Professor: Class, go ahead and form permanent groups amongst yourselves with people you don't know

Apr 27, 2014
*All the students who have somehow known each other since preschool group up*

*This includes the geniuses and smart kids*

*I'm left to form a group with the kids who never come to class or who never participate*

*While discussing important matters, two girls decide to laugh at something funny on Instagram instead*

Does anyone else hate when the professor makes you form your own groups as opposed to assigning your groups?
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group work sucked

i had a good group in my playwrighting class once but only cause i grouped up with friends from high school :lol:
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Id tell the professor I'm doin the work n they aren't gettin credit for my work....

Messed up that u got stuck with them but don't let them get the free ride do what u need to do my man
Id tell the professor I'm doin the work n they aren't gettin credit for my work....

Messed up that u got stuck with them but don't let them get the free ride do what u need to do my man
it doesnt work like that

and im sure the professor doesnt give a damn
Sometimes they will understand... Sometimes being the key word... I hate free loathers that do **** like that gets under my skin
You gotta just bite the bullet and move on. I did all the work on my group project freshman year of college. Me and another dude. Group of like 5 or 7 total, only 2 people put in effort :smh: **** happens though.
I don't mind doing all the work. At least I know the stuff will be good. I just want ppl to not choke during presentations.
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Group work sucks whether you're with your friends or with strangers.

The only people that like group projects are the slackers.
Op all I can say is you better hope the workload aint too heavy or hope and pray the professor changes his/her mind. I failed my marketing class in a situation similar to this, got an F on the group project which was a major percentage of the grade and straight failed the course.

Another situation like this was back when i took freshman seminar and we had a group project to turn in on the last day, partners never showed up and had me at the front of class presenting the project by my damn self. If i had seen them dudes later that day they would've got volcano god smacked
How many weeks did you have before you had to form groups?

You gotta go out of your way to talk to people.

Is it possible to switch with someone from another group?

Tell the prof you have ebola, so you can't do group work.
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Always make friends with the person next to you. Thats what i do. So if the professor ever assigns group work you're good :smokin

But if you're in a group with a person that doesn't do work tell the professor :smokin . Im snitchin' i dont care.
I met some of my favorite people in a college work group. I was blessed to have people that were about that action and we got an A
I used to be forced to be with the people that never did work. Same dudes who wouldn't dress out for PE and then when the teacher would tell them it's the 3rd time they don't dress out and they'd just be like "ok."
always be proactive when the group announcement gets dropped. I am not saying you have to leap over some desk. but everybody knows who the strong players are in the class.

9/10 if you ask them to get down with you on the project with that type A voice and persistence, they wont say no. (unless they're jerks)
always be proactive when the group announcement gets dropped. I am not saying you have to leap over some desk. but everybody knows who the strong players are in the class.

9/10 if you ask them to get down with you on the project with that type A voice and persistence, they wont say no. (unless they're jerks)
This would require one to be Type A. Seems like OP more the type to sit back and complain. 
I always either get that guy who wants to meet up all the time when it's not even necessary or that guy who doesn't ever want to do anything and is super slow to respond to emails.

Every once in a while group work is awesome. Like right now I'm partnered with this girl that's laid back, but really responsive so we've been able to organize everything just through email. That's when it's ideal. It's like having another person to split the work with and no extra hassle.
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Almost all my groups in undergrad consisted of me alone, or a fraction of the group doing all the work.

Once got a group in Grad School that worked like a well oiled machine. Everybody did their work, did not need much communication. Just everybody did their job. IT WAS GLORIOUS.
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I hated group work, but it's a good opportunity to meet females... I smanged a couple thots in college I probably would have never even talked to if we weren't forced to make our own groups.
I never found out if my group members were slackers or not. I intentionally strong armed the group every time and did majority of the work because I wanted the A. I knew it was gonna get done because I was doing it. Just couldnt take the risk man
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