President Obama Is Having A Terrible Day: 2 Nominees Withdraw Because of Tax Issues

Nov 15, 2007
[table][tr][td][/td] [/tr][/table]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Daschle withdraws as nominee for HHS secretary[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Feb 3 12:54 PM US/Eastern[/td] [/tr][/table]
WASHINGTON (AP) - Tom Daschle has withdrawn his nomination to be Health and Human Services secretary.
That's according to a joint White House statement from President Barack Obama and his former nominee.

Obama said Tuesday he accepted the withdrawal "with sadness and regret."

Daschle has been battling for his nomination since it was disclosed he failed to pay more than $120,000 in taxes.

He said he's withdrawing because he's not a leader who has the full faith of Congress and will be a distraction.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

February 3, 2009, 10:47 am [h2]Citing Tax Troubles, an Obama Appointee Withdraws[/h2] By Jeff Zeleny
Nancy Killefer had been selected by President Obama to fill the newly created position of chief performance officer at the White House. (Joshua Roberts/Bloomberg News)

Updated President Obama's choice for the position of chief White House performance officer has withdrawn from consideration for the post, an administration official said Tuesday, after coming forward with concerns about her tax returns.

Nancy Killefer, appointed by the president last month to a new position to scrutinize government spending, told the administration on Monday that she intended to step down from the position at the Office of Management and Budget. An administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity because the announcement was not finalized, confirmed that Ms. Killefer's withdrawal came because of questions with her taxes. Update: In her resignation letter to Mr. Obama, she described the problem as a tax-related issue stemming from Washington, D.C. unemployment.

The withdrawal, first reported by NBC News, came as the White House was already grappling with controversy over the tax returns of Tom Daschle, the president's choice to lead the Health and Human Services Department. Ms. Killefer's post, as a deputy at O.M.B., required Senate confirmation.

The administration official said the reasons for Ms. Killefer's withdrawal would be released later on Tuesday. In a letter to Mr. Obama, she wrote:
I recognize that your agenda and the duties facing your Chief Performance Officer are urgent. I have also come to realize in the current environment that my personal tax issue of D.C. Unemployment tax could be used to create exactly the kind of distraction and delay those duties must avoid. Because of this I must reluctantly ask you to withdraw my name from consideration.

I am deeply honored to have been selected by you and you have my deep appreciation for your confidence in me. You have my heartfelt support and best wishes for success in all your endeavors.

Ms. Killefer, head of consulting firm McKinsey & Co.'s Washington office, was named to the new position on Jan. 7.

In the announcement, Mr. Obama said she would help "restore the American people's cofidence in their government."

"Meeting the challenges of rebuilding our economy and bringing a new sense of responsibility to Washington isn't just about rearranging numbers on a balance sheet - it's about renewing people's trust in their leadership," Mr. Obama told reporters at his transition headquarters, with Ms. Killefer at his side. "Because in order to restore confidence in our economy, we must restore the American people's confidence in their government - that it's on their side, spending their money wisely, to meet their families' needs. I am confident that with Nancy's leadership, and the efforts of leaders on both sides of the aisle, we will do just that."

Damn President Obama just can't catch a break, partial blame should go to his vetting process but still why are these individuals applying forpositions knowing they have outstanding tax problems. The same individuals who help to write our moronic tax code fail to pay them, imagine all the outstandingrevenue out there on political figures evading their taxes.

This has gotta be embarrassing for the Obama Administration
Don't forget Tim Geithner the Treasury Secretary, he had tax problems as well. But he didn't withdraw and was confirmed the other day.
yep yep yep. his ratings are down also. his ratings were up there with god and nostradamus and now he is like at mount rushmore. 50 something %. wait isnthe the messiah. every one is supposed to love this troll. oh well socialism, corruption here we come. oh wait thats what he did in chicago.
Originally Posted by elgrenas

yep yep yep. his ratings are down also. his ratings were up there with god and nostradamus and now he is like at mount rushmore. 50 something %. wait isnt he the messiah. every one is supposed to love this troll. oh well socialism, corruption here we come. oh wait thats what he did in chicago.
you got some evidence to back up your claims of how he runied chicago
Originally Posted by elgrenas

yep yep yep. his ratings are down also. his ratings were up there with god and nostradamus and now he is like at mount rushmore. 50 something %. wait isnt he the messiah. every one is supposed to love this troll. oh well socialism, corruption here we come. oh wait thats what he did in chicago.
As soon as he has a slight issue, ya'll on his backasap
Originally Posted by elgrenas

yep yep yep. his ratings are down also. his ratings were up there with god and nostradamus and now he is like at mount rushmore. 50 something %. wait isnt he the messiah. every one is supposed to love this troll. oh well socialism, corruption here we come. oh wait thats what he did in chicago.
You seriously sound like a tool.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by elgrenas

yep yep yep. his ratings are down also. his ratings were up there with god and nostradamus and now he is like at mount rushmore. 50 something %. wait isnt he the messiah. every one is supposed to love this troll. oh well socialism, corruption here we come. oh wait thats what he did in chicago.
As soon as he has a slight issue, ya'll on his back asap

na never like this moron.
Originally Posted by elgrenas

yep yep yep. his ratings are down also. his ratings were up there with god and nostradamus and now he is like at mount rushmore. 50 something %. wait isnt he the messiah. every one is supposed to love this troll. oh well socialism, corruption here we come. oh wait thats what he did in chicago.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by elgrenas

yep yep yep. his ratings are down also. his ratings were up there with god and nostradamus and now he is like at mount rushmore. 50 something %. wait isnt he the messiah. every one is supposed to love this troll. oh well socialism, corruption here we come. oh wait thats what he did in chicago.
You seriously sound like a tool.
You're right.
Obama's the tool.

They'll give you change alright.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by elgrenas

yep yep yep. his ratings are down also. his ratings were up there with god and nostradamus and now he is like at mount rushmore. 50 something %. wait isnt he the messiah. every one is supposed to love this troll. oh well socialism, corruption here we come. oh wait thats what he did in chicago.
You seriously sound like a tool.
You're right.
Obama's the tool.

They'll give you change alright.
Wow, we're in agreement, at least in general. The Obama Administration is pump-faking people like no other - although I don't believethis issue has much to do with it.
Originally Posted by elgrenas

yep yep yep. his ratings are down also. his ratings were up there with god and nostradamus and now he is like at mount rushmore. 50 something %. wait isnt
he the messiah. every one is supposed to love this troll. oh well socialism, corruption here we come. oh wait thats what he did in chicago.

What an idiot. I'm surprised you haven't made your presence know here before now.
We need a constitutional amendment. If a president nominates three or more tax cheats to his cabinet, he is barred from signing any tax increases that Congresssends him. Why did they avoid paying taxes? Maybe because it is unpleasant to be forced to give part of the fruits of your labor to an entity that essentiallygives you no choice but to pay them or ultimately be punished by force and then you only see a few pennies on the dollar because the rest of that money ismostly dolled out by incumbents who are buying votes. There is one other reason for this apparent hypocrisy and it is that maybe our tax code is so bloated andcomplex that even those who are supposed to run the nation's treasury and those who once were in the Senate and were part of the process of creatingcertain parts of the tax code have trouble fully understanding it.

I really do not fault Obama's cabinet choices for avoiding taxes and keeping more of their own money, I just wish that they would extend that privilege toevery one who pays taxes and do it emphatically instead of lecturing those of us who are not politically connected to grin and keep on paying the perpetualransom that they call taxes, fees, tariffs and other euphemisms for institutionalized theft.

BTW, why hasn't Joe Biden been insisting on vetting these people more thoroughly? According to him, paying taxes at what ever rate the government wants andnot complaining is patriotic. Therefore, avoiding taxes or even grumbling about them is unpatriotic. Other Obama supporters call those who avoid taxes or eventhose who want to work through legal channels to lower taxes "selfish."

Why are they creating a cabinet that is unpatriotic and selfish by their own definition?
Obama approval rating (Real Clear Politics) 61.8% approval.. 19.4% disapproval. Yeah it looks like everyone hates him
So Bush drowns the U.S. in debt for the past 8 yrs and as soon as Obama gets into office....... less then 20 days may I add...... people waana throw him underthe bus for trying to help out in what looks to be turning into a depression.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

So Bush drowns the U.S. in debt for the past 8 yrs and as soon as Obama gets into office....... less then 20 days may I add...... people waana throw him under the bus for trying to help out in what looks to be turning into a depression.

Tax evaders/frauds are being exposed, I dont see what you are getting at.
These people have no excuses for not paying their taxes. And they're supposed to be our leaders, smh.
How dare you try and talk bad about Obama.

But, I don't think this really has much to do with him personally, but I do find it VERY odd that 2 people that he has tried to appoint have tax issues. Wereally need to reform the tax code somehow.

I hear of people who didn't pay a fraction of what I paid in taxes getting thousands more than me back. How is that even possible?
These nominees don't really have tax problems.
90% of Americans have 'tax problems' if the IRS looks hard enough.

A message is being sent.
My sentiments exactly, 703

Especially Mr. "I dont know the tax code cos it's too complicated, but I knew enough to try to finaggle an invalid sleep away camp deduction for mykids" Geithner

The man doesnt even have an economics background - he is a politician. A sophisticated prostitute.

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