asset that we all can possess.
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